
Then we've got to find out what the Doctor prescribed

Therefore, if there's something wrong in the church today, that it's not progressing the way it should, it's to my opinion that we ought to go back to the Prescription, find out just exactly what's wrong, that this church is so sick that there is disease in our church, sin disease. Then we've got to find out what the Doctor prescribed, and see if our druggist pastors are giving us the right Prescription. And, remember, you can add something to a real close diagnosed Scripture, and kill the patient. And maybe (I don't say we have.), but what if some of our druggists has added something to God's Prescription? If they have, they are killing the patient, letting them die in sin.

Palmerworm Locust Cankerworm Caterpillar - 59-0823 - William Branham


How do we get it?

God, which was a part of God. God seen what the end would be, from the beginning, and the Logos come to the earth, which was Christ the Word, spoken Word of God, part of God, and was made flesh and dwelled among us. And then, we come out of Christ, which makes the same life that was in God, in Christ, in you. And just as sure as God raised this up, we've got to come with the same thing, if the same Spirit's in us. Because it's the Spirit of God making us sons and daughters of God. Oh isn't it marvelous? How do we get it? By believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, that's what. And accepting it, and then God in return, give us the Holy Spirit, crying in our hearts, "Abba Father, my God, my God." And then we are resurrected in the last days to be caught up. And He said, "That day you shall know that I am in Father, the Father in Me, I in you, and you in Me."

The Curtain Of Time - 55-0302 - William Branham

The old Ship

But it's like if you had an old car, and you was going up a mountain, and I knowed when you started down the other side you had no brakes. I wouldn't be against the man and screaming against him. It's not him; it's the car that he's in. He's going to get hurt. And that's about the organizations; I think the people that holds on to those organizations as if it was God Himself, and they leave off the Word of God, just to hold the organization. Well, when they do that, I'm afraid they're going to make a vital mistake. And it's not that I got anything against the individual man, but it's the boat that he's riding in (You see?), I'm sure it won't make it. The organization will never make it, but Christ will. So just step out of the--out of the leaky boat of organizationism, in to the safe Ship of Zion. And the old Ship that's never failed yet to land in times, Christ.

Let Your Light So Shine Before Men - 61-0903 - William Branham

But it's rejected

We're in our third and last stage. And remember, the Pentecostal age is a rejected age. I hate to say that, for I've never found faith in any church like the Pentecostal church. But it's rejected, because it's the Laodicean last church age, lukewarm. It'll be spued from the mouth of Christ. But God in there will draw out His people, out of that Pentecostal age. You say, "Well, I'm looking for a great age." I know, many of you people... There's a teaching, the schools of the prophets. And they'd say it's all the great church age is coming. Don't believe it. The next thing to come is Christ for His Church. That's right. To... So remember, the last church age is the Laodicean church age, a lukewarm that's spued from God's mouth. It's true. And you know that.

The Children Of Israel - 47-1123 - William Branham

It was early one morning

It was early one morning. They kept His body in the ground over the Sabbath, which was a customary that they didn't do anything on the Sabbath day. So He died Friday afternoon at three o'clock, and rose up real early Sunday morning. Now, I want to settle this question, while you're here this morning in this sunrise service. Many people says, "How comes then that He said that He would lay... He was in the grave, three days and nights?" He never said He would do that. He said, "Within these three days will I raise up my body." See? Now, the reason He did that is because David had said, one place in the Scripture, "I'll not leave his soul in hell; neither will I suffer my holy One to see corruption." And He knew that corruption set in the human body after seventy-two hours, three days and nights. And sometime within that three days and nights, God was going to raise Him up. So He died on Friday afternoon at three o'clock and rose up early Sunday morning.

Go Tell My Disciples - 53-0405S - William Branham

It's eternal

And remember, if you never was in God's thoughts, you'll never be with God. How many knows that He was a Redeemer? Well, then, anything redeemed has to come back to where it fell from. So if He come to redeem us, how could we was... One time didn't have to be redeemed, and we were all borned in sin, shaped in iniquity, come to the world speaking lies. It shows that the real Christian is a attribute of God's thinking before there was a world, or a star, or air, or anything else. It's eternal. And He come to redeem us back. It's God's thought spoke into a word, made manifest and re--brought back to His thoughts: Kinsman Redeemer. That's the reason God Himself had to come one of us to redeem. Nothing else could do it. An angel couldn't do it, nothing else. He had to come down and be tempted like we are to redeem us.

