Why, when the Angel met Mary that morning on the road to the well and told her she was going to have a baby, knowing no man, it put her into action. She went quickly, telling everybody that she was going to have a baby, knowing no man. She didn't care what it meant or what the people said. She had actually met an Angel of God, and it put her into action. She was conscious that the Holy Spirit was upon her, creating in her a Life. Oh, if we could only realize that, that the Holy Ghost is upon us, creating in us a faith, trying to present Hisself in so many different ways and gifts to create a faith for a raptured Church. It should put us into action.Influence - 63-0803E - William Branham
If we could only realize that
God has to call you to be a Christian
You can never make yourself something that you're not. If you're just impersonating Christianity, no matter if you're preaching the Gospel, you need an altar call in your soul. That's right. If you're just trying to act like that person that's a Christian, you're miserable yourself, knowing in your heart that you're not. And if the fruits of the Spirit don't follow you: long-suffering, goodness, meekness, gentleness, patience, then you need an altar call in your heart. You just feared hell and started off trying to be a Christian. God has to call you to be a Christian. God called Abraham. Give him... elected him.The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With His People - 54-0306 - William Branham
So work first with love
I would rather have a church that knows nothing about any spiritual gift, and just be so in love with each other and with Christ, I'd rather have that than every spiritual gift operating in the church. Now, that might sound hard in a Pentecostal group, but I would rather have it. Where there is gifts, they'll fail. Where there is gifts, they'll bring confusion. Where there is gifts, they can be questioned. But where there is love, it is perfect. That's right. And if you had perfect love you'd have perfect gifts. That's right. So work first with love. That brings fellowship, and fellowship brings gifts.The Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham
He will not rest until He's done the full price of redemption
When morning come, way before the break of day, she gathered up a great big bunch of barley (six measures I believe it was) and put it in her--her little shawl, and went home. And--and Naomi said, "My daughter..." After she had raised up from the altar and went back, "Now, what's going to happen, mama? What's going to take place now?" Amen. "Rest. (Amen.) Rest, Ruth, because the man will have no rest until he's done the full price of redemption." Amen, amen. Right there's where I stand. Amen. He will not rest until He's done the full price of redemption to redeem you, everything that you ever lost, everything that you was.The Kinsman Redeemer - 60-1002 - William Branham
The impossibles are made real
Let me tell you; she must believe for the impossible then. That's what you've got to do. You've got to believe the impossible in order to have new life. Let me also say this as God's servant, 'cause I know from what I speak. The impossibles are made real, when God is took at His Word. When any person will take that same Word, it'll bring the same results every time, every time you ask it.The Same Jesus Tonight - 55-0826 - William Branham
Love produces Faith
He caught me when I was nothing. I'm still nothing, but I'm in His hand. See, He caught me. And He loved me when I was unlovable. He loved you when you was unlovable, but He changed you. Just like the colored sister said, that time in her testimony, she said, "I'm--I'm not what I ought to be, and I'm not what I want to be, then I'm not what I used to be!" She knowed she had come somewhere, something happened. And that's the way it is. If God, when I was an alien from Him, so loved me till He stooped down to get me and pick me up, that gives me confidence that He wants to use me. He's got a purpose in doing it. He seen something in me. He seen something in you. He had a reason to save you, look at the people that's unsaved today. Look at the millions He could have took beside you, but He took you. Amen! No one can take your place. Amen! You're in God's economy. No one can do it. That's His Love to you.Perfect Faith – 63-0825E – William Branham
Then, won't your love reach right back to Him? And there's a love affair. No matter what the situation is, its circumstances is governed by this Love that creates Faith: that God loves you and you love God, and you love one another, and--and that brings the Faith. All right. Then it can't--it can't keep from bringing out just exactly what God promised it would do.
