
Are you a Christian?

That's the way the church of the living God is today; it's unorganized, as far as the world's concerned. But it's bound together by not organization ties, but by the power and the Spirit of Jesus Christ, by the bonds of love. Makes a Methodist and Baptist pat one another on the back and say, "My precious brother," when they have seen they can't walk together unless they're agreed. People say, "Are you a Christian?" "I'm a Baptist." That don't answer the question at all. "Am I a Christian? I'm Pentecost." That don't answer the question. If you are a Christian, you are a borned again creature. You are in a mystic Kingdom of God. Your eyes are not on things of this world, but on things above. And that's when you're in the Church. That is the Church. It is not an organization; it can never be an organization. Take me on record. The Church of the living God can never be any certain group. It cannot be an organization.
Five Definite Identifications Of The True Church Of The Living God - 60-0911E - William Branham

God's character was declared in Christ

A man's work declares his character. Christ was God's work. And Christ declared God's character, His feeling for the sick, His longing for saving of souls, till even He gave His own life. God's work... God's character was declared in Christ. And if you can just empty your own intellectual thoughts out and give God the right of way, He can declare His character through the work of your yielding. Empty out; get the world, get your doubts out of the way. If you come to the altar to be prayed for, say, "I'll go up and see if I get healed," God can never declare His works. You've got to get your own thoughts out of the way and let Him fill you.
Believe From The Heart - 57-0623 - William Branham

Is this apple sweet or sour?

And one thing happened, I'll have to tell this too, while right at it if I can. There was a big old country boy setting back there with hair hanging down his neck, overall jacket on. He just come walking up, and teeth out here in front, you know, and hair hanging down in his face. He walked right up towards the platform, reached down his overall pocket, and pulled out a big apple, and began to peel it with a knife. The infidel said, "Well," said, "Sap, what do you want?" Said, "I just want to ask you something." He just kept on peeling on his apple. He said, "Well, tell me what you want, or I'll have you throwed out of here." Said, "Just a minute. Give me my time." So he peeled the apple and cored it, got it ready, put it in his mouth, begin chewing on it like that. Said, "I want to ask you a question." Said, "What is it?" Said, "Is this apple sweet or sour?" Said, "How do I know I'm not eating it?" Said, "That's what I thought." Turned around and walked back to his seat. How do you know that God ain't real until you've tasted Him, felt Him? Hallelujah. How do you know Divine healing's not right unless you've put it to a test one time? How do you know the Holy Ghost is not right, you run around with your ecclesiastical jacket on trying to explain all the Divine part of the Bible out, and taking a bunch of theology. How do you know about God, if you've never even tasted to see that He's right or not?
Lord Show Us The Father And It Sufficeth Us - 53-0907 - William Branham


Live true to the Word

Jesus, when He was here on earth, He walked on the water. Explain that to me. Scientifically tell me how a man can walk on water: paradox. One day He took five biscuits and two fish and fed five thousand. What kind of a atom did He turn loose? Now, that wasn't even fish alive. When He broke that bread, broke it off of a piece of biscuit... When He handed it out, time He got his hand back again, there was another biscuit there, already raised, the wheat in the field, already cooked, all the grease in it (See?), seasoned. Here was a piece of fish, He broke it off, and another piece of cooked fish. Amen. Hallelujah. That element is given to us, if we'll just abide in the Word. Stay there. I believe we're on the verge of seeing it happen. Live true to the Word.
A Paradox - 62-0128A - William Branham

This is man's day, the Lord's day's coming

But if you don't accept Light, it'll become darkness to you. You'll criticize It, and call It holy-roller, and you might as well have a millstone hanged at your neck, and drowned in the depths of the sea. You blaspheme the Holy Ghost. There's not forgiveness. Said, "Who speaks a word against the Son of man would be forgiven. But if you speak against the Holy Ghost, it'll never be forgiven you." But, oh, you knowed so much. So you made fun of the people that was in the Spirit of God, believing in Divine healing, and the resurrection of Christ, and the powers of God. You made fun of it, turned up your nose and walked out of church. I want you to see what happens when you stand before the King Who sent this Message. Uh-huh. Oh, you think you got it big, but just wait till the day comes. This is man's day, the Lord's day's coming. That's right.
The Power Of God - 55-1006E - William Branham

Hide me over in the Rock of Ages cleft for me!

