
Keep confessing it

47. For God can only save you as you testify. He can only heal you as you testify. He is setting at the right hand of the Father tonight to make intercession upon your profession. It isn't how loud you cry, how hard you beat the altar, how many good deeds you do; it's your faith that saves you.
And if you'll confess it with your lips and coming from your heart, He goes to work as a High Priest setting at the right hand of the Father to make intercessions upon your confession. Hebrews 3:1, He cannot do one thing for you until first you believe it and accept and confess it to be so.
And the people today, they'll go out, say, "Well, I felt better last night, but today I'm so bad I just can't hardly stand it." That's just exactly when you lose your confession and drop right down. No matter who you are, how saintly, how godly you are, you're a minister, clergyman, or you're a deacon, or whatever you are, or you been a Christian for fifty years, if you go out of here tomorrow and lose faith that you're a Christian and start telling people you're not a Christian anymore, you're backslid. You're gone.

48. Only by your confession can you be saved. That's the most powerful weapon that God put in the hand of man, is a committal and a confession. It'll do it every time, if you'll believe it, accept it on those basis, and believe it and stay with it. Keep confessing it. When you confess it...
You know what a lot of people look at symptoms. They always go around say, "Well now, I don't feel any better." That doesn't have one thing to do with it. It's what you believe, not what you feel.

At Thy Word Lord - 54-1207 - William Branham

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