Possessing The Gate Of The Enemy After Trial - 64-0322 - William Branham


You have to pay the same price

God don't have no grandchildren. They come in. The old Pentecostal father and mother under an experience brought you in; and you just come into the church and set there, and automatically you was a Pentecostal? He don't have grandchildren. He only has sons and daughters. There's no grandchildren. You have to pay the same price and get the same Holy Ghost that they did. You got to be a son and daughter, not a grandson and granddaughter. He's not an old dotty grandfather, soft, and lets his kids get by with anything, bless their little heart. He's God, the Eternal One. That's right. Sons and daughters...

Once More - 63-1117 - William Branham


He's not willing that any should perish

In the Book of Ephesians the 1st chapter, the Bible said that God predestinated us to be the adoption of the children of God through Jesus Christ, predestined by foreknowledge. God knowed everybody would be saved before even the world was created. Jesus never come to the earth to die, and be pitiful, and say, "Somebody will take mercy on me, and say, 'Well, He died, I guess I'll come.'" I wouldn't run my office like that, and you wouldn't either. How about God? God sent Jesus here to call those who by foreknowledge He knew would come. Certainly He did. God... If He wasn't infinite, He didn't know. But if He was infinite, He knowed every fly, every flea, everything else that'd ever be on the earth, if He's infinite God... How many believes He's infinite? Tell me what 'infinite' means. There wasn't one thing that ever was on the earth, but what He knowed it before the world was created. He said so. Then He knows... He's not willing that any should perish, but His foreknowledge let Him know who would perish and who wouldn't.

Door To The Heart - 58-0316E - William Branham


Let off the pressure then

And God's Representative on earth today is the Holy Spirit. And when you're in His Presence, see Him bless you, how can you build up such a pressure to hate your neighbor? How can you build up a denominational difference in your heart? Say, "If they wasn't Pentecostal, if he was Oneness, if was threeness, if he was--had belonged to the Assemblies, if he belonged to the Church of God, I could fellowship with him." How can you do it in the Presence of Almighty God? How can the Holy Spirit be falling upon a congregation, and then make denominational differences? How can it do it? Let off the pressure. Trouble, we've built up our pressure, because we're so denominational minded. Oh, America is rotten with it, denomination, drawing fences, creeds. What do you care about them creeds and fences? Get in the Presence of God. Get in the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Let off the pressure then.

Letting Off The Pressure - 62-0518 - William Branham


It's in you

This Bible is the Letter of God. And every promise in It belongs to you, if you can believe It and accept It in the right kind of an attitude. It's in you, the hope of glory, Christ. Notice. Now how do we come into Christ? First, we receive Him by faith, believing. Secondly, "by one Spirit, then, we are all baptized into one Body," I Corinthians 12; by one membership? by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body. That is believers, that's already believed on the Lord Jesus Christ are baptized into the Body of Christ by one Holy Spirit. That's a little against my Baptist teachings, but that's the Bible. I'm a Baptist as long as it stays in the Bible; after that I'm the Bible.

What Is That In Your Hand? - 55-1120 - William Branham


God, let us empty ourselves up

Get weak so you can get strong. It'll conquer every devil. It'll put the learned to shame. It'll bring men and women who God has called, and that only. Remember, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man; eight souls was saved." In the days of Elijah there was seven thousand only had it. Oh, just think of where we're living now. When John came on the scene, the little church was certainly in the minority, but there was empty vessels to pour the Oil in. Hallelujah. God, let us empty ourselves up. Get empty, friends. Get weak. Deny your own ability. You out in radio--not radio, but out in--that hear these tapes, wherever they come, empty yourselves out. Pour yourselves out upon God's altar as a sacrifice. Let the Angel come with a coal of Fire, fill that vessel with the power of Almighty God and get... Then He'll make you strong; He'll give you grace to stand.

Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham

Can you believe it?