Now, watch! Perfect Faith is pure, just as pure as love is. See? Now, when you love somebody, and you got... you love your husband or you love your wife. Now, there's no need of anybody telling you "you don't" do it, because you do do it, and you know you do it. Now, if I'd ask you, "How can you--you prove you do it?" "Oh, I prove it by the way I live to him." See? "I'm a true, honest wife. I'm a loyal, honest husband, and that proves to me that I--that I love my wife; or I love my husband." See, your life proves what you are. The same thing Christianity does. See? Your faith, you have confidence in one another, it's pure. And it's something real, that you can't show it to somebody else, yet you got it, and your actions prove it.
And when you got pure, unadulterated Faith, like your love is to your companion, then you prove it by the way you act. You ain't complaining no more, you know it's done, just walk along. No matter what the thing look like, what anybody else says, you know what's happened. You know that it's finished; just as well as you know you love your husband, as well as you know you love... See, love and faith has to go together. They're kinfolks, they love. Love produces Faith.
Just surrender to Him
I trust that the church will understand this: that we have no right to use our own thinking about things. When we become Christians, we totally surrender every bit of our mental powers to God and follow after His leading. And as long as we try to go after our own feeling, then we are using the fallen state of the being. 'Cause God led Adam before the fall; and after the fall, Adam wanted to lead God. Now, God provided Adam a way, but he didn't want that way. He wanted to make himself a religion. And as we see that he--he wanted to do it himself. He wasn't willing to wait on God, and say, "Lord, You led me before this. And now I'm fallen; I'm lost. Now, help me and show me how to get back to You, Lord." We'd have never had all this trouble we got today. And if man will just come that close to God, that when you're lost, don't try to find your way back. Just surrender to Him, and He will lead you back. Don't try to figure it out. That's--that's the mental powers.All The Days Of Our Life - 59-0612 - William Branham
It's a perfect Lent
I believe that Christian life is a continual sacrifice. "He that will come after me, let him deny himself daily (every day, not forty-six days, but every day), take up his cross and follow Me," said Jesus. Not just forty-six, but every day... Christian life is one continually Lenten. Oh, how the Christian loves to do it. He doesn't do it with a--a grudge; he does it with a feeling that he loves God; and he's glad he can do it. It's a joy to serve the Lord Jesus. It's a joy to sacrifice. It's a joy to worship the Lord. It's a joy to be called a fanatic for the Kingdom of God's sake. It's a joy to take a stand for the right, and move from the wrong. Joy to praise Him. It's a joy to abstain from the things of the world. It's in their heart. It's a perfect Lent. Lenten all the time. God's Spirit comes into you and changes your desire.All The Days Of Our Life - 59-0612 - William Branham
That's truth
Peter said... When they begin to stagger and scream, the outside ecclesiastical full Gospel phenomenal, or fanatic world come up to him and said, "These men are drunk." Could you imagine? And listen, Catholic friends, and the rest of you. The blessed virgin Mary was among them. And if God wouldn't even let the mother of God the Son, come into the Kingdom of God until she got so full of the Holy Ghost till she acted like a drunk woman, how are you going to get anything less? What's it going to be? Think it over yourself. The Bible said Mary was in there. The very mother of Christ had to go though the Pentecost and stay there in the city of Jerusalem until she was so full of the Holy Ghost till she staggered like she was drunk. Amen. That's truth. That's the Bible.The Ministry Of Christ - 53-0607A - William Branham
They got to do something
Oh, you say, "I thank God that I'm not an idolater." Wait just a minute. Let's examine it by the Word. Say, "I wouldn't worship an idol." That doesn't altogether mean you worship an idol. You just have to be idle, doing nothing. Go to church. Yeah, that's all right, go back home, do nothing about it. Brother, a real borned again man or woman can't stand still. There's something in them. They've got to testify. They got to do something. They are bound to do something. They can't hold their peace.Corinthians Book Of Correction - 57-0414 - William Branham
Only for those that are dead in Christ, will God bring with Him
