38. Whosoever is borned of the Spirit of God is God's, and you're come in by the promise through the covenant God made to Abraham, His promise that He would send Christ. And if you're in Christ, you're part of that covenant. And the promises... You say, "I'm not worthy." Neither was Abraham. Nobody's worthy. It ain't how worthy you are; it's what God promised you.
I'm not worthy to stand up here, but He called me to do it. You're not worthy to be a Christian, but God made you one. This temple is not worthy to set on this ground, but God set it here. That's it. It ain't what you are; it's what He is.
Everybody's always looking at theirself. Why you can't look at yourself and get anywhere. You are finished to begin with. You're a failure to start with. There's nothing to you to begin with. It's what God made you, is what you are.
39. Under the old covenant... What if a little mule would be borned out in the pasture some night, and when that little mule was born he'd turn around, and his mammy would look at him, and his ears would be flopped down. You know what a flop-eared mule is? Being a farmer, that mule's no good. And he's cross-eyed. His knees are not together. His tail sticks straight up in the air. Well, he's the horriblest looking sight you ever seen. That little fellow could look around to his mammy and say, "Well, I won't be able to live. No, sir. 'Cause as soon as the master comes out here, he will knock me in the head, 'cause I ain't worth nothing."
That's just about like every one of us. But his mother, well instructed to the Word of God, she'd say, "Wait a minute, honey. No, no, you are born under a birthright. When the man of the house comes out, he will go to the pasture and hunt the most perfect lamb that he's got. The high priest will never see you; he will see the lamb. He won't examine you; he will examine the lamb, because you're born under a birthright. The lamb has to die for you."
40. Now, you look at Jesus and find any fault in Him. Don't look at yourself; look at Him. Don't look who you are; look Who He is. Then you'll be getting close to Divine healing. Search your sacrifice over. If you can find any fault in that, well, that's--that's different, then you have a right to disbelieve. But there's no fault in Him. God don't look at you; He looked at the sacrifice.
There was a perfect One died for us faultry ones, we who are disfigured, and immoral, and ugly, and everything. But He took the perfect One and looked Him all over. "This is My beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased." He was the sacrifice. God accepted Him. So ours is finished. All we have to do is walk in grace.
The Faith Of Abraham – 59-0415E – William Branham
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