
Go right then and make it right

Are you real raging? Are you out of sorts? Do you doubt? Do you toss about? Do you wonder whether It's really right or not? When you come to Christ, do you come with a full assurance, a heart full of love? Do you walk up to Him without one fear, saying, "I know that He's my Father and there's no condemnation." You've passed from death unto Life. You know it, and you notice your life; you're loving, you're forgiving, you're gentle, you're peaceful, you're meek; all these fruits of the Spirit accompany your life day by day. And as soon as you do anything wrong, "Oh, my." Just as soon as it come to your mind you've done wrong, quickly you make it right, right then. Don't wait another minute; go right then and make it right. If you don't, well, you don't have the Spirit of Christ.

Hebrews Chapter Six 2 - 57-0908E - William Branham


There's no end to it

One time when they had the Welsh revival going on, there was some dignitaries from the States, some of these great doctors of divinity went over to Wales to find out where and what all this was about. So they had on their turned around collars, and their plug hats, and they was walking down the street. And here come a little cop along, whirling his little billy-club in his hand, a-whistling, "Down at the cross where my Saviour died, Down there for cleansing from sin I cried. There to my heart was the blood applied, Glory to His Name," walking down the street. So they said, "This seems to be a religious man, we'll go ask him." And they said, "Mister!" Said, "Yes, sir." He said, "We are here from the United States. We're a delegation. We come over here to investigate the Welsh revival, so-called. We are doctors of divinity, and we're here to look it over." He said, "We want to know where the revival is and where it's held." He said, "Sir, you have arrived. I am the Welsh revival." Amen. "The Welsh revival's in me. Here's where it's at." That's the way it is when you live by that Fountain of living Waters. It's living all the time, bubbling over, and over, and over, and over; there's no end to it.

Broken Cisterns - 64-0726E - William Branham

The Prophet

One man with the audacity to stand there in Ohio (just when Brother Kidd was healed), come out there on the platform and said, "Now, Brother Branham is a prophet, no doubt at all, when he's under the anointing, but now," said, "when the anointing is off of him," said, "don't you believe his teaching, because it's wrong." And he didn't know that setting in my room, the Lord revealed it to me, and I walked right down there (and many of you was there), and I said, "Why would a man say a thing like that when the Word..." Now, see, I never said I was a prophet; he said it. And the prophet... The word "prophet" (seer) Old Testament... Now the English version of prophet means a preacher. But the Old Testament seer was a man who had the Divine interpretation of the Word and was proven by the Word coming to him and foreseeing it. That was what... And a man saying that a man be a prophet and then saying his teaching's wrong, now, if that ain't a money working scheme, what is?

Three Kinds Of Believers - 63-1124E - William Branham

You have a choice of conduct

You have a choice of conduct. How you conduct yourself, that's up to you. You have a choice of wife. You go out and take your wife. You want to take a wife, you want to take one that's complementary to your--to what you want, you plan your future home to be. Could you imagine a man, a Christian man, going out and taking one of these modern Rickettas for a wife? See? Could you imagine? What's the man thinking about? What kind of a home is he going to have if he takes a striptease, a burlesque off of the street out here, a street prostitute. "Oh," you say, "now, wait a minute." How does she dress herself? See, see? Wear shorts and things, she's a street prostitute. "Oh," you say, "now, Brother Branham..." Oh, them little old tight skirts, look like you're poured into: street prostitute. Jesus said, "And whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, has committed adultery with her in his heart." Then he's got to answer for that. And what'd she do? She presented herself. Who's guilty? Think of it.

Leadership - 65-1207 - William Branham


Be filled with the Spirit

But God don't need nobody to interpret Him. He's His own Interpreter. He makes a promise and He brings it to pass, and that's the interpretation of it. No one has to interpret it. God don't ask no one. The Bible's of no private interpretation. Everybody's trying to say it means this, that... Let God speak for Himself. He's the One Who does it. He made the promise; He stands behind it. He does to believers. But unbelievers receive nothing. It's not for them. They're dead to begin with. They never was even represented. There's nothing in them; they're dead hulls. You don't want to be like that. Be filled with the Spirit.

