
He's His own Interpreter

God don't need any interpreter. I can't interpret His Word. Neither can anybody interpret His Word. He's His own Interpreter. When He said He'd do anything, He does it, and that settles it. That's all there is to it. He said He would do it, and He did it. That settles it. There ain't nobody tells this is that, or that's that. He does it Himself. Our interpretations is nothing to the Scripture. He speaks Himself, and that's the way it is. In the beginning when He said, "Let there be light," and there was light, that don't need any interpretation. "A virgin shall conceive." She did. "I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh." He did. Don't need any interpretation. What He said He would do in this day, He's doing it. It don't need to be interpreted. It interprets itself. He's His own Interpreter.
When Their Eyes Were Opened They Knew Him - 64-0312 - William Branham

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