
He'd taken no name upon Himself

When He was here upon the earth, He'd taken no name upon Himself. The Bible said that He didn't. He made of Himself no reputation. Many times I've thought this: the man that made the false plate for teeth, made a reputation in them. But the Man Who made the real teeth made of Himself no reputation. The man that made an artificial leg made a reputation for himself, but the Man Who made the real leg made of Himself no reputation. See? He just stripped Himself and come down to save you and me, to heal you and me. The great Physician, the God of heaven, the immortal One, clothed Himself in flesh in order to anchor sickness in His own Body to take our sickness away. It's just never be known. Words can't express what that really is, what God did for us in Christ Jesus.

Earnestly Conted For The Faith - 55-0123E - William Branham

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