Jehovah-Jireh #2 - 64-0403 - William Branham


If you're a lamb, you're led by the Spirit of God

Not long ago, reading of Samson, and how that that man, he was something like a lot of today, a ladies man, and God could never use him. Why, he was willing to submit his strength to the Lord, but never willing to give his heart to the Lord. Now, he had a great strength. And many churches today, will lend their strength to the Lord, "Oh, sure, we'll build an organization that'll put a million in, and do all this, that, and the other." But you're never willing to surrender your heart for Divine leadership of the Holy Spirit to lead us to the fountains of waters of Life. We're never willing to do it. Seem like it's the hardest thing for people to get in their head that the Holy Spirit leads. Sons and daughters of God are led by the Spirit of God, and not bishops, and cardinals, and so forth, by the Spirit of God. That was God's idea. If you're a lamb, you're led by the Spirit of God.

Lamb And Dove - 60-0805 - William Branham

Just keep firing away, firing away, until something happens

94. Now remember, in doing this, you'll find out, there may be times that you'll disagree with Brother So-and-so. You'll disagree over here. And remember, as long as you get to the spot, you say, "Well, because he don't believe It just like me, I ain't going to," then there is something wrong with you. Is not wrong with the other fellow. It's something wrong with you. When, brethren who are trying to hold together!
95. There's one thing, we Branham's, there's nine of us, and we'd fight like pet dogs. But, after all, when we got through fighting, we were still Branham's. One knowed the other was a Branham. I knowed he was a Branham. He knowed I was a Branham. See? But we'd fight. You do that in your family, but they're still your brothers.
That's the way it is. We might different, that's all right, but we're still one. We're one in Christ. We believe this Message, and let's stay with It.

96. And I think that that's the thing to do, to keep on carrying on, until Jesus comes. And that's what I wanted to say in that manner. And I believe if you'd have like...
97. See, you've got to be enthused with It. If you're not enthused, then there is something wrong. There is something wrong. You got, just not say, "Well, last month I was pretty well enthused, but I don't know." See, then there is something wrong somewhere. You've got to be enthused, all the time, see, and just keep punching. It's the Devil, trying to get you.
Like, I always liked our last president, Mr. Eisenhower. I had a great admiration for General Eisenhower. He said, "When we were fighting," he said, "there's many times we picked up a shell and throwed it into the gun, and pulled the hammer on it, and let her fall, and it snapped. It didn't go off." Said, "We didn't surrender." Said, "We might have put in another one, and it snapped, too." Said, "We didn't give up." Said, "We kept on snapping till the one went off."

98. That's it. That's the way to win the war. Keep trying. Throw the shell in and pull it. You got a purpose, a target to hit. And if it don't go off, throw it out, and throw another one in, and try it again. Throw it in and try it again, till one goes off. There's one of them in there that's alive, and one of them will go off. But that's the way we got to do. Just keep firing away, firing away, until something happens.

Taking Sides With Jesus - 62-0601 - William Branham


That's the only remedy he had

Moses led two million people through the wilderness. And he led them for the space of forty years, and when he come out on the other side, there wasn't a feeble one among them. Wouldn't you doctors here tonight, or some of you, like to know what Doctor Moses had, prescription? What did he give those people? How many babies was born each night? How many old people and so forth? How many lame and cripple? And how many colics, and everything else, did he get through the night? And Doctor Moses took care of every bit of it. Would you like to look at his medicine bag and find out what kind of prescription he give? Would you like to know what it is? Let's see what it was. Here it is: "I'm the Lord that healeth all thy diseases." Amen. That's the only remedy he had, and it worked for two million people.

Where I Think Pentecost Failed - 55-1111 - William Branham

God is the Doctor

God is the Doctor. He's the Doctor of the soul. He's the Doctor of salvation. And He educated a man in His Own Theology, Peter, an unlearned man. He couldn't even read his name when it was wrote before him. But He give him the Holy Spirit, and give him the pencil to write the doctrine about. So on the day of Pentecost, he wrote the prescription. Let's see what he wrote. Doctor Simon Peter, let's see what your prescription is for salvation. Let's see what it was wrote out for. Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their hearts, and said unto Peter and... the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what can we do? (Watch out, you got the keys.) Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of You in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to them that's far off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. That's the Prescription. Don't doctor it up; you'll kill your patient. That's what's the matter with a lot of these people talking this "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," they're killing a lot of spiritual people, doctoring with the wrong thing.

