
God saves us by grace, not by a measuring stick

139. And that's what's the matter with so many people's experience today. They're--they're just full of wiggletails, wiggling from one to one, and one to the other, telling tales that ain't got no truth in it at all. That's right, wiggling out of one into another. "I was a Methodist; I joined the Baptist. I was a Catholic; I went to be this. I went to be that." It's just wiggletails. Oh, forget the whole thing and come to the Fountain (Amen.), the artesian Well, the ever-living Presence of Christ. I believe Him to be the inexhaustible Fountain of Life. More you get from Him, the fresher it gets, and the colder it gets, and the better it gets, and the sweeter it tastes. I've been serving Him now for thirty-three years, and each day grows still sweeter than it was the day before. I never been... He said you would never thirst if we drink in this Water. Notice how great it is. Oh.
Israel did as many do today, they left the fountain of living waters to go dig themselves cisterns.

142. Now, speaking of grace just for a moment, what the grace of God. We got laws and by-laws, "And if you don't measure up to this standard... I got a religious measuring stick; if you don't measure just up to that, you've got to, well, you can't come in," and so forth. But God saves us by grace, not by a measuring stick. See? But God, speaking of grace now, just how this happened to take place, drinking from Him. From this measuring stick...
Murmur, murmuring Israel. Watch, He said, "And I will visit you again." Notice in the Scripture. Notice, He's going to try them to visit them again. Murmuring Israel at the Red Sea was invited to follow Him through the stagnated Egyptian's water to be a free people. They was invited to come over to be a free people, with Him. Come out through the dead sea, the dead sea--the Red Sea, rather, come out through that to go into a wilderness to bring a separation between them and the impersonators trying to impersonate it without circumcision.

Broken Cisterns - 65-0123 - William Branham

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