
He always hears

God likened us unto sheep. I wonder why. Anybody here ever raise any sheep? Well, you know that a sheep is the most helpless thing in the world when it's lost. It just can't find its way home at all. Is that right, sheep-raisers? And I've helped raise them myself out on the Western prairie, and herded them a many. But notice, a sheep when it's lost... when he's lost, he will just stand and bleat. That's all. The wolves will come get him (That's all.), 'less a shepherd doesn't come to him. And that's the way it is with us, when we're lost, we're absolutely hopeless unless the Shepherd comes and gets us. So, I'm glad tonight God has got His Shepherd over His sheepfold, aren't you? That when we call, He always hears.

God's Provided Way - 53-0613 - William Branham

That's the Gospel

If you're weary and gloomy and feel like that everyone's against you, "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." That's a seed. Accept it. And if you're sick, "He was wounded for our transgressions, with His stripes we're healed." "Accept it. It's a seed: will produce. When you sow a seed, you don't dig it up every morning to see if it's come to pass. If you do, your seed will never come up. You got to plant it, commit it to the earth, and let it alone. It's up to nature, God, to water it and to see that it produces. Is that true? So that's the way you do the Word of God. Accept it in a good heart, already fertilized, and all the creepers, and the rocky places, and the stony doubts taken away, and in good rich soil of faith, and believe it, commit it to God, and walk away, testifying that you have received what God has promised you. And He's the High Priest of your confession, to make right anything that you confessed that He has done. That's the Gospel.

The Church Of The Living God - 51-0727 - William Branham


God is known by one element

Now, in the garden of Eden there were two trees. One of them say, on the right side, was the Tree of Life; on the left side was the tree of knowledge. And as long as man eat from the Tree of Life which is faith, he lives. But the first bite he took off the tree of knowledge, he separated himself from his fellowship with God. You see it? And notice then, in separating himself, he continually bites off of that tree, continually eating from that tree. Then he's brought it in till he's try to mix that knowledge with fellowship with God. And God never made a man by his knowledge to know Him. And all the knowledge we have will never understand God. God is known by one element; that's faith.

God's Covenant With Abraham And His Seed - 56-0223 - William Branham

God, help us to fly away from that

But this hawk has long lost its identification, because it doesn't no more sail through the air and hunt its meat like it's supposed to. But it sets on the telephone wires and acts like a scavenger. He--he hunts for dead rabbits that the cars has killed, and him and the vultures get out there and eat together. He hops like a vulture, instead of walking like he should walk. He's lost his identification. And I say this with all godly love and respect, the church has long lost her identification as a sister eagle. She sets around. Instead of digging into the Word and find where these things are right, she waits for a bunch of Sunday school literature that's been made up by a bunch of intellectuals somewhere, some dead rabbit that's been killed somewhere else, hops like a vulture. God, help us to fly away from that. These promises are true. Not what somebody said about It, but what God said about them. They are true. I'm so glad to be associated with eagles.

Proving His Word - 65-0426 - William Branham

They feel like saying something about it

Watch, the Bible said that the sins of Sodom vexed his righteous soul daily. Why didn't he have nerve enough to stand out against it? There's a-many a-good man setting in a church today, looking out and seeing women with shorts on, and men doing these things, and their members going, playing golf on Sunday, and picnic parties, and swimming and things, instead of attending church, setting home on Wednesday night, watching television, instead of attending church. They feel like saying something about it, but the board would put them out. What's the matter? It's Lot again, looking out of his window and seeing the sin, and afraid to call sin sin. Abraham wasn't in their mess; he was out of it. He was a type of the spiritual Church. Now, watch what happened just at the end time, just before the fire fell. And those were Gentiles. It foreshadowed the fire falling on the Gentile world today, when the kingdoms will be broke up and they'll be burnt. "Heavens will be on fire," saith the Lord.

God Is His Own Interpreter - 64-0205 - William Branham

It only takes a--a hand that's completely anointed with the Holy Ghost

33. It doesn't take, what we would think, a great thing, it only takes a--a hand that's completely anointed with the Holy Ghost, with God's power, to strike down any enemy under any circumstance.