Five Definite Identifications Of The True Church Of The Living God - 60-0911E - William Branham

That's the time to believe

In the garden of Eden, there's two trees; one was knowledge and one was faith. One was Life. One was death of knowledge, other one was life by faith. And as long as they eat by faith of this tree, all right, they lived. But when he got on this tree, he died. The first bite he took, he separated himself from God. And man continually has been biting off of that tree. And every time he takes a bite by knowledge, he destroys himself. God destroy nothing. Man destroys himself through knowledge. Look, he bit hisself off some gun powder, kills his comrades. He bit hisself off of an automobile off the tree, kills more than all the wars put together. Is that right? Knowledge, knowledge, eating off that tree. He has got hisself an hydrogen bomb now; I wonder what he's going to do with that. See? But the trouble of it is, these people, they figure up so much, on this tree of knowledge, then when they can't figure it out any longer, they say, "baush with all of it." Listen, in the Name of the Lord, listen: When you can't figure out any more, that's the time to believe.

Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today - 52-0810E - William Branham


It's been called from those big denominations into the Presence of Jesus Christ

God told Abraham before it happened, "Your seed will sojourn in--in Egypt for four hundred years, and I'll bring them out." That's the reason they seen it, because they were elected to see it; they are the election. Israel was elected to see the sign of God, and they went out of Egypt where the unbelievers perished. And today, God's calling His elected, the spiritual seed of Abraham by the faith that he had in the Word of God. Don't you see the spiritual seed today that don't see the intellectual church; it sees the Word. And it's been called from those big denominations into the Presence of Jesus Christ.

The Third Exodus - 63-0630M - William Branham

You're greater than it is

Have faith, not just floating faith, not just a make-believe faith, but a real faith. Now, faith is a conqueror; faith is an overcomer. It just isn't a--a peace maker, it overcomes. Faith is the victory that overcomes the world. What does it do? What is faith? What is the conqueror? Conquer and victory is the same. To conquer, it means to beat down, to override, to handcuff, to throw into prisons. It means that the sin, that once ruled you, you rule it now. It means that you have overcome it, you are--you've whipped it. You're greater than it is.

Faith Is Our Victory - 58-1004 - William Branham


What we need today is a good old fashion Holy Ghost

And if the women, if you only realized how many hundreds of billions of dollars each year that women spend in America for manicure, every what you put on your lap--lips. I don't know what the stuff is. Anyhow, how many millions of dollars that these people make of that stuff they put on their face and makeup like that... And when poor little kids over yonder and missionaries setting here dormant because they can't go. They ain't money enough to go on. God will make you answer for it at the day of judgment. That's right. It's the truth. Yeah, Christians, calling yourself Christians, coming around all fixed up and made up. There was only one woman in the Bible that ever painted her face and that was Jezebel. You know what God did to her? He fed her to the dogs. That's right. And when you see a woman acting like that and call herself a Christian, say, "How do you do, Miss dog meat?" That's what she is: dog meat. God gave her to the dogs. Yes, sir. Oh, what we need today is a good old fashion Holy Ghost stirring among the people to get men and women back to the living God again.

Believest Thou This - 53-0906A - William Branham

Let's get the minor things straightened out

Daniel purposed in his heart that he wouldn't defile himself with the world. He was going to keep the tradition that God had laid down, the commandments of God. Why can't you women and men do the same thing? But Marilyn Monroe, or somebody, bobbed off their hair. And then some preacher's wife did the same thing, and you think you got a right to do it. That don't excuse you from the Word of God. And you preachers let your wife lead you around. What a shame. What a--what a word being a man... A servant of Christ can't control his own house, how's he going to control the house of God? "Well," you say, "Brother Branham, that's--that's just some minor things." All right, let's get the minor things straightened out, then we'll go to something bigger. See? Then we'll talk about the Holy Ghost, and the--and the things of how to receive Divine gifts.