I said, "Brother, way back yonder somewhere, in the eternities (hallelujah), there's a great Magnet. The Son of God is going to be turned loose, one of these mornings. He's sweeping down over this earth like a magnet. And every soul that's magnetized to Him will go up to meet Him in the air, and there be in the resurrection to live with Him, be taken out yonder. And these old bodies that we now live in, or even like we have now, that's getting old, and draping up, and dropping down, will be dropped over yonder into the cupola of the dust, and molded over, and made like unto His own glorious body in the final resurrection, when He comes again." 53-0405S GO.TELL.MY.DISCIPLES_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-25 N-5 SUNDAY_ 167 And I said, "Well, now looky here, there's many people that's not magnetized. There's many people that's bolted down with circumstances, say, 'I can't do it. I just couldn't do it. It's too much of a price.'" Brother, except that heart is changed, and that soul setting yonder, magnetized with God by the Holy Ghost, when Jesus comes, you'll be left on the earth alone. Remember, there'll be a resurrection one of these mornings, only for those that are dead in Christ, will God bring with Him.Go Tell My Disciples - 53-0405S - William Branham
God said so
Jonah in the belly of the whale, hands tied behind him, backslid, on a stormy sea, in the whale's belly in the vomit, talk about symptoms, he had them. If he looked this way, it was whale's belly. He looked that way, it was whale's belly. Everywhere he looked it was whale's belly. Now, you're not in that bad a shape. But what did Jonah say? He said, "They are lying vanities. I won't believe one of them." He said, "Lord, once more, will I look to Your holy temple." He didn't see the whale's belly; he was looking for the temple. Don't look at your symptoms, look at the promise. How bad you're sick, look Who great a Person give the promise. God said so.Jehovah-Jireh - 57-0612 - William Branham
You got no power
Take a little policeman standing out here on the street, his clothes hanging half off of him, he is so skinny. The cap has got his ears pulled down. And he walk out there where cars are coming down that street, at fifty miles an hour, three hundred horse power motors in it. He hasn't got the power to stop a bicycle. That's right. But just let him blow that whistle and hold up that hand, and watch the brakes squeak. He hasn't got power, but he has got authority. The whole city is behind him. And when a man or a woman, I don't care what condition you're in, you've got the authority of God, by a promise, because He is rich and promised to do the exceedingly abundantly. "If you say to this mountain, 'be moved,' and don't doubt in your heart, but believe that what you've said will come to pass, you can have what you've said." You got no power, but you got authority.The God Who Is Rich In Mercy - 65-0119 - William Branham
It is more precious than gold to us
God brings tensions into the church, "For every son that cometh to God must be tried, and proven, and tested. He lets sickness strikes you. He lets diseases come on you to test you and to prove you, to show the world that you're truly the seed of Abraham. He permits it by His own will. He permits disasters; He permits the friends to turn against you. He permits all these things, and turns the devil loose to tempt you, and he'll do all but take your life. He could throw you on a bed of affliction; he could turn your neighbors against you; he could turn the church against you; he can do most anything, and it's God's will for him to do it. We are taught that it is more precious than gold to us.Possessing The Enemy’s Gates – 59-1108 – William Branham
What about Abraham with Isaac, on the mountain, the one the promise was given, and by his loyalty and his knowing, and his faith in Jehovah, it's through that and that alone that God looked down and said, "His seed shall possess the gates. I've sworn by Myself that I'll do these things." There's no one greater He could swear by, but He swore by Himself. Then if He let Abraham be tested to that final point, He's got to test you and me to that final moment, that time of decision when everything's away from you, you have to stand alone there. Hallelujah. That's it.
Stand alone. Walk out there and say, "Though He slay me, yet I'll trust Him." That's the seed of Abraham. That's the One that gives the promise. No matter what the rest of them says, and the rest of them do; "For me and my house, we'll serve God," said... If the rest of them says there's nothing to the experience, it's a bunch of excitement; "For me and my house, we will serve God." And I like to take up with Paul right here and say, "In the way that's called heresy so worship I the God of our fathers." Though they be tattlers come in the church, though they be twisters, and though they be all kinds of false prophets, and everything come into the church amongst the people, and in the neighborhood and everything, but for me and for my house, we'll serve the Lord. Though all of them quit coming, though the church gets cold, indifferent; me and my house, we'll serve the Lord. Though if someone was prayed for and didn't get well, that has nothing to do with it; for me and my house, we serve the Lord. The testings and the trials...
