
The promise is unto you and your children

I heard someone say one time that Divine healing would be in the millennium. Well, you got a glorified body then, so what do you need with any Divine healing? It's the de--devil trying to put you off in something over yonder, some millennium you're going to be something; you are right now sons and daughters of God. Amen. If your man-made theology just give you a little cold tater and told you to wait, you go ahead. But I got a full course dinner of the Holy Ghost. How... Well, Bless God; that's right. They want to tell you to stand off right here, and eat some peelings, or gnaw some bones, and tell you that the chicken is all gone from years ago. Don't you believe that. God has a full square meal for a full man, that's got full faith in the Son of God and believe it, and will follow the instructions. The menu reads, "To whosoever will, let him come." And "The promise is unto you and your children, and to them that's far off; even as many as the Lord our God shall call."

Having Conferences - 60-0608 - William Branham

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