Investments - 63-0126 - William Branham


It belongs to you

What is sickness? Sickness is an attribute of sin. Before we had any sickness, we had no sin. Sin come as a result of sickness, maybe, not your sin, but the sin of your parents. Just like it was give down to you when your were born, and so forth. Now, you don't have to just... If a great dragon or a--or an animal like a lion, had his paw hooked in my side, that was a tumor or a cancer, and trying to kill me. There's no need of just trying to cut his foot off for Divine healing. If you just knocked him in the head, it kills the whole thing. And when Jesus died for sins, He died for every attribute that sin ever produced. See? So when sin was finished, it was all finished, the complete plan of redemption. So we are... If you just knock him in the head with the sin question, kill sin you kill every attribute of it. See? What is sin? Unbelief. So when you kill all unbelief, why, you know that God's Word's right, that He's the same yesterday, and forever, so all the promises are yours. Walk through the land, it's all yours. It belongs to you. Just enjoy it; it's yours. God gave it to you.

El Shaddai - 60-0802 - William Branham

Don't be too smart

You know, the Scripture is given by inspiration. You--you don't just learn it in schools. It has to come by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. No matter how smart and shrewd you are, the Holy Spirit reveals the Word of God. Look at those Pharisees in the days of Jesus, the Sadducees, and teachers, holy men without blemish, scholars, had to be born in a certain lineage, Levite. Had to be trained from youth up in the Scriptures and know every meaning, and yet failed to see Jesus and recognize Him, when the whole Scripture is laying full of it, of His coming. Get what I mean? So don't expect to know God by education or theology; you know God by being borned again, new birth. The Holy Spirit wrote the Word of God. And He so entangled it in there; He said, "I've hid it from the eyes of the wise and prudent and will reveal it to babes such as will learn." So if you want to know anything, get to be a baby. Don't be too smart.

The Angel Of The Covenant - 54-0301 - William Branham


He'd taken no name upon Himself

When He was here upon the earth, He'd taken no name upon Himself. The Bible said that He didn't. He made of Himself no reputation. Many times I've thought this: the man that made the false plate for teeth, made a reputation in them. But the Man Who made the real teeth made of Himself no reputation. The man that made an artificial leg made a reputation for himself, but the Man Who made the real leg made of Himself no reputation. See? He just stripped Himself and come down to save you and me, to heal you and me. The great Physician, the God of heaven, the immortal One, clothed Himself in flesh in order to anchor sickness in His own Body to take our sickness away. It's just never be known. Words can't express what that really is, what God did for us in Christ Jesus.

Earnestly Conted For The Faith - 55-0123E - William Branham

You've got to be in love with the Author

When I go overseas... I got a lovely wife. And I tell her now, "Good bye, sweetheart, you pray for me now." She prays for me. When I'm overseas, and am well, gone for months, and I pick up a letter, she'll say, "Dear Billy, I am setting here tonight with the children, thinking much of you..." Now, I see what she's writing on the paper, but you see, I love her so much till I--I can read between the lines. I know what she's talking about. See? And that's the way it is with God. You can't just set down and read it in a cold formal heart. You've got to be in love with the Author, and then you can read between the lines. Then you--you have an understanding of the Scriptures.

Jehovah-Jireh - 59-0417 - William Branham

God separating Himself to His Church

When Jesus was God made flesh, the Fullness of God was in Him. He had the Spirit without measure. We have it by measure. Now, what if you go out to here pick up a spoonful of--of water out of the ocean. Well, that--that what Jesus had, the whole ocean; but you and I have got a spoonful. That's the difference. You'd never miss it. He don't have to have us, but we have to have Him. But if you took that spoonful of water and took it down to the laboratory, the same chemicals that's in the entire ocean is in that spoonful. And when God on the day of Pentecost, when He come down like a rushing wind, did you notice He was a Pillar of Fire, but did you notice He separated Himself from that Pillar of Fire, divided Himself amongst His people, and cloven tongues of fire set upon each of them: God separating Himself to His Church. No wonder He spoke, Wherever two or three are gathered in My Name, I'll be in their midst.

