The ground has to receive the wheat in order to reproduce life. And you have to receive the Word of God in your heart to produce what the Word says it will be. Every Word of God is a Seed. Jesus said it was. The sower went forth sowing seeds; He said the seed was the Word of God. And now notice, a corn will bring forth a corn, a wheat a wheat, a barley a barley. Whatever it may be, it'll produce. And if God's Word is a Seed, as Jesus said It was, and It's placed in the human heart, and there, watered by faith, It'll produce anything that God said in His Word that It would do. It'll produce. If you need salvation, Come unto Me all ye that labor and heavy laden, I'll give you rest. If you need healing, "He was wounded for your transgressions, with His stripes you were healed." God has provided the sacrifice for sin and sickness. And worry, and trouble, and sorrows, and all these things, God has provided the Sacrifice. He's here tonight.
God Providing Healing For This Generation - 54-0719E - William Branham
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