94. Now remember, in doing this, you'll find out, there may be times that you'll disagree with Brother So-and-so. You'll disagree over here. And remember, as long as you get to the spot, you say, "Well, because he don't believe It just like me, I ain't going to," then there is something wrong with you. Is not wrong with the other fellow. It's something wrong with you. When, brethren who are trying to hold together!
95. There's one thing, we Branham's, there's nine of us, and we'd fight like pet dogs. But, after all, when we got through fighting, we were still Branham's. One knowed the other was a Branham. I knowed he was a Branham. He knowed I was a Branham. See? But we'd fight. You do that in your family, but they're still your brothers.
That's the way it is. We might different, that's all right, but we're still one. We're one in Christ. We believe this Message, and let's stay with It.
96. And I think that that's the thing to do, to keep on carrying on, until Jesus comes. And that's what I wanted to say in that manner. And I believe if you'd have like...
97. See, you've got to be enthused with It. If you're not enthused, then there is something wrong. There is something wrong. You got, just not say, "Well, last month I was pretty well enthused, but I don't know." See, then there is something wrong somewhere. You've got to be enthused, all the time, see, and just keep punching. It's the Devil, trying to get you.
Like, I always liked our last president, Mr. Eisenhower. I had a great admiration for General Eisenhower. He said, "When we were fighting," he said, "there's many times we picked up a shell and throwed it into the gun, and pulled the hammer on it, and let her fall, and it snapped. It didn't go off." Said, "We didn't surrender." Said, "We might have put in another one, and it snapped, too." Said, "We didn't give up." Said, "We kept on snapping till the one went off."
98. That's it. That's the way to win the war. Keep trying. Throw the shell in and pull it. You got a purpose, a target to hit. And if it don't go off, throw it out, and throw another one in, and try it again. Throw it in and try it again, till one goes off. There's one of them in there that's alive, and one of them will go off. But that's the way we got to do. Just keep firing away, firing away, until something happens.
Taking Sides With Jesus - 62-0601 - William Branham
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