
Hide me over in the Rock of Ages cleft for me!

Oh, there He was, those eyes. And, remember, one day, those eyes that were dimmed with tears, those eyes will stand at the judgment. Now they're like fiery flames running to and fro through the whole earth, and there's nothing happens but what He knows it. Oh, my, it's recorded. Running to and fro through the earth watching every move, perceiving every thought, knowing everything you're doing, the intents of the heart, what you intend to do. He knows all about it. He knows whether you love Him. He knows whether your intentions are right, to serve Him. He knows all about it. And what will it be when you stand that day when every sin's naked before Him, and you stand there at the White Throne Judgment? God, deliver me from that place! I don't want to see that. When an angered God walks out there with fire flashing from His eyes, with the righteousness, the white wig over His head like that, and His eyes flashing with fire that knows every thoughts of your heart, and everything you ever intended to do. Hide me over in the Rock of Ages cleft for me!
The Patmos Vision - 60-0412 - William Branham

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