
God's in no hurry

38. "He that endureth to the end," Jesus said, "the same shall be saved." Just keep looking on, keep moving, slowly. God knows what He's doing. We're the only one gets in a hurry, not Him. He let the Hebrew children walk right in the fiery furnace before He even turned a page over to write a new article. Sure. God's in no hurry. He knows what He's going to do. We don't. But we believe it by faith, 'cause He said He'd do it. Amen.
Now, watch Him. God moving to Abraham, setting out there in the old dry country, the cattle all getting poor, Sarah, the most beautiful woman in all the land, had been, there she was setting up there getting old now, a hundred years old, right about it, Abraham old, sitting out under the tree. Just before the junction time, what taken place? Angels appeared on the earth. Amen. They were in the form of men. And God Himself appeared on earth with His Angels. Oh, I hope this don't go too far over you. Catch it.

39. Someone said the other day, said, "Preacher, do you believe that Fellow walked up there that day, dust all over His clothes and talked to Abraham, was God?" He said it was. Amen.
"Why," you say, "God in flesh?" Yes, sir. Oh, what's that to God to make flesh? Maybe it was Him and Gabriel. And maybe Michael for all I know, Woodworm, or some of the rest of the Angels.
I can hear Him say, "Now, we're going down on earth just awhile. Come on." They was all supernatural then. I can see Him grab up just what we're made out of, a little petroleum, some cosmic light, and--and some atoms, and so forth. And He just blowed them together, stepped over and said, "Here you are, Gabriel, get in here. Here you are, Michael, get in here." And He got Hisself a handful and walked down in the earth. Hallelujah.

Jehovah Jireh - 56-0224 - William Branham

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