Oh, there He was, those eyes. And, remember, one day, those eyes that were dimmed with tears, those eyes will stand at the judgment. Now they're like fiery flames running to and fro through the whole earth, and there's nothing happens but what He knows it. Oh, my, it's recorded. Running to and fro through the earth watching every move, perceiving every thought, knowing everything you're doing, the intents of the heart, what you intend to do. He knows all about it. He knows whether you love Him. He knows whether your intentions are right, to serve Him. He knows all about it. And what will it be when you stand that day when every sin's naked before Him, and you stand there at the White Throne Judgment? God, deliver me from that place! I don't want to see that. When an angered God walks out there with fire flashing from His eyes, with the righteousness, the white wig over His head like that, and His eyes flashing with fire that knows every thoughts of your heart, and everything you ever intended to do. Hide me over in the Rock of Ages cleft for me!
The Patmos Vision - 60-0412 - William Branham


We are brethren

Letters come to me, "What's your doctrine, Brother Branham? You was a Baptist, do you still believe in eternal security? Are you Jesus only? Have you... Do you baptize at all? Do you sprinkle?" I'll say this: I have one doctrine, the great fundamental evangelical doctrine of the Bible. I've never left a meeting to my knowing with any confusion. I've always tried to leave the meeting with sweetness of the Holy Spirit. Never tried to make... proselyte, I never try to take someone's disciples. The thing I try to do is add the sinner to any church that he wants to go to. As long as he's borned again of the Spirit of God, he's my brother and she's my sister. And the doctrines... I have my own ideas, but I keep them to myself. And then when I come here, or anywhere else... What if I take sides one way or the other, it would be... I would be throwing all the influence that the Lord has given me to one certain denomination. Therefore, I don't take sides with any of them. I stay on sides with all of them, and try to pull them together, and say, "We are brethren. We are brethren."
It Is I Be Not Afraid - 59-0811 - William Branham

Everything that begins, ends

But, now, I do believe that the Bible teaches of a literal burning hell. The Bible teaches that, that the sins and wickedness will be punished forever and forever. That's not eternity now. That's maybe for ten billion years. It may be for a hundred billion years, but sometimes it has to have an end. For everything that had a beginning, has an end. It's those things which has not a beginning, that has no end. You remember that lesson now? How we went back and found out that everything that had a beginning was perverted (See?), a perversion off of the main. And finally, it winds back up to a eternity. And then all hell, all suffering, and all memory of such, will be vanished for eternity. Everything that begins, ends.
Hebrews Chapter Seven #2 - 57-0922 - William Branham


There's only one avenue through that

Now, a man is made up as a triune being: soul, body, spirit. Now, the outside is the body. There's five gates to that body, and that's the five senses, of course: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. The inside, like the seed that's planted... The inside of that is the pulp-like of the seed, which is the soul. There's five gates to that you enter into: conscience, and memory, and so forth. But then inside of that little compartment is the third compartment, which is the spirit. And that's what controls the rest of it. There's only one avenue through that, and that's self will. You can accept or turn away and that's the only avenue to that. If you accept the will of God through that spirit, God's Spirit takes His place in your heart and controls the rest of you. And if you do not accept that, then the enemy takes that spot and controls the rest of you.
An Ensign - 62-0119 - William Branham


He's His own Interpreter

God don't need any interpreter. I can't interpret His Word. Neither can anybody interpret His Word. He's His own Interpreter. When He said He'd do anything, He does it, and that settles it. That's all there is to it. He said He would do it, and He did it. That settles it. There ain't nobody tells this is that, or that's that. He does it Himself. Our interpretations is nothing to the Scripture. He speaks Himself, and that's the way it is. In the beginning when He said, "Let there be light," and there was light, that don't need any interpretation. "A virgin shall conceive." She did. "I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh." He did. Don't need any interpretation. What He said He would do in this day, He's doing it. It don't need to be interpreted. It interprets itself. He's His own Interpreter.
When Their Eyes Were Opened They Knew Him - 64-0312 - William Branham