34. And how those warriors remembered! "Could it be possible that we got the wrong man?" some of them might have said. "No, that's him. I can just see his stature, that's Samson, the one who served what he said was the true God. But his God sure has forsaken him."

35. But they were wrong! God had not forsaken him, he had forsaken God. And I think that's about the way with the people tonight. It isn't God has forsaken His church, it's the church has forsaken God and His Word. And that's what's the matter.

36. Notice, many of them remembered. The group that stood over on one side, said, "I can remember when Delilah took and bound him with ropes that was even horses couldn't pull apart. And when we come upon him, how that they was like little threads, he just broke them to pieces. And here he stands, defeated."

37. And another group could remember one night down at Gaza, how that they penned him in, but he still had the anointing on him. And they tried to pen him in, and shut the gates on him. They said, "Now we'll pounce upon him." But the Spirit of the Lord returned to him, and he picked up the whole gates and walked up on the hill with them.

38. When a man is in the line of duty for God, there's no gate, no nothing can stand in his way. The Devil tried to fence God's man and people in one day, with the Red Sea, but he went right on through it just the same. When as long as a man is in the service of God, as long as the anointing and blessing is upon him, he shouldn't fear nothing, because He's promised us He would be with us, and nothing would bother us by no means.

39. But this is an example what happens when God, His long-suffering, finally wears out with you. Now, He's longsuffering, but, remember, His patience has an end. Now, Samson was doing wrong the very night they had him down there, but finally God got enough of it! He couldn't correct him. My prayer is, that, "God, never let this Pentecostal church get to a place to where God's patience is wore out with you." He'll send messengers, as we've taught this week, rising up prophets down through the ages, foretelling His Word and bringing His Word back, and then you continually walk away from it. You'll find yourself blinded, too, powerless, helpless, defeated, and I'm afraid that's where we're getting to. See, Samson fell for glamour. The very thing that the church today is falling for, glamour. What a pity it is to see these things happening.

40. Yes, when they tried to fence in the power of God, they found out that they could not do it. Samson picked those great big iron gates up, that would have weighed tons, walked up on the hill with them and laid them down. Certainly, nobody was going to take after him, they know better!
41 And when a man comes in the anointing of the Holy Ghost, and with the Word of the Lord, with THUS SAITH THE LORD, you better have better sense than try to attack It, 'cause you'll find there's a hand of the living God, and It's heavy.

Just One More Time Lord – 63-0120 – William Branham


He could discern the thoughts that was in the heart

How did Abraham recognize that? Now, Abraham called Him "Elohim." How many knows that's true, Bible readers? Yes, sir. Elohim is the all-sufficient One, the great Creator Himself. Why did he call Him Elohim? Because He could discern the thoughts that was in the heart; that's the Word. Hebrews 4 said--said, "The Word of God is sharper than a two-edged sword, piercing asunder the bone and marrow, and discerns the thoughts and intents of the heart." That's how the prophets... Jesus called them gods. That's how Jesus proved Himself. And that woman knowed He was the Word. He could discern the thoughts. And Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man," when the Son of man is being revealed. What has it done to your eyes? Can He get inside tonight? I hope He can.

When Their Eyes Were Opened They Knew Him - 64-0312 - William Branham

It was well done, My good and faithful servant

I just don't want to enjoy blessings and eat the texture there. I want to be a sheep. I want to know Him in the power of His resurrection." To know Him is have life. Not to know your catechism, that's not life. Not to know the doxology, not to know the apostles' creed, is not life. Not to know the Bible is life, as good as it may be. But to know Him is Life. And it's only those, that when evening time begins to set, and the sun of our life begins to go down, I want to hear across the mountain yonder that separates between me and glory, I want to hear the Shepherd's voice call, say, "Brother Branham, it was well done, My good and faithful servant." I trust that's to all of you the same way.