Be Not Afraid - 61-0224 - William Branham


It was God Emmanuel

For instance, what if I had the jurisdiction over you as God had over everything? And I'd say, "Well, I'll tell you what. Anybody looks at that light's going to die. Like, take the tree." And the first thing you know, this brother setting here this would look at that. I feel sorry for him. I--I don't want him to die. So I will have Terry here to... That wouldn't be right. No. Well now if I'd have my own son to do it? That wouldn't be right. There's only one way I can be just, and that's take his place. And God could not take a human's place, being His Spirit. So God created a blood cell which was His own Son, Jesus Christ. And God came in and lived in there, and lived, identified Himself in Christ. That was God Emmanuel. Jesus said, "I and My Father are One. My Father dwells in Me," (See?), God in Christ reconciling the world. Jesus was the Body, the Tabernacle, God was the Spirit that lived in Him.

A Paradox - 64-0418B - William Branham

It's not the big things sometimes we do

No matter how little you do, He knows everything that you do. It's recorded in heaven, just as much for your account as it is Billy Graham's, or Oral Roberts', or any of the rest of them that has great meetings. It's not the big things sometimes we do; it's the little things we leave undone. Now, Jesus is no respect of groups. Jesus met in all kinds of groups, all sizes and all walks of life. One time we have a record of Him meeting with five hundred; sometime with thousands. One time we see him with twelve; sometime once with three, and even to one. No matter the size of group, the main thing is Jesus is there to meet with that group. No matter how small your church is, or how large it is, how many you preach to; the question is, are you so committed to God that Jesus meets in your company?

Hear Ye Him - 60-0313 - William Branham


He has to act every time afterwards the same way

Now, remember. If God is ever called on the scene to act, and the way He acts first, He has to act every time afterwards the same way, or He did wrong when He acted first. So if that was the way of making Himself known in that day to the Jews and to the Samaritans who were looking for a Messiah... No Gentile was looking for a Messiah. We were Romans and Greeks and worshipping gods of iron, and steel, and marble, and like a lot of them are still doing, and--and like that, with a club on our back. But now after two thousand years of theology and teaching, now the Gentile Church, the elect Church, is looking for the Messiah. Now, He will have to act when He's coming this time just like He did that time. He will have to do the same things, 'cause the Word said He would do it.

Be Not Afraid - 61-0224 - William Branham

But first thing is to be sure

Now, if you want to speak in an unknown tongue, I believe God will let you do it. But according to the Scriptures, you're still nothing until the Holy Spirit comes. Then after the Holy Spirit comes then you can speak in tongues and have... God will just take the nature that you are, and cut it out for you, and make you the best servant you can be. He might make you preach the Gospel; He might make you have a gift of speaking in tongues; He might make you a prophet; He might give you a spirit of prophecy; He might... It's hard telling what He'd do for you; or He might do all those things for you. But the first thing is to be sure that by one, not sensation, but by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body. And then, the gifts come from that body.

Identified With Christ - 59-1220E - William Branham


Shine morning stars

What is it? I've walked out and looked at that great morning star as she begins to move yonder. What does the morning star say? The morning star is only reflecting the supreme light of the sun coming. Is that right? The morning star, the reason it's so bright, you know why it is? The sun's so much closer to it. It's a pressing on, and the morning star hails the coming of the sun. All right, you morning stars, it's time to go to hailing His coming. Shine morning stars, rise early. It says the sun will soon be here. When we look and see that morning star just a glistening in the skies, it means that the sun will shine pretty soon. And when we see the morning stars of God rising and shining to the glory of a resurrection of Jesus Christ, shows that that Supreme One is pressing on. The lights are gathering, but the morning star hollers, "Hold on; it isn't long till daylight. Hold on, it's not long till daylight. Just keep holding on."