Purpose in your heart

There's only one thing and only one place in the Bible that has ever acted that made a person take off their clothes and they were devil-possessed. That's right. It's the truth, and it's no compliment on that--compromising. It's the truth. It's the devil that gets into those people that makes them strip their clothes off. It's the devil. You don't mean to be wrong, but woman, it's the devil doing that. It used to be wrong for holiness women to wear paint on their face. And now, they just gob it in on any way and sing and shout and praise the Lord like there was nothing to it. Oh, brother, do you realize that that's the devil that's a doing that? Purpose in your heart that you'll live. If it's old fashion, live old fashion and serve the Lord God of the heavens and earth. Purpose in your heart.
The Handwriting On The Wall - 56-0902 - William Branham


He must know God by faith

God doesn't make things complicated of so many rosaries, and so many this, and join this, and so much education, so much theology. Why, we get ourselves farther and farther away from God all the time by doing so. Today, we're so scientific till we can tell how many molecules it takes to make an atom, how many electrons, and so forth, and split that atom, and tell you how it's done, and make an atomic bomb. And then we can explain how we done it, but walk over a blade of grass that we cannot explain. God in simplicity. God manifested Himself in simplicity. He makes Hisself simple so that the wise will not understand. Jesus said, "I thank Thee, Father. Thou hast hid this from the wise and prudent, and will reveal it to babes such as will learn." Don't never try to educate yourself to God. When you do, you educate yourself away from God. See? God's not known by education. God's knowing by faith. And the first stroke that the devil took was on the educational program, and man lost his fellowship with God. That's exactly. He must know God by faith, not what he can explain, but what he believes that he can't explain.
God Hiding Himself In Simplicity - 63-0412E - William Branham

Do you believe that?

And my brother, He has provided already in Jesus Christ, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, has been provided for your sickness tonight. He has wrote it out in a Book. He has sent the Holy Spirit. He's put gifts in the Church. Now, it isn't God's fault; it will be our own unbelief. Isn't that true? If we don't receive it, it isn't God's fault. Do you believe that with all your heart, that Jesus Christ has been provided as the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world for--for your salvation and healing. Do you believe that? Raise your hand.
Jehovah Jireh - 55-0817 - William Branham


Stay with the Word

Don't presume; stay with the Word. Don't accept nothing different. Stay exactly what God said stay with. Stay with the Word. Amen. God is obligated. God's obligated to His Word. And if the Word's in you, He's obligated to you with His Word. But when you do like Eve, doubt one little speck of it and move something in to substitute, you're out, right there. Stay with the Word. Let's not presume anything. Let's just take what the Word says and believe it. Will you do that?
Presuming - 62-0408 - William Branham


You're filled with joy

God wants you to be filled with Himself. What takes place when you're filled with God? When you're filled with God, you're filled with the Holy Ghost, you're filled with power, you're filled with love, with joy, with peace, with longsuffering, with goodness, with meekness, with gentleness, with worship. You're filled with joy. David said, "My cup runneth over." And if David had a cup running over before the Holy Ghost come, what would it be now? You're filled with something. And when you're filled with man's ideas, if you're filled with churchanity, if you're filled with creeds, you're only building yourself a Babylon that's got to fall. If you fill yourself up with a modern world, if you fill yourself up with lust, if you fill yourself up with pride, if you fill yourself up with your denomination, you're lost. There's only one way to endure; that is to put the original thing that God made that compartment in your heart to be filled with, and that was the Holy Ghost.
United Under One Head - 58-0326 - William Branham

That supernatural being hungers and thirsts for its Heavenly home, yonder

I have man, everywhere across the country, sometimes criticizing me about Divine healing. Why, my brother, how could I keep from believing in Divine healing, when it's the very nature of the Holy Spirit. Every man that's born of the Spirit of God will have to believe in the supernatural, because he is a part of God, he's an offspring of God. I say, "You look like your daddy." Say, "You got a nose like..." Tell me I got a nose like dad; I got a mouth like dad. Why? He's my father. I got a right to look like him. Hallelujah. Then if God is my Father, I've got a right to believe in the supernatural, because I'm born of the supernatural Spirit, that makes a supernatural being out of me. Inward, outwardly, I am--I'm a man of clay; you're a man of clay. But inwardly, when you're born of the Spirit of God, you become a supernatural being in there, and that supernatural being hungers and thirsts for its Heavenly home, yonder. That's right.
Go Tell My Disciples - 53-0405S - William Branham