Shepherd Of The Sheepfold - 56-0403 - William Branham

Their natures was the same

Now, the Bible said He saw the Spirit of God like a Dove, and He said, "Behold the Lamb of God." And the Dove came on the Lamb and abode... I like that "abiding." Now, what if the Lamb would have snorted like a wolf. Why, the Dove would have been gone. You know, sometimes I wonder if that's the reason that so much trouble is in the church. If we are the lambs of God, we should have the nature of lambs if we expect the dove to abide. You believe it? I do. Now, if we'll watch the Dove... The reason it stayed on the Lamb, because their natures was the same. And the reason that the dove stays on the Christian, He will stay there as long as he is a lamb. But when he takes a different nature, the Dove will take its flight.

The Lamb And The Dove - 56-0917 - William Branham

Their nature is different

240. "What are you going to do now?"
"Well, I'm going over in California. The Lord sent me over in California. Just... I'm going to seine over there awhile." I'll go down and throw my net out like this, and push in. Fifteen hundred comes at one time. Was all of them saved? I don't know. There they are. I take the net up; that's the Gospel net.
Some of them, the Bible said, was all kinds of things that was in the water. They all breathe on the same water, lived in the same water. Is that right? See? There was terrapins, mud turtles, snakes, frogs, lizards, scavengers, and real fish.
Now, those that were fish when the Gospel net went over them, was fish when they were on the bank. Those that were terrapins in the Gospel net, were terrapins on the bank. It won't be long till they'll take right back for the mud again. As a hog to its wallow, and a dog to its vomit, away they go. See? But at the beginning, they were terrapins to begin with. It's not my business to say they're terrapins. I don't know. I'm just seining (See?), just pulling the net. But when the last fish is come out of the water, brother that's it.

245. Oh, the Lord Himself will come and will say the work is done.
The station will be changed after while.
That's right. That's right. Yes, sir.
He will say the work's done and it's finished. It's all over when the last one's come out. And they's been a whole bunch of hog wallows around and everything. God's pulling them fish out of there just as fast as He can. Preachers from every side just swinging the nets from one way to the another; we even wrap the nets around one another. We're just pulling as hard as we can, seining. She's just about ready. He will blow the old pond up one of these days, and she'll all be over; but the fish will go to the good clear waters out yonder, where they'll have Eternal Life forever. Amen.

247. Oh, when that last one comes... My, how--what a privilege it is for God to say, "Would you like to be a fish?" Amen. "Would you like to be a fish on My table? Would you like to come and be meat at My table?" Oh, my. Sure, sure Lord. See?
But their nature is fish. See? When you're a Christian, your nature is a Christian. You don't have to say, "Now, you--you--you can't--you can't smoke. You can't drink. You can't do this." You don't have to say that. They just don't do it anyhow. See? Their nature is different. The Spirit of Christ is in the person, and Christ don't do those things. See?
You say "You have to love the Lord; you ought to go to church." You don't have to tell them people that. They go anyhow. They'll walk through rain. They'll go to... They'll go through death to go to church. Sure. They love it. They just got to get there. That's all there is to it. It's their life. If they don't, they--they feel like their perishing. Sure. Yes, sir. You just got to get there.

God Keeps His Word – 57-0407M – William Branham


God's still got His eye on you

40. And many times you might think the same thing. My friend, you might have went off without Him, but remember, He's still watching you. He knows right where you are. There may be trouble in your home; there may be trouble in your soul; there may be trouble in your body; whatever it is, don't you worry, He's got His eyes on you; He's watching you.
He climbed up on top of a mountain; He was looking out there and He seen every trick that devil was playing. Hallelujah. He not only climbed, but He climbed the ramparts of Calvary, not only to Calvary, but the ramparts of glory. And He sets tonight at the Majesty. He looks down on earth. There's not even a--a ripple can come on the water without He--it's by His permission. The sea can't move; a leaf can't move; a bird can't fly.

41. Oh, blessed be the Name of the Lord. He's above all principalities and powers. The earth made Him the lowest name that could be brought. God give Him the highest Name could be given. The earth put Him as low as they could get Him in a sinners grave. But God raised Him in the highest; why, He's so high till He has to look down to see heaven. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. He watches you. He knows every thought that's in your mind. He knows every action you make. He knows everything about you. That's right.