How many of you believe with all your heart? You believe? If you believe, you can receive. Nervousness is nothing for God to heal, lady. You believe He will heal nervous conditions. There's just a whole group of this people suffering with the same thing. How many out there suffering with nervous condition, hold your hand. See what I mean? There's too many to call. But them demons are calling one to another, black streaks running everywhere. The devil knows he's defeated. He knows if he can only get those people... If them people will only believe God, it'll leave them right now, every one of them. They'll all be made well. See, it's truth. It's not something that you have to wonder about. He's here. He's resurrected from the dead. Can you believe it? If you can say, "Amen" to Him, "Amen" with all your heart. God lives and reigns. It's a sin for you not to believe. You're disbelieving God. It's not me; it's Him. He knows all about you.

Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today And Forever - 55-0806 - William Branham


God wants you

14. A little girl taught us a lesson some time ago, when the famous King George, of who I had the privilege of praying for, when the Lord healed him of multiple sclerosis... And he was visiting a Canadian city, and all the schools turned out. And they taken the Canadian flag and went to the street corners.
And when the king passed by... I shall never forget the expression on my manager's face, Mr. Ern Baxter, a Canadian. And when the king passed by, suffering at the time with stomach trouble and multiple sclerosis, and he stood up or set up by the side of his beautiful queen in a blue garment... Then I seen this two hundred and forty pound man, that when the carriage turned the corner, the man threw his hands to his face and wept. And he said, "Think, the king is passing by." And then...?... "Oh, what will it be someday when the King of kings passes by."

15. There was a little girl who was found after the streets was cleared. She was standing over by the side of a telegraph pole with her little hands up against the pole, weeping, sobbing her little heart out. And the teacher trying to find the child... She had her little Canadian flag across her shoulder and was weeping. And the lady said, the teacher, "Dear, why do you weep? Did you not wave your flag to the king to show that you were a patriotic?"
She said, "Yes, teacher, I waved my flag."
She said, "Then did you not see the king?"
She said, "No, teacher, it wasn't that I did not see the king. I saw the king."
She said, "Then why are you weeping?"
She said, "The king did not see me."

16. Oh, how different it is with the King of kings. You cannot be too little. He sees every move you make. He knows all that's in you. He... Not even the sparrow could fall to the street without Him knowing it. Not a little flower could come up, a little crocus, unless He knows about it.
So how much more are you than the flower? And if you are laying here sick or afflicted, do you not know that the King of kings is watching you? Do you not know that He's interested in your healing and in your welfare? You may be ever so sinful, but did you know He is interested in you becoming His subject? You say, "But I'm just an insignificant person." But you're not in the sight of God. God wants you. He loves you. And God so loved you, that when His love was projected, sovereign grace taken its place and sent a Saviour to redeem you back to Himself.
And in this Saviour He was wounded for our transgressions, because God loved you. And God saw the afflictions of His people, and with His stripes you were healed, God's grace making a way, for His love required it.

When Divine Love Is Projected Sovereign Grace Takes Its Place - 57-0126E - William Branham


These signs are a vindication that that's what is the truth

I seen a vision one time at Tulsa, Oklahoma, where I was just holding a meeting in a big auditorium. And--and one man, being a minister somewhere, had been called out in the meeting (I believe a Baptist minister), and begin to tell him about his life. One of the local sponsoring pastors called this man up and asked him, "Was that so? Did you ever know Brother Branham?" not knowing that I'd know all about it in my hotel room. See? But the... And after the Lord had revealed to me that what he had done, well, then I looked, and--as one of the men had went down and said, "Now, Brother Branham, when he's under the anointing is a servant of the Lord, but his theology is no good." Said, "He's a prophet when the anointing is upon him." But said, "When the anointing is off of him," said, "oh, his theology is no good." A man that would make a statement like that don't even know what the word prophet means. A "prophet" means "a Divine revelator of the Word." See? And these signs are a vindication that that's what is the truth. See.

Jehovah-Jireh - 61-0209 - William Branham


What about that?

