
Let me point you tonight to the cross

My Christmas message is: Let me point you tonight to the cross. Amen. And you, the corn of wheat, fall into Christ there and die. There you'll find His Life in His Word being the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let that be my Christmas message to you. I ain't pointing you to a manger, to a cradle, to a church, to a denomination, but "Sirs, we would see Jesus." Then I'll point you to Him; He points you to His death, burial, and resurrection. And you let your own corn of wheat fall in there, and let His Word become real in you, and you'll see that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Sirs We Would See Jesus - 61-1224 - William Branham


The Spoken Word said...

That right. I here you Sir. As we grew up here in Nigeria. We were tot many things but i heard a different side of the story and it never left my heart till today. Christmas was founded in error a total repeat of what happened in Eden. Christmas ought to be a time of sober reflection. Has my life conformed to the purpose for which Jesus died? Have I achieved from that Grace which was brought by Jesus Christ. and not the jingles n merryment we see today.

The Spoken Word said...

That right. I here you Sir. As we grew up here in Nigeria. We were tot many things but i heard a different side of the story and it never left my heart till today. Christmas was founded in error a total repeat of what happened in Eden. Christmas ought to be a time of sober reflection. Has my life conformed to the purpose for which Jesus died? Have I achieved from that Grace which was brought by Jesus Christ. and not the jingles n merryment we see today.