42. You say, "But I backslid, Brother Branham." That don't make a bit of difference. He knows just exactly what you backslid over. He knows just exactly where you're at. You say, "Well, Brother Branham, I went off without Him too. I had an opportunity one time to speak. I had an opportunity one time to--to be a Christian. I had an opportunity. The preacher made the call; I ought to went. I tried it once; I failed. I did this, that."
No matter what you done, He's still got His eye on you. Those disciples went off without Him, and the darkest hour when that devil got them away from there, away from His Presence, he begin to storm on them. Maybe that's what he's doing to you tonight. He might give you cancer; he might give you this; he might give you that. He might give you a broken home; he might give you a tore up car. He might give you worries; he might give you headaches. I don't know what he will do, but there's one thing I do know, that God's still got His eye on you.

Then Jesus came - 57-0407E - William Branham


That's what God wants His people to do

There's not no history nowhere, where any church that ever organized, but what did fall, and every one fell, never rose again. The children of Israel in type, was to follow the Pillar of Fire. And every night they must be ready, not to organize and set down here, but to move with the Fire. That's what God wants His people to do: move with the Spirit, move with the time. You say, "Well, Brother Branham, we've had all kinds of rains, and inner rains and outer rain." You're intelligent. I don't care what kind of a revelation it is, and how good it looks, if it's not according to God's Word, then leave it alone. This is the Blueprint through the wilderness, the Word of the Lord.

O Lord Just Once More - 63-0628M - William Branham

God loves to show his hand mighty

God loves to show his hand mighty. Yes, He does. He likes to show His power. He's waiting tonight to show it in you; to take that sinner and turn him around, take that woman of ill fame and change her to a godly saintly woman, take that girl that's taken the wrong road, that boy the wrong road, bring them back to the place and make sons and daughters of God out of them. He's ready to take that man dying with cancer, that one with the heart trouble, that one that's blind, that one's afflicted, if he will just place his faith in there it'll turn him around from death unto life, start him off with a testimony. He's waiting to do it. He puts you right in the trap to see what you'd do. He put them right down in that trap there. Looked like nature itself was hiding its face. Yes. One writer said one time, that when they got in that place, wondered what Moses would do. He had one command, "Go forward." If you're in the line of duty, no matter what stays in the way... The greatest experiences I've ever had is to come up against something I couldn't get over it, or under it, and just stand there and watch God make a way through it. That's the way to do it. Just move. Keep moving. Press your nose against it. Just keep moving on. Just keep going on. God will make a way.

And Thy Seed Shall Possess The Gate Of His Enemies - 61-0212E - William Branham


Find your purpose

267. One day, a mother's boy had killed a man. He was laying there, ready to die. And so the little mother stood by the governor's door, and they asked in. And, finally, with one of the guards, said, "Governor, that mother of that boy is out here, wants you. She wants to see you."
268. And when they opened the door, and said, "Madam, he will receive you."
269. The poor little thing crawled on her hands and knees, up to his feet, laid his hands... her hands upon his feet, and said, "Governor, honorable sir," said, "you're the only man that's left, that can spare my son. Please, kind sir. I know he's guilty. He's just as guilty. Your courts of justice found him guilty." And how many of us are not guilty in the courts of God? "Your courts of justice found him guilty. He actually killed, and he's subject to death. I know that. But, sir, as a man, you have no right to take the life of my boy. God only can give life, and only God can take life. Don't do it, sir. Please don't. I beg of you, as a heart of a mother could bear." And so he sent her away.
270. It broke his heart, so much, the pleading of that mother, till he goes down to the jail, to the prison where the boy was setting back in the prison.