Beginning And Ending Of The Gentile Dispensation - 55-0109E - William Branham

Return good for evil, all the time

Now, see, there's no need of fighting. God takes care of all things. You see? Don't do it. Just love them. Return good for evil, all the time. Is that right? When anybody speaks good about you, well, be thankful. If anybody speaks bad about you, bless them anyhow. Sure. That's right. Let... God takes care of the rest. He's the One. Isn't that right? He's the One. So after all, we all got to answer to Him. And no matter what it is, if your archenemy... If you got any feeling at all, and the worst enemy you got that you know was going to go to a place like hell, it'd make you feel bad. I don't know of a person; I don't--can't think of the lowest person in the world today, that it was Stalin up there, ever who it was, I'd hate to know that man was suffering in the torments of hell this morning. I'd hate to know it. I sure would. I pray God have mercy upon his lost soul as he died (See?), that God won't let him suffer like that in eternity. Think of a human in the torment of hell, that the Bible pictures here to the unbeliever.

Divine Healing - 54-1219M - William Branham


He's here tonight

The ground has to receive the wheat in order to reproduce life. And you have to receive the Word of God in your heart to produce what the Word says it will be. Every Word of God is a Seed. Jesus said it was. The sower went forth sowing seeds; He said the seed was the Word of God. And now notice, a corn will bring forth a corn, a wheat a wheat, a barley a barley. Whatever it may be, it'll produce. And if God's Word is a Seed, as Jesus said It was, and It's placed in the human heart, and there, watered by faith, It'll produce anything that God said in His Word that It would do. It'll produce. If you need salvation, Come unto Me all ye that labor and heavy laden, I'll give you rest. If you need healing, "He was wounded for your transgressions, with His stripes you were healed." God has provided the sacrifice for sin and sickness. And worry, and trouble, and sorrows, and all these things, God has provided the Sacrifice. He's here tonight.

God Providing Healing For This Generation - 54-0719E - William Branham


God is love

A tree might have sycamore bark on it, but if it's a bearing apples, it's a apple tree. That's right. It's a apple tree because the sap, the life on the inside of the apple--of that sycamore tree is changed to apple trees life and bearing apples, in a kind of a...
No matter what outward demonstration you give, as long as the inward, here, is the Holy Spirit, it'll be the fruits of the Spirit, long-suffering, goodness, meekness, patience, gentleness, faith, temperance.
Satan can copy any kind of a gift, any kind of a manifestation, but he can't love. God is love. that's right. See? Satan can't love.
You see a man humble, and loving, and good to his neighbors, and a good citizen, a good fellow, and a good man, and a Christian man, full of love and humility; you watch that man. See? That's right. He's good charitable, long-suffering, you can talk about him, it's a--all right, he forgives you, don't make any difference to him. There, that's the real man; keep your eye on him. See? That man bears, he's an example.

Faith Is The Substance - 51-0508 - William Branham


Then when I'm weak, I'm strong

But when you've become a real Christian, every moment you're wondering, "Am I pleasing my Lord? If I could hear from Him!" It puts you on tension, puts you on guard. That's what makes you what you are. So after all, tension is a blessing. It's just the way you're looking at it. It's just the way you're looking at it. See? If you just look the other side, there's--there's... No matter how thin you slice anything, you still got two sides to it, you see. So you want to see both sides. So tension... I think, "Oh my, it's... What's this tension? If I could've been born without this tension." Well, if I wouldn't have had this tension, I wouldn't have been what I am. I wouldn't have been a Christian, perhaps. It was this tension that drove me to Jesus Christ. See? So, it's been a blessing thing to me. So then as Paul said, as though when he had a tension or something or another, he had consulted the Lord to--to take it away from him three times. And the Lord said, "Saul... My Paul, My grace is sufficient." He said, "Then, I'll glory in my infirmities. Then when I'm weak, I'm strong." See? As long as it's to the will of God, all right.

The Uniting Time - 63-0818 - William Branham

Do you know all those things are good for you?

And sometimes we think that, our burdens. I might inject this right here, that, we think our burdens are so heavy sometimes, that there's nothing like it in the world. Do you know all those things are good for you? They are all to mold you, make you. Prophets and sages was molded on the backside of the desert, in the hot, blazing sun, through tribulations and trials, and persecutions. And these things that we have today, there's nothing happened to us that hasn't happened to other Christians, before. Other Christians has had to stand in the hour of darkness like this, and even be fed to lions, for their testimony.

We Have Seen His Star And Have Come To Worship Him - 63-1216 - William Branham