
It was early one morning

It was early one morning. They kept His body in the ground over the Sabbath, which was a customary that they didn't do anything on the Sabbath day. So He died Friday afternoon at three o'clock, and rose up real early Sunday morning. Now, I want to settle this question, while you're here this morning in this sunrise service. Many people says, "How comes then that He said that He would lay... He was in the grave, three days and nights?" He never said He would do that. He said, "Within these three days will I raise up my body." See? Now, the reason He did that is because David had said, one place in the Scripture, "I'll not leave his soul in hell; neither will I suffer my holy One to see corruption." And He knew that corruption set in the human body after seventy-two hours, three days and nights. And sometime within that three days and nights, God was going to raise Him up. So He died on Friday afternoon at three o'clock and rose up early Sunday morning.

Go Tell My Disciples - 53-0405S - William Branham

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