Men are not infallible, but God is. Man, you get your mind on a man, he'll make a mistake. Maybe not wilfully, but he'll do it. God permits him to do it so that He can shake your faith away from man. Our faith is not in the wisdom of man, but in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. That's where the true seed of Abraham rests their promise, because they can only be the seed of Abraham when they receive the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit they're not the seed of Abraham. And that same faith that was in Abraham comes into the believer. No matter what takes place or wh--how contrary, the believer marches right on.
We need a killing
They gather together and make long prayers and go out here. And how the other day where they had so many, a hundred and fifty thousand, or something like that, gathered together, both Protestant and Catholic, say some prayers, and pray some prayers, and make some prayers, and so forth. That just might as well not have gathered; it's not worth nothing in the sight of God. Now, if I get critical, forgive me. See? But I--I've... You've got to drive the thing down. See? You've got to make it hit the nail.Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham
And what good did it do? Nothing. And it'll never be until every person that professes to be a Christian will forget his own ability and yield hisself to God. Then God can achieve His purpose by sending, not a revival, but, brother, what He needs to do first is send a killing (That's right.) so we can revive. You have to die before you can be born again, and you have to... He needs a killing of ourselves. This Tabernacle needs a killing, and me with it. All of us, we need a killing so that we can be revived in a new life, a new hold, a new hope, a new experience. We need first a day of mourning.
Everybody will admire it
People know it when you're anointed with the Holy Spirit. They might in their heart, or in their--in reasoning, say, "Oh, there, that guy is crazy. Oh, I--I..." But down in their heart they admire you (That's right.), down in their heart. They might fuss with you, 'cause they're trying to agree with their reasonings; but down in their hearts they admire, unless their soul's so seared till they have nothing but reasonings. For if you're a real Christian, living a true life, and living the Word and God's with you, everybody will admire it, if his soul's still in touch with God. Amen. That's the reason I think fussing about denominations is uncalled for. Sure it is.Inspiration - 56-0128 - William Branham
If we'd just keep our minds on Him
When you go to thinking about Him, that's when He appears. They were talking about Him when He appeared. And that's the reason, maybe, He doesn't appear to so many of us. We talk too much about other things instead about Jesus. Maybe we're talking about trading cars, something else, or the washing, what kind of soap powder do you use, listening to the radio and some kind of nonsense. That's the reason He doesn't appear. If we'd just keep our minds on Him...The Resurrection Of Jesus - 56-0405 - William Branham
It's written
But we, not we... We who are in contact with the spiritual realm of God, we... "Well, I was prayed for and didn't get me healed, so I guess there's nothing to it." Oh, what a poor crow bait you make for God. See? Look. No, sir. God wants somebody who will not give up. A winner never quits and a quitter never wins. You've got to stay and call it, call things right before Satan. Tell him "It's this a way. THUS SAITH THE LORD. The Lord has said so and that It is written. It's written." No matter what he says, "it's written," right there. "Well, Brother Branham never got to touch me." "It is written." Brother Branham never done no healing. God done your healing. It's already did. "It's written. Whatever I ask and believe God, I shall receive it. It's mine, my personal property."My Angel Shall Go Before Thee - 53-0216 - William Branham
God can make strength out of weakness
God said to Paul, "My strength is perfect in your weakness. My--My strength becomes more perfect as you become more weaker. More you can yield to Me the better I can use you. The more you can forget about your education, the more you can forget about your denomination, the more you can forget about your stuff and yield yourself to Me, the more I can use you. 'Cause you become weak, I'll--I'll make My own purpose strong." God can make strength out of weakness.Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham
You see the same results that they seen
