
I'm convinced

I'm convinced that He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. I'm convinced in the ministry and the Message I'm preaching. I am convinced that It's the Truth. I'm convinced 'that these visions come from God. I am convinced we're living in the last days. I'm convinced that this very Spirit that's on you now is the Holy Ghost. Glory. I'm thoroughly convinced. I'm convinced that the Holy Ghost way is right. I'm convinced that the Bible way is the Truth. I'm convinced that This is Jesus Christ here now. I'm convinced if we believe Him at this minute. I'm convinced that He'll heal every sick person in a moment in a twinkling of a eye. I'm convinced that He'd pour out the Holy Ghost upon here till there'd be such a shout till hard to tell what would take place. I'm convinced. I believe it with all my heart.

Convinced Then Concerned - 62-0610E - William Branham

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