
God is a God of variety

God is a God of variety. He has big hills and little hills. He has plains, rivers, mountains, grassy spots. He has little trees, big trees, white flowers, blue flowers, red flowers. He has... He's a variety and to His people are a variety; and He makes it all to His pleasure. Look at the--look at the earth. You can see what God loves, and that's what it'll be in the resurrection. Oh, I'm so glad of that, aren't you? To think that someday we'll see Him as He is. Someone said not long ago, said, "Brother Branham, will we know--will I know my mother?" "You'll not only know your mother, but you'll know every mother. You'll know everybody." "Oh," he said, "now, that's ridiculous." "Oh, no, no. On Mount Transfiguration, Peter, James and John had never seen Moses or Elijah, but when they was under that inspiration, they recognized them as soon as they appeared and never seen them." Is that right? But we'll know one another. Don't you worry about that, you'll know it.

Abraham - 56-1208 - William Branham


Not one iota of It will ever fail

Many people say, "Well, it doesn't make any difference just what I believe, as long as I am sincere in what I believe." Well, if that be so, the Mohammedan is saved; the Buddhist is saved, and all the rest of them; the heathens is saved. For I say that they can outshine us any day, when it comes to prayer, fasting, sensations, or so forth; they can outshine us. And salvation does not pertain, or it is not based upon, any other thing but the Word of God; God's got to say so. Salvation cannot be based upon any church, or any creed, nothing but the Word of God, for it's God's Word. God's Word is so perfect, that not one iota of It will ever fail. All the heavens will fail; the earth will fail. John said in the--on the island of Patmos, "I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away." But God's Word went right on, just the same.

God Keeps His Word #2 - 57-0307 - William Branham


He's at every place

Jesus died for one purpose: and that was to save those who God foreknew would be saved. That's right. God knew there was going to be somebody saved, and there had to be a preparation, or a way made, for them to be saved. If there wasn't, salvation wasn't possible. So God foreknowing that people would be saved, knowing who they were, He had to lay a plan down. Now, you'd say to me, "Brother Branham, then God knows exactly who will be saved?" Correctly. "Why does He say, He's not willing that any should perish?" He isn't. He isn't willing that any should perish, but that all might come to repentance. But the order to be God, He has to know who will do that, or He wasn't God. 'Cause He is--He's omnipotent; He's omnipresent; He's omniscient; He knows everything. He's at every place, and all powerful.

Making A Way - 56-0304 - William Branham


... is life that's making it beatiful

64. And now, let's drop over to another thing just for a little proof. I think one of the prettiest flowers (Everybody has their own ideas of them.)--but I think the prettiest flower that I've nearly ever seen is (back in the east) our pond lily. How many ever seen a pond lily? Oh, there's just nothing like it to me. But did you notice what that pond lily had to be. I think of what Jesus said: "Consider the lily, how it toils and spins, but yet I say unto you that Solomon in all of his glory was not arrayed like one of these." For Solomon's glory and his arrayment was all artificial, but the lily in its beauty is life that's making it beautiful, not some artificial smear-on, paint-on.

65. Just like our women, I don't think you have to have all this green, you know, and eye winkers, you know out like that, and all that manicure, or--or not (I get that stuff mixed up.) all on your face to make you pretty. Pretty is as pretty does. If you'll add a little Acts 2 and 4, mix it all up together with a little John 3:16, it'll beat anything that Max Factor ever did try to fix. Your husband will love you more; everybody else will; and I'm sure God will.

Birth Pains - 65-0124 - William Branham


God's in no hurry

38. "He that endureth to the end," Jesus said, "the same shall be saved." Just keep looking on, keep moving, slowly. God knows what He's doing. We're the only one gets in a hurry, not Him. He let the Hebrew children walk right in the fiery furnace before He even turned a page over to write a new article. Sure. God's in no hurry. He knows what He's going to do. We don't. But we believe it by faith, 'cause He said He'd do it. Amen.
Now, watch Him. God moving to Abraham, setting out there in the old dry country, the cattle all getting poor, Sarah, the most beautiful woman in all the land, had been, there she was setting up there getting old now, a hundred years old, right about it, Abraham old, sitting out under the tree. Just before the junction time, what taken place? Angels appeared on the earth. Amen. They were in the form of men. And God Himself appeared on earth with His Angels. Oh, I hope this don't go too far over you. Catch it.

