35. That's the way God did it for the woman with the blood issue. Her darkest hour, and then along came Jesus. It was the Hebrew children's darkest hour, then God rode in on the winds of time, and fanned the fire away from the Hebrew children. It was in Abraham's darkest hour, when he drew back the knife and laid his own little boy back, and pulled his head back, and his heart in his mouth, as it was. His own son, and he pulled the knife to cut his throat, because God had said so. It was the darkest moment when God, Jehovah, appeared on the scene, said, "Abraham, stay your hand. I have provided already."
"You done what?"
"I've provided already a sacrifice."
Abraham said, "I'll call this place Jehovah-jireh, for the Lord has provided." And about that time, a ram begin to bleat in the wilderness, hooked up with his horns all wound up in some vines. Where did that ram come from? He's a hundred miles from civilization. The animals, the lions, and the wolves, and things, and the hyenas, a roving the prairies there would've killed it. And besides that, he's plumb up on top of a mountain where there's no water, no springs, nothing for it to eat. And the spare of a moment, here was this ram hooked in the wilderness by his horns.
36. What was it? Jehovah God spoke that ram into existence. Sure He did. It wasn't a vision. He killed the ram; blood came out of it. It was a real ram. Sure it was. And the blood poured out of it. And the--the ram come into existence one minute and went out in the next minute. It was God's provided way to give a blessing to His child that had trusted Him to the end of the road.
God is able at this minute to speak every cancer out of this building, open up every blinded eye, to set everybody in the freedom and liberty. God has provided a way. He's made a way. He sent His Son Christ Jesus. And the Holy Ghost is brooding over us today. The Holy Ghost is all over us. It's blessing us. It brings an atmosphere.
Why is it you can take a hen egg and put it in a brooder house? The mother hen don't have to be over the egg to hatch it. Just so it has got some warmth over it, it'll hatch.
God Hath A Provided Way - 56-0108 - William Branham
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