271. The man had built up a complex. Just about like the church has done today, "You'll either preach It the way I like It," or you won't hear It at all. "I won't pay no attention!" Was... and set there. Man after man had come to him, trying to talk to him. He had built himself till he wasn't going to hear no more.
272. So the governor walked in. He said, "Son, I'd like to talk to you."
He said, "Shut up and get out of here," in his cell.
He said, "Son, I've come to help you."
Said, "I told you to get out of here."
273. That's the way people does the Holy Spirit today. Yeah. "Get out. I don't want nothing to do with It." And knocks at the door. "If I do that, I'll have to give up my card party. I'll have to give upthis. I'll have to give up that. I'll have to give up my church creed. I'll have to give." See? You better listen. He's the only One has got pardon. That's right. What are you looking at? See?

274. He had looked at so many things, he was afraid to look at this man. He kept his head turned.
275. That's the way people do today at the altar call. They keep their head turned. They don't want to hear It. They'd turn their head from God Who is telling them, "That's the Truth." A little, wee Voice, like a touch.
276. You know, Elijah, he heard the rushing wind, blood, fire, smoke, and it didn't bother him. But when he heard that little Voice, he come out. Oh, that little Voice that the church has failed to hear! Right.
277. So, the--the--the man tried his best. The governor tried to talk to the boy. The boy said, "Are you going to get out of here or am I going to throw you out."
278. Turned around and said, "All right, son. I done the best I could do."

279. When he walked out, the boy looked around, kind of arrogant, as he walked down through the hall.
280. And when he did, one of the guards stepped out and said, "Governor, did you do any good?"
He said, "No. He wouldn't listen."
281. That boy jumped. He grabbed the bars, said, "Who was that?"
"That was the governor. Come for your pardon."
282. Too late then. He screamed. He cried. He said, "Think of it. The governor, here in my own cell, to pardon me, and I turned him down."
283. And when they put the rope around his neck, before they put the black mask on, after he had walked the thirteen steps, last words he said, "Think of it. The governor stood in my cell, for pardoning, and I turned him down." And they hung him.

284. Oh, there's more than a governor here this morning. Jesus Christ is here. And that little cell, called man or woman, He's here to give pardon. Don't, don't turn Him away. Don't do it. Find your purpose that God brought you here in life.

Look – 63-0428 – William Branham


He's got to be in you

The only way to see God is get Him on the inside of you, so He can use your eyes. You'll see Him. But if you're trying to see Him on an intellectual conception of His Word, or some emotional work up, it'll never count anything; He's got to be in you. Then you'll cry at the sunsets and the sunrise. You'll watch the majesty of fall of the year coming. Before even frost or a cool breeze is ever hit the earth, the sap will leave the trees and go down in the roots, hide. Because if it stays up there, the winter will kill the tree. Then I ask this question, "What intelligence runs that sap out of the tree, down into the roots to hide for the winter?" Oh, the infidel has no grounds. But when He comes in, you'll notice Him in everything.

Sirs We Would See Jesus - 60-0109 - William Branham


It's His purpose to give it to us

It is a purpose of God to give us the blessed Holy Spirit. It is a purpose of God to show us signs, and wonders, and miracles. It's a purpose of God and nothing can destroy it. All powers of hell might wager against it, but it will prevail. We have God's eternal promise. There may be teachers; there may be isms rise; there may be great programs rise; there may be things that look like that it would be destroyed; but it can never be destroyed. It is the purpose of God to see that it will prevail. Then it's not up to me, and it's not up to you whether it will be destroyed or not. It's up to God. And we can rest assured on it, that God will never let our heritage be destroyed; for it's His purpose to give it to us.

I Know My Redeemer Liveth - 58-0406S - William Branham

God has always had His Word to divide the Light from the dark

Remember, in every age in time of darkness God has always had His Word to divide the Light from the dark. He had it in the days of Luther when the Catholic church had everything. He sent Luther as a shining Light. And Luther divided truth from darkness. And when the Lutherans got twisted up, He made a John Wesley. And he divided Light from darkness. And in the days of Pentecost, when the Wesleyan got all--and the Methodist got all gummed up, and the Baptists, and Presbyterian, He sent the Pentecostal message to separate Light from darkness. The Pentecost went right back out into the darkness again like that in their organization, took their creeds and things. Now, the hour has come for this Word to be vindicated. He sends the Light, the Word made manifest, like He did in the beginning, sends the Word, and it proves Itself. There is Light.