39. Someone said the other day, said, "Preacher, do you believe that Fellow walked up there that day, dust all over His clothes and talked to Abraham, was God?" He said it was. Amen.
"Why," you say, "God in flesh?" Yes, sir. Oh, what's that to God to make flesh? Maybe it was Him and Gabriel. And maybe Michael for all I know, Woodworm, or some of the rest of the Angels.
I can hear Him say, "Now, we're going down on earth just awhile. Come on." They was all supernatural then. I can see Him grab up just what we're made out of, a little petroleum, some cosmic light, and--and some atoms, and so forth. And He just blowed them together, stepped over and said, "Here you are, Gabriel, get in here. Here you are, Michael, get in here." And He got Hisself a handful and walked down in the earth. Hallelujah.

Jehovah Jireh - 56-0224 - William Branham


That soul is a part of God

A animal doesn't have a soul.,,But a man has a soul. And therefore, that soul is a part of God. And even in its fallen state, yet it's the most greatest specie of all the species of the earth, is the man. And then get him in connection with his Maker, he becomes a superman almost, because he's a son of God. He becomes acquainted with his Maker, with the Creator of all things. And then when that man there, acquainted with his Maker, becomes a part of his Maker, becomes back into fellowship with his Maker, every Divine Word becomes a living reality to him, and he believes it. No wonder people can't believe Divine healing today. They haven't got nothing to believe with. Until God comes into the human heart, a man is not much better than a brute. His reason, he will think it all out, "How can this be?" And explain it all away. But when God ever takes His position in the human heart all the reasonings fade away, and God becomes first. Amen.

Fellowship By Redemption - 55-0403 - William Branham

And God will bless you

45. John Sproule, who was healed with a throat that could not speak--which alarmed the nation, to the magazine... I was talking to him some time ago, and he said, "I was in Paris, and I was taking the tour around, seeing the religious sights and so forth, and I come into this certain garden." And he said, "There was a statue of Christ." And said, "I was looking at it." and said, "My wife was looking at it. And we were criticizing it in our heart, because it didn't have any, really, look to it, that would look like the sufferings of Christ."
And said, "The guide came to me," and he said, 'Sir, you're probably doing just like all the rest of the tourists that come here. You're wondering why the sculpture ever made that statue like that?'"
He said, "Yes, sir, I was."
He said, "Come here, just a moment." He said, "You see there is a--a kneeling rail beneath the statue."
Said, "Yes, sir."
Said, "That's an altar." Said, "Now, you come here and get down on your knees." And he did. Said, "Now, look up..."
And when he looked up, he said his heart almost failed him for the--the--the sufferings of Christ was seen in the sculpture's work. And he said, "Sir, do you see the sculpture had in mind, that Christ is to be knelt and looked up to. That's the way he made it. Not to stand off... You'll criticize. But if you'll get down and look up to it, then you'll see the full purpose."

46. And before you criticize the Holy Spirit and God's Word, It wasn't made to be criticized; neither was the Holy Spirit. Kneel on your knees and look up to It, and you'll think different. And God will bless you.

Expectation - 58-0508 - William Branham


A little dew drop

12-4. A little dew drop, I don't know the formula of it. Maybe there'd be a scientist here, but I'm just going to say a way I think. It might be a--some kind of a congested group of atmosphere come together in a dark night, and it falls to the earth. And when it does, it's borned in the night. But in the morning it's laying there cold and shivering on a little blade of grass or hanging on your clothesline. But just let the sun shine out once. Did you notice how happy it gets? It just glistens and quivers. Why? It knows that it's that sunlight is going to draw it back to where it was at the beginning.
And so is every man or woman that's born of the Spirit of God. There's something about it when Light spreads over us, that we're happy because we know we're going back to where we come from, from the bosom of God. It can sparkle with joy when the sun hits it, of course, knowing it's going to where it come from.

