
We're going to rise again some of these days

See, the solar system controls botany life, the sun, s-u-n. And just us soon as that warm sun moves from around behind the earth, and gets back around here, there's a germ of life somewhere in there that no scientist can find, but that little flower lives again. It's served its purpose. It lives again, because it's life. Well, if God made a way for the solar system to raise up again a life that served Him, what about the S-o-n when He comes with Eternal Life? And we have Eternal Life. We're going to rise again some of these days. Let's just serve our purpose well. Whatever we are, let's serve it. Whatever place God's put you, let's serve it. For the S-o-n is going to rise one of these days with healing in His wings. I want to come forth then, in the brightness and the glory of His resurrection. I want to walk arm-in-arm with each one of you, up before His Presence.

Life - 62-0719B - William Branham

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