There Is A Man That Can Turn On The Light - 63-1229M - William Branham


By the Word here

David thought he had everything in order. And he was inspired. See how the Holy Spirit can anoint a man? But it's got to be in the order of the anointing. The outside spirit can be anointed with the Holy Ghost and the soul as dark as pitch. The cocklebur grows on the same water that builds--puts life into the wheat, puts life into the cocklebur; but at the bottom of the cocklebur, it's a cocklebur life. It's rejoicing, and blooming, and got life, and doing everything that the wheat does, but the soul of it is cocklebur. See? False teachers can rise, teaching all kind of trinitarianism and everything else, and be anointed with the Holy Ghost, and perform just as many miracles as the true Gospel can. But by the Word here, that's what does it. See what I mean?

Trying To Do God A Service Without It Being God's Will - 65-1127B - William Branham


It'll take care of the rest

If you love the world, the things of the world, the love of the Father's not in you. That may be a little hard to be taught here, but it's the truth; let me tell you. I don't have measuring sticks in church. No, not a bit. No, sir. Old, old oak tree you have around here holds its leaves all winter long. Spring of the year comes, you don't have to go pick the old leaves off, just let the new life comes in, the old leaf drops off. That's the way it is. Let Christ come into the heart; the rest of it will take care of itself. That's right. Just get Christ in the heart; it'll take care of the rest.

Believest Thou This? - 50-0716 - William Branham

See what God will do for you

And, brother, let's get back to God, to the living God, the resurrected One, the One Who's love, the One Who respects no denominations, and respects them all in another way, the One Who loves every creature of His on the earth, and is wanting to come down. He's done everything He can to work His way down into the hearts of men. He's provided a way like the brass serpent. He provided Jesus to meet all that we have need for while we're in this journey between heaven and earth. That's... He provided Jesus Christ and He's God's all-sufficient Sacrifice. Everything you have need of tonight is not in your church; it's in Christ. There it is. It's not in your education; it's not in your theology, what your creed is, what your... It's in Jesus Christ. Look to Him with simple, humble loving faith, and say, "God, cleanse me from all selfishness and take all impurities from me, and let me from this day be wholly Thine." See what God will do for you.

The Inside Man - 53-1212 - William Branham

That's His nature

Some people picture Samson as having a--a shoulders about like a barn door. Now, it would be nothing strange about that, to see a man who could pick up the gates of Gaza and walk out with it, or take a lion and pull him apart. But, you know, Samson was just a little bitty (in the street expression), a little shrimp, little bitty, old curly-headed, sissified, mama's boy: seven curls. It was a strange thing. When they thought that a man, a great big ten-foot man could pick up a lion, sure, and kill him. But the strange thing was, this little fellow seemed to be helpless until the Spirit of the Lord come on him. It wasn't Samson. It was the Spirit of the Lord. That's the reason that it wasn't the apostles. Jesus chose them all, practically every one of them without even enough education to sign their name. He didn't choose priests. He didn't choose theologians. He chose fishermen and herdsmen, the ignorant and unlearned, so that He could take that in His hand, and take nothing and make something out of it. That's His nature.

Perseverant - 64-0619 - William Branham


Great things are quiet things

It isn't always the noisy things that's great things. It's not the noisy things. A wagon can go out in the field; when it's unloaded it'll bump, and rattle, and make a lot of noise, can come right back over them same bumps loaded with good things, and won't even make a squeak. Why, it's loaded. What the church needs tonight is to be loaded, filled with the love of God. The sun can draw a million gallons of water with less noise than we can pump a glass full out of a pump. That's right. The--the heavens can sprinkle dew all over the earth with less noise than you can sprinkle your front lawn. Certainly. Did you ever hear the planets turning? Great things are quiet things. Watch the Holy Spirit when It comes in tonight, how quiet It gets everything. But we're after sensations, running after little things, failing to hear that voice.