Birth Pains - 65-0124 - William Branham

He just slips right in...

The devil knows how to get his program in. He taught all you holiness people, "Well, you shouldn't go to picture shows." You taught your children out here not long ago, but the devil put one over on you. He just brought the picture show in your house. That's right. That's right. Said, "Oh, that's all right." See he has... You know they used to say that the devil went out of fashion, but he didn't go out of business. That's right. He's still in business, and he's just so much shrewder now than he used to be; in the ways that people get shrewd he does too; and he just slips in right in. See? Brother, I tell you if you ever slip for cover, you do it now, and that's right. You get under the Blood of Jesus Christ. It's a disgrace how that all such things as we have and our world in it's condition today is eighty percent of it come right out of Hollywood, and yet that's the example of the world. That's where the pace is set for all the modern world, is out of Hollywood.

Has The Lord Spoken Only To Moses - 53-1130 - William Branham

Would you please pass me some pie?

If I went to your table and set down there, you said, "Preacher, come eat with me," I believe you love me. And you had beans and potatoes and carrots and fried chicken and pumpkin pie and ice cream, everything setting there, why, I believe I'd be just as welcome to the potatoes as I was to the beans. The only thing, I believe I'd be just as welcome to the chicken as I was to the pie. It's all on the table. And the only thing I have to do is say, "Would you please pass me some pie?" I believe with a good free heart, your love to me, you'd say, "Certainly, my brother, have a nice big piece of it." Is that right? If I'd say, "Would you pass me potatoes?" "Why, certainly, my brother, here it is." And every redemptive blessing that Jesus Christ died for and purchased in His atonement at Calvary, it's setting on the table and every believer's setting before it. Hallelujah. If I need healing, I say, "Father, pass me some healing," and I pour it out on my plate and eat a big... Now, if you want to starve to death, go ahead.

Questions And Answers On Genesis - 53-0729 - William Branham


That's perverting the true thirst

And did you know, they are the only creature that--that the female is prettier than the male; it's in the human race. Every other animal, take the--the cow to the bull, the doe deer to the buck, the hen to the rooster, the mother bird to the father bird, always you find the male is big and pretty. But on the human race, showed there's where the perversion come, it turns around; and it's the women so is--is pretty, and they lust to be pretty. Not like some of these weird creatures we see on the street of this day; no, no, not that kind of pretty. No. That's the horriblest looking sight I ever seen in my life. Yes, sir. That is a perversion; that's perverting the true thirst. Now, the true thirst that a woman should have, would be to "adorn themselves in modest apparel, and to have a Christ-like spirit," I Timothy 2:9. Now, that's a way the woman should thirst to be. Now, if you want to be pretty, that's the way what makes you pretty (See?) is a Christ-like spirit, and adorn in modest apparel.

Thirst - 65-0919 - William Branham


Red light

It's not--it's not necessary that any man would go to hell. And God don't send no one to hell. You send yourself to hell. God's done everything in the world He can to keep you from going to hell. And He let's you determine to go to hell. You fight over every barricade God puts in your way; you just go right on over it. "I don't believe in this. And I don't believe in that. And I don't believe in this." Just headlong... Now, there's a red light here in the city. And it turns red and green. That tells you when you can stop and go. If you run it, well, don't blame the city. They put the light up there for your protection. But if you run on through it, that's up to you. It's you--you--you brought your own judgment.

God's Provided Way - 53-0613 - William Branham


The unseen things

45. And the whole Christian armor now is unseen. The Christian looks at what he doesn't see natural.
Now, look. That's the only way you can be a Christian. You got to believe God, who you can't see. See, now look. Watch here. The whole Christian armor is love, joy, faith, long-suffering, patience, meekness, gentleness: Holy Spirit. See? All those things are unseen; they're unseen. But the things that's unseen is the ones that has the reality: the unseen things.

