
It was God Emmanuel

For instance, what if I had the jurisdiction over you as God had over everything? And I'd say, "Well, I'll tell you what. Anybody looks at that light's going to die. Like, take the tree." And the first thing you know, this brother setting here this would look at that. I feel sorry for him. I--I don't want him to die. So I will have Terry here to... That wouldn't be right. No. Well now if I'd have my own son to do it? That wouldn't be right. There's only one way I can be just, and that's take his place. And God could not take a human's place, being His Spirit. So God created a blood cell which was His own Son, Jesus Christ. And God came in and lived in there, and lived, identified Himself in Christ. That was God Emmanuel. Jesus said, "I and My Father are One. My Father dwells in Me," (See?), God in Christ reconciling the world. Jesus was the Body, the Tabernacle, God was the Spirit that lived in Him.

A Paradox - 64-0418B - William Branham

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