What Hearest Thou Elijah? - 59-0412E - William Branham

You've got to have food each day

Now, our bodies need food and drink each day to survive, our physical body. If we don't take food each day and drink, then our body weakens. There's something in us that we must have food. One day's food will not last for the next day. You've got to have food each day to strengthen your mortal being. You can live over, but you're weaker. And the second day, you're still weaker. And the third day, you're getting tremendous weak. Well, that's what many times that we do in the spiritual realm. You see, each day we've got to commune with Christ. We've got to talk to Him each day. We've got to settle it with Him each day. Paul said, "I die each day. (See?) Each day, I die; yet I live, not me but Christ lives in me." So if your physical body needs food each day and drink each day to survive, your spiritual body needs spiritual Food and communion with the Lord each day to survive. Yes.

Communion - 62-0204 - William Branham


Think of it

God doesn't make any difference between His children. Every son that cometh to God must first be tried or chastised. You get it? First be tried, or chastened, corrected, child trained, schooled, everyone not one exception, every son... Have you went through trials? Have you went through tribulation? Have you suffered persecution? Then you're endure these things, you are real children of God. But when you can't bear chastisement, when the rod comes down heavy, and you run off and back into the world, the Bible said you're illegitimate children and not the children of God. For when a man's born of the Spirit of God, he expects those things, and he loves those things. And the Bible said that the trials that come upon us, fiery trials, is more precious than gold to us. Think of it.

God's Covenant With Abraham And His Seed - 56-0223 - William Branham

Oh, you can fly away

What a beautiful picture it is today of a consecrated life who, once enters into with Christ, dead to the things of the world, hid away with God, and the veil's dropped down around, and all the world's shut off. Then Christianity and religion becomes a pleasure to every believer. Today people just have enough religion to make them miserable, knowing that they ought to do this, their trying to escape hell. Well, if that's the way I felt about it, brother, I don't know what I would do. Oh, get in with Christ. Shut off from the things of the world, for, to commune with Him is a pleasure. It's beautiful. It's something that fills and satisfies the soul, something that gives you peace that passes all understanding. All the crosses become flying wings. All the burdens are chariot wheels. Oh, you can fly away.

A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham

That's when you're in the church

That's the way the church of the living God is today; it's unorganized, as far as the world's concerned. But it's bound together by not organization ties, but by the power and the Spirit of Jesus Christ, by the bonds of love. Makes a Methodist and Baptist pat one another on the back and say, "My precious brother," when they have seen they can't walk together unless they're agreed. People say, "Are you a Christian?" "I'm a Baptist." That don't answer the question at all. "Am I a Christian? I'm Pentecost." That don't answer the question. If you are a Christian, you are a borned again creature. You are in a mystic Kingdom of God. Your eyes are not on things of this world, but on things above. And that's when you're in the church. That is the church. It is not an organization; it can never be an organization. Take me on record. The church of the living God can never be any certain group. It cannot be an organization.

Five Definite Identifications Of The True Church Of The Living God - 60-0911 - William Branham

You've got to get your own thoughts out of the way

A man's work declares his character. Christ was God's work. And Christ declared God's character, His feeling for the sick, His longing for saving of souls, till even He gave His own life. God's work... God's character was declared in Christ. And if you can just empty your own intellectual thoughts out and give God the right of way, He can declare His character through the work of your yielding. Empty out; get the world, get your doubts out of the way. If you come to the altar to be prayed for, say, "I'll go up and see if I get healed," God can never declare His works. You've got to get your own thoughts out of the way and let Him fill you.

Believe From The Heart - 57-0623 - William Branham

This is man's day

But if you don't accept Light, it'll become darkness to you. You'll criticize It, and call It holy-roller, and you might as well have a millstone hanged at your neck, and drowned in the depths of the sea. You blaspheme the Holy Ghost. There's not forgiveness. Said, "Who speaks a word against the Son of man would be forgiven. But if you speak against the Holy Ghost, it'll never be forgiven you." But, oh, you knowed so much. So you made fun of the people that was in the Spirit of God, believing in Divine healing, and the resurrection of Christ, and the powers of God. You made fun of it, turned up your nose and walked out of church. I want you to see what happens when you stand before the King Who sent this Message. Uh-huh. Oh, you think you got it big, but just wait till the day comes. This is man's day, the Lord's day's coming. That's right.