Sirs We would See Jesus - 62-0724 - William Branham


And it would make it love me more

You know, one time it was told; I don't know whether this is authentic or not, where the missionary told me in--in Palestine. However, he said he seen a--a shepherd coming with the sheep. And said, "One sheep, he had to pack it, and he had a splint on its leg. And he said, "Did the sheep fall, sir, and hurt its leg?" He said, "No." Said, "What happened to its leg?" Said, "I broke it." Said, "You broke it?" Said, "You must be a very cruel shepherd to do that." He said, "No." He said, "See, this sheep wouldn't mind me, kept going astray, and I knowed it was going to get killed. So I had to break its leg in order to bring it up close to me, and give it just a little special treat, feed it out of my hand. And it would make it love me more." So maybe God, sometimes, just has to let a little something happen to you, that He can just bring you just a little closer to Him, love you a little extra, and then give you a little special treatment, a healing, and you'll say, "Yes, Lord, I believe you are." See? That's it. See how God does that? Isn't He wonderful? We just believe Him.

God's Servant Job - 55-0223 - William Branham


Christ is our leader

Men are... They can't... You can't guide yourself. There's two ways: that's your way and God's way. And when you're in your way, you're out of God's way. And you have to forget your own way to find God's way. And man cannot lead himself.
He was called a sheep. We're likened to sheep. If there's anybody around here knows anything about raising sheep, when a sheep gets lost, it's perfectly helpless. It'll just stand and bleat till it dies. That's all. It's helpless.

And we, without a leader, are helpless. And Christ is our leader.

Moses - 50-0110 - William Branham


God has many ways of healing

4. You know God heals by music. Did you know that? Uh-huh. God heals by music. God heals by love. See? God heals by medicine. God heals by prayer. God has many ways of healing. It depends on what type that you need. Sometimes a little love stretched out will just cure an old sore, an old place that's been a grudge or something. It'll heal it right over, just a little love, a little care. Sometimes when you feel all down, and, as we call it, a street expression, down in the dumps (See?) just put on one of those tapes, that music or a record, and go to playing it. The first thing you know you're patting your foot, or your hand, and it's all over then. You're right up and ready to go again.

Look - 63-0428 - William Branham


We are in the battle now

299-68. We are in the battle now. We're after our fallen brother, that God, before the foundation of the world, saw and predestinated unto Eternal Life. And the things of the world's got him caught up in a whirlwind. He's out into societies and classes, him and his wife, walking up and down the streets, smoking and drinking and carousing, trying to find peace. And the Spirit of Christ in us, as it would be in Abraham, we're gone after him. With all the armors of God, the Angels of God encamped about, we're gone to bring back our fallen brother.

300-69. And when the battle is finally ended, we will meet Melchisedec again (Bless God), Who blessed Abraham there, and gave him the blessing, and give him bread and wine, the communion. And when the battle's over, we'll meet Him. We who are the heirs of the promise of Abraham, joint heirs with Christ in the Kingdom, shall meet Him at the end of the road and take bread and wine again when the battle's over.

Hebrews Chapter 7. Part 1. - 57-0915E - William Branham


Where do you buy it at?

The whole armor of God is supernatural. What is the armor of God? Love. What is love? Scientifically prove me there is such a thing as love. Where's it at?
You... How many loves, raise up your hand: love your wife, love your brother, love your friends? Well, I want somebody, some science, to prove to me what part of you is love. Where do you buy it at, what drugstore? I want a bunch of it.
Love, joy, you got joy? Peace, long-suffering, gentleness, patience, what is it? It's all supernatural. God is supernatural. You don't scientifically prove God. You believe God. You believe it. If you don't believe it, then a man that says everything that's not scientifically, is unorthodox, it's not right, then that man can never be a Christian. He has to believe. By faith we believe God, not by education, not by theology. But by faith you are saved.

A Perseverant - 64-0619 - William Branham


God said so

29. Now, I want you to look at the difference between Mary and Zacharias. Zacharias, that minister, Gospel minister, or a preacher, as it was in that day, priest in the temple, had knowed all kinds of things that had happened before of the miraculous power of God, but doubted the Angel in his case, where Mary said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." She didn't question what could be or so forth.
And look how much more she had to believe than what he had to believe. Hannah had had a baby before, when she was past the age. Sarah had a baby before after she was past the age. And that had already happened many times. But Mary had to believe something that had never happened before. No woman had ever brought a child like that into the world by knowing no man.
But she had more to believe than what Zacharias did. So therefore, she didn't question God; she just took God at His Word. Amen. I like that. Take God at His Word. Believe It anyhow. No matter how impossible it looks to be, believe God, and He will bring it to pass.

