
God bless you, and make you a blessing to others

22. Maybe some of those poor Israelites... They left garlic and onions to eat Angel's food, and was complaining about it. They had left the muddy waters of Egypt to drink from the fountain of life, and were complaining about it. They had led--left the boasting physicians of Egypt to be with the great Physician, and was complaining about it. They left a bunch of people that believes the days of miracles were past to be with a bunch of people, believed that all things were possible, and still complaining about it.
Isn't that just like the church today? Come out of Egypt, come out of the world, out here in this glorious Church of the living God, the firstborn, and 'cause we have little trials, God asked us to believe and to hold on. We still complain about it.
Now notice, another thing they had done. They left the people back there that had no signs, to live under the Pillar of Fire and a Cloud, and was complaining about it. No wonder their water supply was cut off. That's what's the matter with the church today. There's too much grumbling about things, complaining. Be satisfied and keep moving on, pressing on.

23. And when the water supply got cut off, God asked them to go to speak to the rock, that it would bring forth its waters. Now tonight, the only thing you have to do, is speak to the Rock and it will bring forth His water. And if you're on speaking terms with Him tonight... How many's on speaking terms with the Rock tonight, let's see your hands. Fine.
Now, I want you to speak to Him about your condition, about your body, and He will bring forth the healing waters of Life, flowing through you freely that you could be healed tonight. Do you believe that? God bless you, and make you a blessing to others.

Take The Rod And Gather The People - 50-0827E - William Branham

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