You must not look to what man has achieved

Even to our confessions! Now, I want you people that are coming, or here and hold... or on the--the tape, I want you to listen close now for a moment to this quotation. It--it... Unless you are deeply sincere! And you cannot be sincere until you're positive understand. If you're presuming, or guessing, or hoping so, then there cannot be a depths of sincerity that God requires. It, faith, is not a "hope so" or "it could be right." It's got to be absolutely "Amen!" It's your ultimate. It--it--it's your--it's your absolute. It's the thing that you're tied to. See? You have come to your ultimate, that "It is the Truth and there's... It's nothing but the Truth, and It must be thus!" And then when you realize that in your mind, then you've got to approach It with your whole life, soul, body, all that's in you, just completely sell out everything to it. As Jesus so graciously taught us in the man buying pearls, and he found the One of great price and he sold all his others to get to It. All the truths and everything that he had, thought they were good pearls, he--he... this One meant all to him. And when you find God's Ultimate, His Word, a promise upon a certain thing, you must know first that it is God's Word, that the thing that you're seeing being done is God. There--there's no--there's no "maybe so, it could be, it looks like it might be." "It is God!" Then when you get to that spot, then that's the Pearl of great price, you must get away from anything that anybody else tells you contrary to It. You must not look to what man has achieved. You must look to what God has said and what He promised, and see Him to do it, then that's your Ultimate right there. And then everything that you are, everything that you was, everything that you hope to be, must be placed upon This just as though it was death and life to you at that moment.
He Cares, Do You Care? - 63-0721 - William Branham

But if they are hungry, they'll eat somewhere

This day that we're living in, it's such a day of unsettled peace and unsettled rest everywhere. People are running to-and-fro seeking whatever they may seek. Most anybody can get a following. No matter what they teach or think, somebody will listen to them. And it's a day that the prophets spoke of. People, when they're hungry, they'll eat from anywhere. If children and people are starving, they'll eat from a garbage can, that once eat from a nice table. But if they are hungry, they'll eat somewhere. So I think real true ministers of the Gospel ought to be up and going, ought to be giving the people the right things: meat in due season.
Faith Is The Substance - 47-0412 - William Branham


The Holy Ghost lives in you

When the true Spirit of God moves upon the believer, whatever the Scripture says, he'll say, "Amen." Why? It's the Holy Ghost that wrote the Bible is in him pulsating his life. He don't care who's setting around or what anybody else says; it'll always divvy with the Word. There is a false. It's gourds. It's off of a wild vine. It's a great vine, covers all the earth. But it's death. Lot of that's been cast among the people. But remember, Meal brings it back to Life. Pluck it up, and set it by a goodly Place, which is Christ Jesus. Whatever His Word is, let it be "Amen" to you. Then the Spirit of God... Then spiritual joy will flow like the river. He'll be like a man, a tree that's planted by the rivers of water. His leaves shall not wither. He will not set in the seat of the scornful or the unbeliever, or the ungodly person that lives after the things of the world. But he will bring forth fruits in his season. What kind of fruits? If you're planted in Christ, you'll bring spiritual fruits, the spiritual fruits of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Ghost lives in you.
Planting The Vine And Where To Plant It - 59-0920 - William Branham

You do the very best job you can at that

If it's to be... Whatever God wants you to do, then you do that the very best that you know how to do it. No matter how little, no matter how little it is, you must do it. You say, "Well..." The trouble of it is, each one of us wants to do the next man's job. We all want to pack the ball, as we say. You see? Like this watch here, now, every little movement in there has its place. Now, every part of it can't be the hands. Now, I only look at the hands to see what time it is. But if one of them little wheels in there gets out of order, that won't keep the right time. And that's the way it is with people. We've all, the Body of Christ has got to be in their position in harmony. See? And then we can look around and see what time of day it is. See? Then the world's a-looking to see what it is. See, see? But they're watching you. And if you're just a little hairspring, main spring, or whatever you are, you do the very best job you can at that.
God Doesn't Call Man To Judgement Without First Warning Him - 63-0724 - William Branham

