
Stay away from it

Stay away from it. Don't see how --how close you can get to it without sinning; see how far you can stay away from it. That's the thing to do. Don't never see how close you can go to sin; see how far you can stay away.

Like Scotchman was that was going to go over the mountain. They had three drivers there. One of them said; he said, "Well, that great cliff," he said, "is that the road up there?"
He said, "That's the road."
Said, "Well, how wide is that road?"
He said, "That road is just ten inches wider that the wheels of the carriage in places."
Said, "You better choose a good driver."
He said, "I must ascend the mountain, go over it."
One man said, "I can drive my horses at a gallop, and with a--take my whip and drive my horses at a gallop, and stay within two inches of that rim all the way around without falling."
The other driver walked up and said, "I can stay within three inches of that rim and go around it at a full gallop."
The other fellow was just standing there, picking on his thumbs. Said, "What about you, sir?"
Said, "Sir, I might be able to do that, but I don't want to take that kind of chance. I stay just as far against the side as you want to."
He said, "I'm your passenger." That's right. And that's the way it is. Don't see what you can do to get by with it before God; see how far you can stay away from sin, and all shapes, and orders, and unbelief. And abstain from everything that's ungodly. Get away from it. Stay away from it.
And I think if a man's ever been over in Canaan's land and tasted the good things of God, you don't have to worry much about he or she about it. They'll stay away from it, as long as they've ever tasted them good grapes of Canaan.

Micaiah The Prophet - 61-0426 - William Branham

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