You know, people are very fond about this body. Oh, my. I was standing not long ago to a great big museum. There was two young men standing there looking at the human body, a man weighing a hundred and fifty pounds, worth eighty-four cents in chemicals. Eighty-four cents, could you imagine that? You'll put a hundred dollar suit on eighty-four cents, ten dollar Stetson hat on the top of him. Some of the sisters will put a two hundred dollar mink coat around eighty-four cents and walk down the street. If it'd rain it would drown you. Taking care of that eighty-four cents... That's right. That's all your body's worth. But you got a soul that's worth ten million worlds. What about that? Amen. What about that soul? You'll certainly take care of the eight-four cents, but what about the soul that's worth ten thousand worlds? What about that? Brother, it behooves you to consecrate your life to Jesus Christ, walk after Him, love Him, make ready for His coming.

Jehovah-Jireh - 56-0224 - William Branham


You've got the promise

Luke 24:49 said, "Behold, I send the promise of the Father upon you: but wait up at the city of Jerusalem until you're endued with power from on high." How long? One hour, two hours, ten days, four months, six months, didn't make any difference: until. How long's that? Just until. When you ask God for anything, stay right there until. Amen...?... Stay until. Until what? Till it happens. Claim it. Believe it. Hold on to it. Go in action. Testify about it. Yes. Testify. Don't be afraid. Get in action. They were in the upper room what? Praising and blessing God. What for? The promise; they knowed it had to come. There you are; get in action. Go to praising God till the promise is fulfilled. You've got the promise.

The Influence Of Another - 62-1013 - William Branham

He knowed that what was wrong

The Bible said the sins of Sodom vexed the righteous soul of Lot daily. And how that the man's soul was righteous, and he looked out upon the sins of the land, and he knowed that what was wrong, that they were doing wrong, and yet without the courage to stand for his conviction. No wonder the whole world has become a Sodom and Gomorrah, and how that the Lots today, across the nation and around the world, standing in churches, who is convinced that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that His power is just as real today as it ever was, without the courage to stand in the pulpit and to denounce sin, because of some barrier that would excommunicate them from a fellowship that they had joined into. Still comes back to the Blood of Jesus Christ, the only remedy. "Why? Why?"

Why? - 63-0626 - William Branham


They're all children to Him

Preachers are called, prophets, and teachers, and evangelists, and pastors, and so forth. They have received the Holy Ghost, and then a gift to do these things with it. But God don't have any little bitty children or great big children. They're all children to Him. That's exactly right. And your rightly position is setting right now in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, with every power. You say, "Brother Branham, I'm the least in the church. I'm just a little bitty fellow." But remember, when He ascended on high... See, you're raised with Him; you're in the body; and you're with Christ right now, seated in heavenly places. If you're the skin on the bottom of the feet, every devil's underneath you. That's right. That's exactly right. The church... Where the head is, the body's with it. And if we be buried, died, buried in Christ, then we're raised with Him in His resurrection, and set in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, with every fire of hell under us. Amen. Right. No matter how little you are, every devil's under you.

Convinced Then Concerned - 62-0118 - William Branham


We're ready for marching orders

My faith is stayed on that solid Rock. There's nothing can ever harm, when you're anchored to that place. The storms may shake and batter us, but my anchor holds within the veil. When a man or a woman has anchored against that rock. Hallelujah. There ain't nothing can ever shake you from it. Just as their time was for deliverance, and they failed to see it, so is the time for the deliverance of marching orders for the church. It's at hand. Look, my friend. They had what? First the Word, second a prophet, third an Angel to lead them, to guide them; everyone agreed with the other, the three of them. The Word agreed with the prophet, and the prophet agreed with the Word. The Angel agreed with all three of them, all of them. The Word, the prophet, an Angel, they were ready for the march. Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord God. We're at the end time. The Word, the prophet, and the Angel, all three of them together, one great testimony... God always said, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses, let every word be established." And a true prophet will always agree with the Word, and any Angel will testify of truth. Amen. We're ready for marching orders.

God Keeps His Word - 57-0407M - William Branham


Would you, if you love Him...