Whatever source it is, God heals by it

We believe that doctors help people. I believe that God heals by medicine. God heals by surgery. God heals by understanding. God heals by love. Just a little love goes a long way. Let somebody be all upset, and just show them you care for them. See? God heals by love. God heals by prayer. God heals by miracles. God heals by His Word. God heals. Whatever source it is, God heals by it. It's God that heals, for He said, "I'm the Lord that healeth all thy diseases." So all of it should work together, and men in different ministries should work together for that. See? Now, but they don't do it, because sometimes they're forbidden to take certain stands upon God's Word, because their certain denominations doesn't permit them to do that. But that doesn't stop the truth, just the same; God goes on healing just the same.
He Cares Do You Care - 63-0721 - William Branham


It's His Word

What the devil does is myths; what God does is real. Therefore, I'd like this to sink deep down into the hearts. When God saves a man, he's saved. Don't worry about ever going back, you can't. What God does is eternal. The devil can work you up and make you believe you're saved, but when God actually saves you, you've got it as long as ever is, because you got Eternal Life; Jesus said so. "He that heareth My Words and believeth on Him that sent Me has Eternal Life and shall never come to the judgment, but has passed from death unto Life." That's as eternal as God Himself, because it's His Word.
Planting The Vine And Where To Plant It - 59-0920 - William Branham


He must keep His Word

Now, you must continue with the faith that you have when you feel the Presence of the Lord is with you. Now, many people wonder what happens when they—seem like they are healed, and then after while they don't feel that way. But it's because that when prayer is being made, and the Presence of the Lord with you, faith mounts up. And then when faith leaves, well, then something's happened to you. You must remain with that faith. Don't never let that feeling leave you. Just always remember that God has answered. It's His Word. He just cannot go back on that. He must keep His Word. And in an encouragement to you, knowing that God made the promise…
Letting Off The Pressure - 62-0622B - William Branham


Don't say that they haven't got the right spirit

141. Brother Branham, in the First Corinthians—Corinthians chapter the 14th, verse 34th and 35th, says, "Let your women keep silent in churches for it is not permitted unto them to speak." 35th, "For it is a shame for women to speak in church." Now, if a woman with short hair speak—speaks in tongues in—in churches—in church, is it the Spirit of—of the Holy Ghost that speaks through her or is it a false spirit?

Now, you are… And this is a real hard question, and I can only answer it the best that I know how. See? Now, I could not judge, because I was not sent to judge. But I think there's so many times… I got another question down here somewhere that goes right along with that. But if a person is speaking in tongues, they are anointed of God. See? They may be out of order; that may be true; and they may be doing something that's not right; but I wouldn't want to say that it wasn't the Holy Spirit, because I wouldn't know. See? And now, there's many times that this… that people misjudge one another. And it is a bad thing to do. You say, "Why, she's got short hair; she's wearing a dress that's too short; that—that's not the Holy Spirit upon her." Don't do that. Don't do that, that's not right. You don't know what's in that woman's heart. You don't know nothing about it. You know that the Holy Spirit would make her conduct herself a little better; now that may be true. But I'll tell you: as you and I, let God do the judging of that, and let's you and I just pray for that person that God will show them the Light.

Here sometime ago a man met me out here aside. I had a pianist here that had a little, short, little skirt, and wasn't just exactly, I guess, just right. And the lady had short hair, and she was just a babe in this Way, and she was playing the piano. And a man met me out there and just tearing me to pieces; he said, "And you're a Pentecostal preacher, and let that woman set up there, that short hair," and just going on like everything. "Well," I said, "I think the woman has a good spirit in her. I certainly do not agree with that, you know, the skirt part up here, the two pieces; one of them is down here and one kind of up here; it's a shirt like they wear." And so it's real thin and shows that underneath garment that they have around there. I don't think that—that should be done. I—I don't like that; I really don't." Now, I can't say; they might be just as Spirit-filled as anybody else; I don't know; God knows that. But I wouldn't condemn that woman and say that she was going to hell by the sight. This same person had in his church a lady who had long hair and wore long dresses, and had a temper enough to fight a buzz saw, and just as mean as she could be. Now, long hair and long skirts don't take you to heaven. No, sir. It's the Spirit that's in you takes you to heaven. But if you as a Christian…

Then you should remember that many times pastors don't mention those things, and the people just automatically go on, think it's all right. But a pastor should really tear into that. And—and—and then the sisters of the church, those sisters who are in character standing, wearing their clothes neatly, they should be examples of sweetness, and—and motherly and sisterly-like. And I think that any woman that's motherly and godly and sisterly ought to go to such a person, and with sweetness of the Spirit, just set down and talk to that lady. And if she is of God, the Holy Spirit will understand those things, and she'll correct herself. But when you real quickly condemn her and drive her away, you might harm that young born baby. See? So I—I wouldn't condemn the person.