30. And notice. Just as soon... She didn't wait till she was positive she was going to have this child. She didn't wait till she felt life before she said anything about it. She started right away testifying, telling people that she was going to have this baby when there was no signs of it yet. God give us some more Marys. That's right.
Don't wait for signs and wonders. Take God at His Word, and start rejoicing, saying it's going to happen. God said so.
I believe if every patient in this building, right now, would accept it upon the grounds of God's Word, and believe it, and start testifying, and praising God for your healing, the meeting wouldn't close with one crippled person in here. That's right. God is under obligation to answer His Word.

Believest Thou This - 50-0115 - William Branham


God has never left the earth

293-33. Now--now, Abraham was to inherit the world. Through the Abraham's Seed was all nations to be blessed. So God came down and talked to him in the form of a Man. Now, God has always been on the earth. God has never left the earth. If He'd ever leave the earth, I don't know what the--would become of it. But God has always been here in some form. Oh, praise His Name.
He was with the children in the wilderness of--coming out of Egypt in the form of a Light. He spoke to Abraham in the form of a Man. He spoke to Moses in the form of a Man. He spoke to the Church in the form of a Man, His Son Christ Jesus. And He's speaking through His Church today through the anointed Church of the living God, through vessels of clay, "Ye are the branches; I am the Vine." God's still speaking, and the world sees Jesus as you present Him. That's how the world's... You are written epistles read of all men. Your life tells what you are.

Hebrews Chapter 7. Part 1. - 57-0915E - William Branham


Prayer is the most powerful weapon

11. So we believe that prayer is the most powerful weapon that was ever put in the care of a human being. You know, prayer one time changed the mind of God. Did you know that? It sure did.
Hezekiah was told by Isaiah the prophet, that he was going to die on that bed. And Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and wept bitterly, and asked the Lord for--for fifteen more years of life. And God sent the prophet right back, and said, "I've heard." And he was spared for the time. See? When God had already announced his death. But He spared him, because that he prayed. So if prayer is that powerful, what can it do? My, we don't realize how great it is.

Expecations - 61-0308 - William Branham


Keep confessing it

47. For God can only save you as you testify. He can only heal you as you testify. He is setting at the right hand of the Father tonight to make intercession upon your profession. It isn't how loud you cry, how hard you beat the altar, how many good deeds you do; it's your faith that saves you.
And if you'll confess it with your lips and coming from your heart, He goes to work as a High Priest setting at the right hand of the Father to make intercessions upon your confession. Hebrews 3:1, He cannot do one thing for you until first you believe it and accept and confess it to be so.
And the people today, they'll go out, say, "Well, I felt better last night, but today I'm so bad I just can't hardly stand it." That's just exactly when you lose your confession and drop right down. No matter who you are, how saintly, how godly you are, you're a minister, clergyman, or you're a deacon, or whatever you are, or you been a Christian for fifty years, if you go out of here tomorrow and lose faith that you're a Christian and start telling people you're not a Christian anymore, you're backslid. You're gone.

48. Only by your confession can you be saved. That's the most powerful weapon that God put in the hand of man, is a committal and a confession. It'll do it every time, if you'll believe it, accept it on those basis, and believe it and stay with it. Keep confessing it. When you confess it...
You know what a lot of people look at symptoms. They always go around say, "Well now, I don't feel any better." That doesn't have one thing to do with it. It's what you believe, not what you feel.

At Thy Word Lord - 54-1207 - William Branham


God saves us by grace, not by a measuring stick

139. And that's what's the matter with so many people's experience today. They're--they're just full of wiggletails, wiggling from one to one, and one to the other, telling tales that ain't got no truth in it at all. That's right, wiggling out of one into another. "I was a Methodist; I joined the Baptist. I was a Catholic; I went to be this. I went to be that." It's just wiggletails. Oh, forget the whole thing and come to the Fountain (Amen.), the artesian Well, the ever-living Presence of Christ. I believe Him to be the inexhaustible Fountain of Life. More you get from Him, the fresher it gets, and the colder it gets, and the better it gets, and the sweeter it tastes. I've been serving Him now for thirty-three years, and each day grows still sweeter than it was the day before. I never been... He said you would never thirst if we drink in this Water. Notice how great it is. Oh.
Israel did as many do today, they left the fountain of living waters to go dig themselves cisterns.

