
Whatever source it is, God heals by it

We believe that doctors help people. I believe that God heals by medicine. God heals by surgery. God heals by understanding. God heals by love. Just a little love goes a long way. Let somebody be all upset, and just show them you care for them. See? God heals by love. God heals by prayer. God heals by miracles. God heals by His Word. God heals. Whatever source it is, God heals by it. It's God that heals, for He said, "I'm the Lord that healeth all thy diseases." So all of it should work together, and men in different ministries should work together for that. See? Now, but they don't do it, because sometimes they're forbidden to take certain stands upon God's Word, because their certain denominations doesn't permit them to do that. But that doesn't stop the truth, just the same; God goes on healing just the same.
He Cares Do You Care - 63-0721 - William Branham

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