Now, the person speaking with tongues. Now, I—I have to say something here that may be just a little strange, and if you don't agree with me, that's okay. You see, we misjudge these things so many times. Let's always try to think the very best of anybody who's trying to do what's right. Let's express our very best to them. Oh, they're trying. We don't know their heart, unless you have a discernment. And if they're wrong, then if you got… The Bible said, "If a brother be overtaken in a fault, let them which are spiritual go to that brother in a spirit of meekness, considering your own self lest you be tempted, and see if you can't reconcile that person (See?) back to God." Don't say that they haven't got the right spirit...
God Being Misunderstood – 61-0723E – William Branham

Their eyes are closed, they don't know it

The atomic bombs and missiles and things, when the whole world... The comedians on television and--and radio, and things, are whistling and singing it, cracking dirty jokes, and saying curse words, and awful things that should not even be allowed. And the whole magazines and things are plastered full of naked, immoral women, and everything, trying to appease the mind, trying to quieten you. It reminds me of a little boy whistling in the dark going through the graveyard, trying to make himself think he's not afraid. You're scared to death, and you know it. You know you're in for judgment, and it's coming, because you've blasphemed the Holy Ghost, and you've turned down the resurrected Jesus Christ. Exactly. Their eyes are closed, they don't know it. Sodom and Gomorrah.
When Their Eyes Were Opened They Knew Him - 64-0312 - William Branham

Make you confess everything, and go make it right

And if you know that you ought to be borned again, and filled with the Holy Ghost, and have an experience like they had on the day of Pentecost, and you let some church creed hide you behind something that you know is the truth, don't you expect God to ever answer your prayer. He won't do it. That's right. "My church don't speak, and my church don't..." I don't care what the church believes; it's what God said. You know that you got to be borned again, and you got to be Christ-like. And if you haven't got that experience yet, and all condemnation of the world and things gone from you; you get back in the cave or under the juniper tree right quick, and into the cave as hard as you can go, and listen and see what you can hear. You'll hear something more than a rushing wind. You'll hear something more than a sensation, or a Divine healing, or a blood, and fire, and smoke, or ever what they have, all these things going on, or a big church, or join this, or call a cult or something to join in, or some great organization; You'll hear a Voice that speaks to you. You hear God come down into that soul and make you confess everything, and go make it right.
What Hearest Thou Elijah? - 59-0609 - William Branham


Shepherds won't loose his sheep

Oh, no matter where you are… If the undertaker puts you under the ground and shovels six foot of earth on top of you, he could never hide that sheep from the Shepherd. He knows exactly where you're laying, and you're marked. Some glorious day He will call and I'll answer. Oh, how marvelous. The sheep know His voice; a stranger they'll not follow. Why must the shepherd be on duty at all time? He must be sure that none of his sheep's lost. Aren't you glad of that? If the shepherd loses one sheep, it's a reproach on the shepherd. "He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath Everlasting Life, and shall never come to the judgment; but's passed from death to life." Shepherds won't lose his sheep.
The Good Shepherd Of The Sheep - 57-0308 - William Branham

They were coming in the right mental attitude

I was ashamed of that old coat. And when I'd go to meet preachers, I'd hold my right arm down over this coat like this and reach over with my left hand, shake hands with them. I'd say, "Excuse the left hand; it's closer to my heart." And I--I'd shake hands with them. The thing of it was. I didn't want them to see that old ragged coat. But that bunch of what... Arkansas people, who'd stood there and saw the Angel of God moving amongst the people, they were trying to touch that old ragged coat. And as many was touching, was getting healed, not because it was a ragged coat, because they believed that God was in their midst. Let me say this tonight: I may not have that old ragged coat on, but the same God was there that night, is here tonight to do the same thing. He's the same yesterday, today and forever. The only way you'll ever be able to draw dividends from anything God's, got to have faith in it, to approach it right, to believe it. That's the reason they were getting healed, because they were coming in the right mental attitude, believing that the truth was there, and if they could get near it, they'd be healed. And God was confirming His Word with them.
I Perceive That Thou Art A Prophet - 53-0614E - William Branham