No matter how many atomic bombs they have, how many hydrogen bombs, and how much they speak of this and this is going to happen. Don't be scared. God's at the wheel. He knows just how to steer. He knows just how it's coming out. So we don't have one thing to fear, but be just a lovely, little carefree child, who's looking up to Father every minute, and depending on Him to lead us, guide us, and to take us into our destination by His grace. And by loving Him that way, you wouldn't do nothing to harm Him. Why, if you'd do anything to harm Him, or all through the night, your hot tears would run down your cheeks in repentance. Because you wouldn't hurt Father for nothing. Would you... You wouldn't hurt your little baby; you'd hate to do that. You'd hate to hurt the feelings of your wife or your husband. How much more your Lord and Saviour? Would you, if you love Him...

Gifts - 56-1207 - William Branham

It's Christ in His Church

The Holy Spirit is not a thought; It is a Person. "When He, the Holy Ghost, is come..." And He is a personal pronoun, so it--it's absolutely... It--it's a Person of Christ in the form of the Holy Spirit living in you. Jesus said, "I am the Vine; ye are the branches." Now, the vine does not bear fruit. The branches bears fruit. So therefore, He has to use you and I, our eyes, our lips, our--our hearing, our speech, all... That's Him speaking through us. "I am the Vine; ye are the branches." So it would be the association of Christ in His people, if we could see Him acting today like He did then. For it's a promise to His Church. "If ye abide in Me and My Word in you, ask what you will..." Oh, so many thousands of promises could be quoted here. But it's Christ in His Church.

Sirs, We Would See Jesus - 61-0519 - William Branham


You can't be something that you're not

God orders His man, and you can't take another one's place. If you do, you're only producing a carnal impersonation, and finally it's going to be smitten. See? You can't do it. God orders you to your place. Isaiah seen this, that he could not put his trust in any man. There was the greatest man there was on the earth at that time, a king that had the rest of the world paying tribute to him; but because he got out of his place, Isaiah seen then that he could not trust in a arm of flesh, and it drove the prophet to the temple to pray. Oh, God, if the church, if the people that calls themselves Christians, could only see this today, and would drive them to the altar somewhere to pray. You can't be something that you're not.

Influence - 63-1130B - William Branham

It's got to happen

But did you notice in Revelations 13, when the United States come up, is the only beast in the Bible that come up that did not come out of waters. The Bible said it come up out of the earth, where there was no peoples. That was this new kingdom. And it looked like a lamb, but after while it spoke like the dragon. That's this country. It's got to happen. Someday they'll make a mistake and elect the wrong guy. They'll raise up a Joseph--or a Pharaoh that doesn't know Joseph. They tried it before, and they'll do it again if they fail this time. It'll finally come; the Bible said so. And I'm not a politician; both sides of them are crooked. I'm casting my vote on Jesus Christ; He's the only One I'm interested in. But I tell you; you'd better wipe your glasses off now, if you expect any freedom for your children. I don't know how close it is. Pray.

Five Definite Identifications Of The True Church Of The Living God - 60-0911E - William Branham

It will bring to pass everything that He promised

Say, "Well, Brother Branham, the doctor told me I was dying. I got cancer." That may be so. The man's telling you all he knows how. But only thing he can do, he's got five senses to work with, two of them he can use. What is it? One sense is feeling, the next place is--is seeing. Seeing and feeling, he can feel something, or see something through an x-ray. That's all the man has to work with. That's all he knows, but he's doing the best he can do. But don't look at that, he's come to his end. Look up here what This promised. Say, "How can it be done?" God said so. That settles it when God said it. That settles; it's eternally settled forever in heaven: His Word is. And His Words was made flesh, and is flesh today in you, if you will let It come flesh. "If ye abide in Me and My Word's in you, then ask what you will and it will be done," St. John 15. See, we want just let them Words stay in here. Believe it; it's the truth. It's a seed. It will--it will bring to pass everything that He promised.

Perseverance - 62-0218 - William Branham


You'll find a good obedient church

You go out here, and you will get the spirit of a church. You--first thing you know, you go into a church, you notice the pastor. I'm saying this with reverence. You watch the way the pastor acts, you'll find the people act the same way, just about. If the pastor's all prissy and everything, you'll find his congregation the same way. If the pastor carries on with a lot of nonsense, you find the congregation the same way. If the pastor's a good, solid, Gospel teacher, that'll hold his children down, and give them a little protaplasma stimulation when they need it (That's right.), lay the Gospel down and spank them right good with it, you'll find a good obedient church (That's right.), where people can come and enjoy themselves in the Gospel. If he's a good preacher, that'll stay on the Word, and stay in the Word, and say it that way, and see that his church is operated, truly, by the Holy Spirit, not get off in these isms. As soon as they start something, he will snap it out like that. That's what we need today, is some more preachers like that. Amen.