142. Now, speaking of grace just for a moment, what the grace of God. We got laws and by-laws, "And if you don't measure up to this standard... I got a religious measuring stick; if you don't measure just up to that, you've got to, well, you can't come in," and so forth. But God saves us by grace, not by a measuring stick. See? But God, speaking of grace now, just how this happened to take place, drinking from Him. From this measuring stick...
Murmur, murmuring Israel. Watch, He said, "And I will visit you again." Notice in the Scripture. Notice, He's going to try them to visit them again. Murmuring Israel at the Red Sea was invited to follow Him through the stagnated Egyptian's water to be a free people. They was invited to come over to be a free people, with Him. Come out through the dead sea, the dead sea--the Red Sea, rather, come out through that to go into a wilderness to bring a separation between them and the impersonators trying to impersonate it without circumcision.

Broken Cisterns - 65-0123 - William Branham


Faith is what takes to move God

9. "All things are possible to those that believe." Though we may not have faith enough... And I want you to know this at the beginning, that healing does apply a lot to the person that's praying for you; that's right, but not all altogether. It's your faith, also. You've got to have faith. Watch it in this little words that we're fixing to speak. "He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
Now, there's a lot of difference besides having faith in the mind and having it in the heart. The heart is a different mental facilities altogether than what's in the head.

10. They... Science didn't know that until just about two years ago. Did you know that? The Bible said, "As a man thinketh in his heart..."
The science said, "How wrong that is." Said, "There's no mentality facilities in your heart. It's in your head, your mind. You can't think with your heart. You want to think with your mind."
Two years ago I was standing on the streets of Chicago when they had a great big piece in the paper about like that. I purchased one of them, that science had found in the human heart (not in the animal), in the human heart a little compartment that doesn't even have a blood cell, and they say it's the occupant of the soul. The soul rests in the heart.
Oh, my. See, God's always right. They finally come to it, you know. They--they finally see it once in a while. So when God said that the sun run, and the science said it stands still... That's what I was taught in school.
Now, over in California, the big observatories there, they say they were wrong now. They scientifically proved it wrong: The sun runs also. So there you are.

11. Science has to say things, take it back, say things and take it back, but, brother, here's one Book that you can read and it'll never be took back, God's eternal Word. And you can rest your soul upon It. No matter whether you can explain It or not, I believe It anyhow. That's right. God said so, and that settles it.
You just be that simple in your faith, then God will go to work for you. Yes, sir. He's obligated to His Word. He said, "All things are possible to them that believe," all things. "Whatsoever things when you desire, believe that you receive them. You shall have them. They'll be given to you, if you'll just believe them." That's God's requirement, and faith is what takes to move God.

All Things Are Possible - 56-0722 - William Branham


Then you're perfect

44. ...Oh brother, stop looking at your self and look at your sacrifice. If you can find any fault in that, all right. But if you find no fault in that, then you're perfect. Amen. 'Cause it's not you that God's accepted; He accepted Christ, and Christ accepted you. And you are dead, and your life is hid in God through Christ, sealed by the Holy Ghost and all the devils in hell can't turn you out of there (Amen.), for you are God's property. God never looks at you; He looks at Christ.

Jehovah Jireh - 57-0326 - William Branham


God will answer every sincere prayer

25. And now, Zacharias, a just man, a holy man, a devout man, he and his wife had prayed, and believed that someday God would give them children; held onto God. And then, at this particular time, while he was waving his incense in there, Gabriel, the Angel, appeared before him and told him: After the days of his ministration at the temple, he was to go home and be with his wife, and she was to conceive and bear a son, and they would call his name John.
Zacharias, yet a good man, holy man, righteous man, that had prayed for these things... Notice it. He failed to believe what he'd been praying for, when his prayer was answered. Isn't that about like most of us today? Praying, and if God answers your prayers, scare you to death.
Notice. He had prayed all this time, and God was answering his prayer. And I say this here. God will answer every sincere prayer (I believe it.) in His own way.

