
He knows the way; we don't

68. And there's always been an ark in God's economy. There was a ark in the days of Noah for the saving of his people. There was an ark in the days of the law, the ark of testimony in the days of the law. They followed the ark, and there is a third dispensation now, like Noah's time, Lot's time, and now this time. There's a ark now, and that ark is not a denomination; neither is it a good works that you do; it's by one Spirit. Romans 8:1: We're all baptized into one body in the domain of that Kingdom, one spiritual baptism. No matter how good, how bad, whatever, you're in that Kingdom by--by Holy Ghost baptism. See? That's the only way you'll overcome. It's all that is under the shed Blood is overcomers, 'cause you cannot overcome yourself; it's He that overcome for you. You're resting.
"How do I know then, Brother Branham, that I'm in there?" Watch what kind of a life you're living. Just look around. See if it's just lived out of you automatically. Or do you have to strain and pull (See?), then you're doing it. But don't try to do it.

70. Just how, just--just--just like putting a little baby's arm in a sleeve-hole (You see?), he's just up, down, over, and everything else. See? He can't do it. "Put on your coat, honey." He can't do it. His little arm's up, down, and around. It takes your steady hand. And oh, how glad I am that I can just yield my hand to Father, say, "Lord Jesus, I can't get in there. You help me; put the coat on me. I quit trying." Just let Him do it.

71. See, if the little baby keeps trying, "Oh, I can do it; I can do it." And he's just everywhere; He can't do it. Neither can you; neither can I. But if we just hold still and let Him do it, just yield to Him, "Here, Lord, here I am. Just--just let--let me be nothing. And I--I--I yield; You put my hand in the right place." That's the victory; that's overcoming.
The thing you have to overcome is yourself, your ideas, your things, and surrender yourself to Him. He overcome for you. He knows the way; we don't.

How Can I Overcome - 63-0825M - William Branham

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