
That's the first thing

159. I hope I can show you something tonight. And we got a pool of water here ready.
He saw something he'd never saw before. And he said, "I better investigate It." So he turned aside, and the Word of the Lord came to him. Glory. Hallelujah. The Word of the Lord came to him. Now, before he could go, he had to act upon the Word of the Lord.
And remember, the Word of the Lord always performs miracles. He said, "Where will I know that You're with me and sent me?"
Said, "What's in your hand?"
He said, "A dry stick."
"Throw it on the ground," the first command God give Moses. "If you want to know that I'm God; you got a stick in your hand, throw it on the ground."
Gideon said, "Where is the miracles of God?"
He said, "Lay that bread on the altar; I'll show you Who God is." And He touched it with His staff; and the smoke went up, and he--it was consumed.

164. Moses said, "Who will I say that sent me? How do I know that You're God?"
He said, "What you got in your hand? I'm the Creator of life. I'm the miracle-working God." And before Moses could ever see the power of God that performed all the things, first he had to obey God. He throwed the stick on the ground; it become a snake. Whew. Oh, my. What? Is... Obedience comes first, before you see His miracles.

166. These so-called churches around the countries today, say, "Well, where is all the miracles? We'll give a thousand dollars for anybody that'll permit--will produce a miracle." You, poor, deliberated, backslidden, twice dead, plucked up by the roots, how are you ever going to see a miracle until you become one? Glory. A miracle of God's grace to take an unbelieving doubter and fill him with the Holy Ghost... Jesus said, "Except a man be borned again, he can't even see the Kingdom of God." If you want to see a miracle, become one. Let God work on you first. He's got some overhauling to do, some different lenses to put over your eyes, because you're blind, dead in sin and trespasses, spiritually blind, double dead. That's right. God has to give you Life, touch your eyes so you can see, perform a miracle, and make you a miracle, and then you can see the miracle-working God. That's the first thing.

If God Be With Us Then Where Is All The Miracles - 61-1231E - William Branham

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