The Seal Of The Antichrist - 55-0311 - William Branham

But if you'll think of where you're going...

Sell out. Get right with God. Either be what you are or don't be at all. God's Bible doesn't teach it, then get away from it. If It does teach it, stay with it. It reminds me of this, for instance, what if we were going to take a little trip in thirty days from now to another land? And in this land, the climate was so wonderful, till we'd never come back no more. And over there we would never have to die or get old, but we would just be there forever. Could I imagine seeing you going around to the ten cent store buying up a lot of junk to take with you? You'd be trying to get rid of what junk you had. And when you just flusterate yourself with joining one church and then the other, you accumulate more junk. But if you'll think of where you're going, you'll get rid of a lot of that doubt and nonsense. You'll have real faith.

Faith Is Our Victory - 58-1004 - William Branham


It's all mine

Now, when I get into a variety store, I like to look around a little, don't you all, especially if it was mine? And I see something up high, I'll get me a ladder, and go climb up, look at it, investigate it, see what it looks like. That's the way it is in Christ Jesus. By one Spirit, we're all baptized into God's big variety store, Jesus Christ, where we have peace, joy, happiness, long-suffering, goodness, gentleness, meekness, Holy Ghost, powers of God, speaking with tongues, interpretation of tongues, Divine healing, glory, shouts, wisdom. Hallelujah. All these things are ours, every believer: belongs to you. "I'm the Lord, Who forgiveth all of thine iniquity and healeth all of thy diseases." It's all mine. If Divine healing looks just a little high up, it's in my variety store, 'cause it's right here. And this is our variety store. Amen. Then when I'm in there, I'll climb up and take this. It's mine. May have to reach a little high, may have to strain a little, but I'll get it. It belongs to me. I'm determined to have it.

The Angel Of The Covenant - 54-0301 - William Branham


The Holy Ghost will bring it to you

You want God to send the power upon you, go to praying and believing. The Holy Ghost will bring it to you, healing, salvation, whatever you have need of God will bring it to you. I can see a bunch of people that was cowardly, a hundred and twenty. Oh, little, old, cowardly people and there they was. They went up a little old step one time, because God said, "Now, don't you preach any more; don't you sing any more; don't you testify any more until you've been filled with the Holy Spirit. Then He's going lead you to all nations to preach this Gospel." And they climbed up in the upper room and stayed there, cowardly, the door was locked, the windows locked, praying real low to themselves, and hiding out from the Jews until the Holy Ghost fell on them. "There came from heaven a sound like a rushing mighty wind, filled all the house where they was setting. Cloven tongues set upon them like fire, and out doors and windows both they went into the street led by the Holy Ghost. And that Fire what was kindled on the day of Pentecost is still struck our hearts from that day till this. Men that wants to be led by the Holy Spirit...

Led By The Spirit Of God - 56-0723 - William Branham


Don't look at yourself

Don't look at yourself; look at your Sacrifice. God don't look at you; He looks at your Sacrifice which is Christ. Don't look at yourself. I'm not worthy; you're not worthy; nobody's worthy; but He is the One. I'm not counting on what I've done, what I am, or I--I'd never make it. But I'm looking to what He done. There's where I'm trusting: What He done. He's my Sacrifice. I'm not worthy of healing. No, sir. Lord, ought to have died long... I ought never even been born. But I live; I got Eternal Life; I'm going to heaven. Why? Because He done it for me...?... He took my place. I was knock-kneed, cross-eyed in every kind of condition, but He took my place. Spiritually speaking, I was all twisted up, and all messed up; but He took my place; so He makes me a perfect son of God, a perfect daughter of God. His sacrifice did it, not mine. I had nothing to do with it. I was borned all out of shape anyhow. But I--I don't trust in what I done. I trust on what He done (See?), what He was, that's what it was.