The Power Of God - 55-1006E - William Branham


Live true to the Word

Jesus, when He was here on earth, He walked on the water. Explain that to me. Scientifically tell me how a man can walk on water: paradox. One day He took five biscuits and two fish and fed five thousand. What kind of a atom did He turn loose? Now, that wasn't even fish alive. When He broke that bread, broke it off of a piece of biscuit... When He handed it out, time He got his hand back again, there was another biscuit there, already raised, the wheat in the field, already cooked, all the grease in it (See?), seasoned. Here was a piece of fish, He broke it off, and another piece of cooked fish. Amen. Hallelujah. That element is given to us, if we'll just abide in the Word. Stay there. I believe we're on the verge of seeing it happen. Live true to the Word.

A Paradox - 62-0128A - William Branham

You believe it

The whole armor of God is supernatural. What is the armor of God? Love. What is love? Scientifically prove me there is such a thing as love. Where's it at? You... How many loves, raise up your hand: love your wife, love your brother, love your friends? Well, I want somebody, some science, to prove to me what part of you is love. Where do you buy it at, what drugstore? I want a bunch of it. Love, joy, you got joy? Peace, long-suffering, gentleness, patience, what is it? It's all supernatural. God is supernatural. You don't scientifically prove God. You believe God. You believe it. If you don't believe it, then a man that says everything that's not scientifically, is unorthodox, it's not right, then that man can never be a Christian. He has to believe. By faith we believe God, not by education, not by theology. But by faith you are saved.

Perseverant - 64-0619 - William Branham


For everything that had a beginning, has an end

But, now, I do believe that the Bible teaches of a literal burning hell. The Bible teaches that, that the sins and wickedness will be punished forever and forever. That's not eternity now. That's maybe for ten billion years. It may be for a hundred billion years, but sometimes it has to have an end. For everything that had a beginning, has an end. It's those things which has not a beginning, that has no end. You remember that lesson now? How we went back and found out that everything that had a beginning was perverted (See?), a perversion off of the main. And finally, it winds back up to a eternity. And then all hell, all suffering, and all memory of such, will be vanished for eternity. Everything that begins, ends.

Hebrews Chapter Seven #2 - 57-0922 - William Branham

For everything that had a beginning, has an end

But, now, I do believe that the Bible teaches of a literal burning hell. The Bible teaches that, that the sins and wickedness will be punished forever and forever. That's not eternity now. That's maybe for ten billion years. It may be for a hundred billion years, but sometimes it has to have an end. For everything that had a beginning, has an end. It's those things which has not a beginning, that has no end. You remember that lesson now? How we went back and found out that everything that had a beginning was perverted (See?), a perversion off of the main. And finally, it winds back up to a eternity. And then all hell, all suffering, and all memory of such, will be vanished for eternity. Everything that begins, ends.

Hebrews Chapter Seven #2 - 57-0922 - William Branham

I'm convinced

I'm convinced that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. I'm convinced in the ministry and the Message I'm preaching. I am convinced that It's the Truth. I'm convinced 'that these visions come from God. I am convinced we're living in the last days. I'm convinced that this very Spirit that's on you now is the Holy Ghost. Glory. I'm thoroughly convinced. I'm convinced that the Holy Ghost way is right. I'm convinced that the Bible way is the Truth. I'm convinced that This is Jesus Christ here now. I'm convinced if we believe Him at this minute. I'm convinced that He'll heal every sick person in a moment in a twinkling of a eye. I'm convinced that He'd pour out the Holy Ghost upon here till there'd be such a shout till hard to tell what would take place. I'm convinced. I believe it with all my heart.

Convinced Then Concerned - 62-0610E - William Branham