
But are you ready to be shaved off?

43. I was preaching the other night on the--the Lamb and the Dove. And when the Dove came down and settled on the Lamb, what if the Lamb would've snorted like a wolf? What would've happened? The Dove would have take her flight.
And that's what's the matter with you people up here in Canada. Not only that, but around everywhere. You were lambs, but you got to arguing and fussing and drawing denominational barriers, and the dove just took her flight and went away. That's right. You don't have the love like you ought to have. They don't have it in America. I don't know where it's at.
But long ago, you remember when your heart used to be so tender and pure before God? Oh, you didn't mind the troubles, "My, it's all right. Just let it go on." But when... The first thing you know, when you got that temper up, said, "I'll get back at him," the Dove took her flight. The Holy Spirit cannot stand nothing but gentleness. God's gentle, and peace, and loving.
No matter how--how much you know, how much theology you know, and how you can stick your chest out, and how well you can preach, that doesn't mean nothing. If that gentle, quiet , loving Spirit of God doesn't rest on you, it's all gone. You're nothing.
No matter how many gifts you can show, no matter, though... Paul said, "Though I can speak in tongues like men and angels, I could have enough faith to move mountains, and not have that gentle, meek love, I am nothing." That's where your trouble lays. See? That's it.

44. Now, Abraham, meek, gentle... "Tell you what, Lot, brother, if you want to take the best part, go ahead and take it. That's all right. I'll take the way with the Lord's despised few."
You remember when we used to sing that?
Though I started in with Jesus, and now I'm going through.

Did you ever sing that here in Canada? Sure. What went wrong? Let's go on through. Just keep humble; just keep walking; keep in love with everybody. No matter what they say about You, go ahead, be a lamb.
You know, a lamb is a odd animal. A lamb has... It's got its own wool; that's its God-given rights. But it's willing to lay upon a block and not kick. If you never sheared any sheep, I have... And it'll let everything be shaved off of it, give its rights, and forfeit it, because it's meek, it's gentle.

45. Are you ready to lay down and give all your rights as a Canadian? You say, "Well now, look, Mr. Branham, I--I've got a right to get back. I... He done something to me. I--I've just got a right to go bawl him out." But are you ready to be shaved off and forfeit them rights? "Oh, I tell you what I ought to do to that old denominational church of mine." That may be so, but are you ready to be shaved off? God wants lambs that's willing to be shaved off and become creatures of God.
Notice, Abraham up there with Sarah, his wife. No doubt but many times the meal barrel got way down to the bottom. But they still served the Lord. They were in the perfect will of God, though they had to suffer just a little bit to make ends meet.

46. Nearly every one that really truly serves God meets them kind of times. Sure we do. And when... Sometimes you wonder how you're going to get the kiddies some shoes for school, how you're going to make this bill and that bill. Don't worry. There's only one thing to do, is rest on His promise. I've never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread; so it doesn't matter.
Oh, how we could stop here and sow testimonies of the great power of God.
One day, while, Abraham, sitting in that condition... He raised up his eyes and looked one hot day, and he seen three Men coming, walking, had dust all over their clothes. And Abraham was spiritual. He recognized immediately Who that was. And he run out and fell down by the side of the Man's feet and said, "My Lord, stop by a little while and set under the tree. And let me bring a morsel of meal. And refresh Yourself, and then you may go on. For this purpose have You come to Your servant."
What? They looked like Men. But you know Who it was? It was two Angels and Almighty God. That's what the Bible says.

47. Someone called my hand on that one time and said, "Brother Preacher, do you mean to tell me you believe that was God?"
I said, "Almighty God set down there as a human being, and Abraham went and killed a calf; and God eat the meat of the calf, drunk the milk from the cow, and eat butter and corn bread. The Bible said God Almighty did that, and Angels with Him."
You try to limit God. You try to limit God to your theology; you try to limit God to your--my way of thinking. Why, He will never do it. Well, my God is so great, how did He do it? Why, it was easy. When you see this picture here, you'll never doubt the resurrection. Why, God could just reach out... What are you made out of anyhow?

The Working Of The Holy Spirit - 56-0816 - William Branham

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