Abraham And His Seed After Him - 61-0416 - William Branham


We are made for a purpose

10. Now we want to draw this first into our mind, that there is not one thing that can destroy us until the purpose of He Who created us has been fulfilled. There could be nothing. We are made for a purpose. This church was built here for a purpose . This foundation was not dug, and the cornerstone laid, and the blocks laid into the--the building, and the roof and the interior was not put here just to see if it could be done. It was put here by a purpose, or for a purpose.
Your home that you live in was not just accidentally put there or somebody just wasting some time. Your home was made for a purpose, to serve a purpose.

11. If you did drive this morning here in your automobile, that automobile was not made just to see if it could be made. The materials was not wasted by man. It was put here for a purpose and to serve a purpose.
The clothing that you wear was not just to see if somebody could fashion something. It was for a purpose. The food that you eat was not grown on the earth just to see it grow. It was made to serve a purpose.
And God did not have to just make a tree just to be a tree. He made a tree for a purpose. And God did not make you and I just to see if He could do it. He made us for a purpose. Therefore, there is a purpose of us all being here. You're not here just to be another human being. You are here because that God made you for some purpose. You're not here just to eat the food that God growed. You're not here just to live in the house that--that man made, or to wear the clothing that someone fashioned. You are here for a specific purpose.

12. No matter how little you are, how big you are, how important you are, or how unimportant you are, you are here to serve a purpose, just as my finger is here for a purpose. My nail on my finger is for a purpose. My eye and every part of our bodies is to serve a purpose.
And it was not put here just to see what it would look like when it was put here; but it was put here to serve its purpose. It was God's Divine plan to do so. And if we were put here for a purpose, then there is nothing can destroy us until God's purpose is fulfilled. Nothing can harm us until that purpose that God has put us here for has been made manifest.
No matter how much trouble we have, how much heartaches or sorrows that we go through, all of these are reasons, and there's a reason for it.

13. We will take, for instance, Noah in the Bible. There was a flood that came on. And all the earth was destroyed. The vegetation and everything was destroyed but Noah and the seed that he had taken into the ark.
God's purpose can never be defeated. There is nothing can defeat it. So how happy ought we to be today, resting upon that beautiful revelation of the Word of the living God, that there is neither things present nor things that can come; there's no sickness, no sorrow, no death, no perils, nor nothing can separate us from the purpose of the living God.
What God has imagined in His mind, what God has purposed in His heart to bring to pass, there is no demon, there's no power, there is nothing can ever separate God's great immortal inter--eternal plan. It must be as God has said.

I Know My Redeemer Liveth - 54-0406S - William Branham


The promise is unto you and your children

I heard someone say one time that Divine healing would be in the millennium. Well, you got a glorified body then, so what do you need with any Divine healing? It's the de--devil trying to put you off in something over yonder, some millennium you're going to be something; you are right now sons and daughters of God. Amen. If your man-made theology just give you a little cold tater and told you to wait, you go ahead. But I got a full course dinner of the Holy Ghost. How... Well, Bless God; that's right. They want to tell you to stand off right here, and eat some peelings, or gnaw some bones, and tell you that the chicken is all gone from years ago. Don't you believe that. God has a full square meal for a full man, that's got full faith in the Son of God and believe it, and will follow the instructions. The menu reads, "To whosoever will, let him come." And "The promise is unto you and your children, and to them that's far off; even as many as the Lord our God shall call."

Having Conferences - 60-0608 - William Branham

You can't hide Him

The whole world has become contaminated. All's on television and things, is some old vulgar, dirty stuff. And you try to pattern yourself like that. Won't you take Jesus' example? Won't--why don't you let Him... Why don't you listen to His Word? Won't you do these things that's right? How many here will honestly say that you know you haven't got the Holy Ghost, look at yourself in the mirror, and know you haven't? No. And just look at your own life, and the way you do. Not because you belong to church: "I belong to Methodist, Baptist, Pres... I..." That's all right. I ain't saying nothing against that. But I'm asking you, do you know Christ Jesus? Is He living in you? If He does, He'll identify Himself there. If He's there He's bound to let Himself be known. You can't hide Him, He stands out.

Jesus Keeps All His Appointments - 64-0418E - William Branham