Believest Thou This? - 50-0115 - William Branham


Solely He feeds on the Word

You know, there's a lot of sheep food, and there's a lot of food you give your sheep would kill it. And I'm so glad that God was mindful enough of His sheep to get the right kind of Shepherd, the Lord Jesus. He knows what sheep food is. And you know what sheep food is? It's the Word of God. "Man shall not live..." May I change that just a little; "Sheep shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." The sheep of God are fed by the Word of God. The Holy Spirit in you, what makes you the sheep, feeds solemnly on the Word. And solely He feeds on the Word. Anything you throw in the pen outside the Word, he will root it out to one side and let it lay there.

The Good Shepherd Of The Sheep - 57-0308 - William Branham


We're in the Presence of God all the time

263-590. "In the veil..." The veil is the flesh. The veil is what keeps us from seeing God face to face in this church. The veil is what keeps us from seeing the Angels at their positions this morning, standing by the seats. The veil is what keeps us from seeing Him. We're hid behind the veil, and that veil is the flesh. We are sons and daughters of God; we're in the Presence of God. "The Angels of God are encamped about those who fear Him." We're in the Presence of God all the time: "I'll never leave thee; neither will I ever forsake thee. I'll be with thee always, even unto the end."
But the veil is the flesh; that's what's keeps us out of His Presence. But through the soul, the Spirit, by our faith we know that He's watching us. He's standing by us. He's here now.

Hebrews Chapter 6. And 7. - 57-0915M - William Branham

You live for others

15-3. He was just one Man, the perfect Man. He gave His life, and He made an example for you.
Now, what must we do. Now, the first thing I want to say is: Jesus never lived for Himself. His Life was spent for others. That's perfectly Eternal Life. When you say you go to church and you do good things, that's fine. But when you live your life to yourself, you haven't Eternal Life. Eternal life is living for others.
It proved it when He come in the Lamb of God. He lived and had Eternal Life, because He did not live for Himself. He lived for others. And you receive Eternal Life by receiving that day, and you don't live for yourself no more. You live for others.

15-6. Someone said, "How can you stand and let anyone call you such bad names?" You don't live for yourself. You live for others that you might redeem that man. You become sons. And the trouble of it is that the church has forgot they were sons. You are sons. You're taking Christ's place. You are sons; so don't live for yourself; live for others.
"Well, Brother Branham, I can live for this brother because he sure is a nice man." That's not it. Live for that man who hates you. Live for that person who'd kill you if they could. That's what they done to Him. They killed Him, and He died that He might save them. That's Eternal Life. When you--that's in your bosom, you're facing heaven then. But you sacrifice your own things, give them up like the sheep gives its wool. You look on towards Calvary.

15-8. I hope this helps you to get in a place... That's what the Tabernacle, that's what all people has got to do, is find out what you are and what's the purpose.
Church isn't going to church just to play music, sing songs. Church is a place where correction... Judgment begins at the house of God. We must reckon ourselves dead and alive to Christ. Then He made the way that we could sacrifice ourselves to His service to follow Him. If we follow Him, we lead the life that He led. That's wonderful.

That Day On Calvary - 60-0925 - William Branham


You get what you come for

29. Daniel was expecting God to deliver him from the lion's den. The Hebrew children, when they went in the fiery furnace, they said, "Our God is able..." They was expecting God to deliver them. And they made the last step of the way before He came, but He's always there at the last end. Jesus comes in the darkest of hours, then Jesus comes along. They was expecting it.
The woman with the blood issue was expecting. If she could touch the hem of His garment, it was over. When she touched the hem of His garment, her expectations were fulfilled. If you come tonight expecting to be healed, you're going to be healed. If you come tonight expecting to find something to criticize the meeting, you'll certainly find it. You get what you come for. That's right.

Expectations - 50-0405 - William Branham