Sometimes we can't wait from one night to the other. Sometimes we can't wait from one revival to the other. We have to go out and entangle with the things of the world. How we ought to be ashamed of ourself. Before we come here to confess and get into that Blood of Jesus that cleanses us from all sin, we should focus ourself down to see that one true living God standing there Who made the promise that heavens and earth will pass away, but His Word cannot fail. Stay right there upon that. Then you're not tossed about with winds of doctrine, carried about from place to place, from pillar to post. But you know where you stand because you've been zeroed in with God. You see your own life hitting that target just like those apostles did. You live the way they did. You were baptized the way they were. You see the same results that they seen. You see it operating in you. You're zeroed. I don't care what the company says and what the denominations say. You're zeroed, because you know that you're hitting the target. Amen.Look - 63-0428 - William Branham
But your soul is immortal
Cast down reasonings. Cast them down. God don't want you to have reason. Reason always tries to find a way out. Faith don't reason. Faith just believes. Your mind, what makes you reason. It's a liar. The lie detector proves that. God's Bible, first, proves it. But your soul is immortal, brother, sister. Your reasoning power will leave you when death strikes you, but your soul will be with you through eternity. Won't you believe God's Word today and accept Him?The Uncertain Sound - 55-0731 - William Branham
I am your Strength
And what a consolation for the believer to separate himself from all the unbelief, all their ungodly creeds, all their ungodly doctrines, and look straight to Christ and take the Word, and hold onto that Word till you see It being made manifest. No matter how long you have to wait, stay there. God promised it. He led you to it; hold onto it. Stay there. Don't take it back. Stay right there. If you're sure of it, you'll stay there. But if you're wavering, you'll turn loose at any little thing. A monkey grabs at shiny things, but a bear holds his hold. So you stay on. Yes, hold on, good grip... El Shaddai! He said, "I'm El Shaddai, Abraham; I am the strong One. You're an old man. You're a hundred years old now, your strength's all gone; but I am your Strength. Your hope's all gone; but I am your Hope." Oh, you suffering now, and out here with cancer and stuff, can't you see where your Strength comes from? Not from the surgeon's knife, but from the--God's Word! "I am your Portion. I am your Strength. You draw your strength from Me."Jehovah Jireh - 62-0706 - William Branham
The Spirit in a Christian draws him to Christ
Oh, brother, what a day that we're living in. The Bible said in this day that (in II Timothy) "The Spirit speaks expressively in the latter days they'll depart from the faith, and will be heady, highminded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God." I come to the church the other night; it was altogether too snowy and bad to come here. But they had a basketball game, and they had to turn hundreds away. What is it? Their God is basketball. And what is your God then? A big blowed up piece of air. I'm glad that our God is the Lord Jesus Christ in His Person of His resurrection, a real living Creator Who made the heavens and earth. But they want to see that. The kind of spirit in them draws for that. The Spirit in a Christian draws him to Christ. "How can a man come to Me except My Father draws him."Escape Hither Come Quickly - 58-0202 - William Branham
God specializes in doing things that others cannot do
We are given to know, Lord, that if we have any rivers that we cannot cross, if we have any mountains we cannot go through, God specializes in doing things that others cannot do. You are a specialist on the job. For You know the reason of that day on Calvary. You, being God, the infinite One, knew this hour must come. But when it was fulfilled, then You showed You were God. You showed Who was Boss. You shook the earth, and the saints that slept in the ground come out. You blackened the sun in the night, as the darkness of night, showing that You were God, but You seemed to be silent so long. Let us from this draw this conclusion: that as long as we are walking in the Spirit, led by the hand of God, no matter what seems to be wrong, yet we are facing Calvary, God will speak in the right hour at the right time.That Day On Calvary - 60-0925 - William Branham
God's fixing to use your testimony
And when you're put under a test, when you're fixing to be used for God for a testimony... Like the lady here in the wheelchair, the man, the little boy, some of you people out there, maybe you're Christians and wonder why you're put under this test. God's fixing to use your testimony, but He wants to see how you'll react, so He puts the pressure on. If you blow up, well then, He can't do nothing with you. But if you'll hold on, stand the test...The Reaction - 59-0810 - William Branham
You're supernatural yourself
There's got to be a time where you got to quit babying people. You can't sissify them. That's what the trouble today. Preachers is handling the Gospel with--with ecclesiastical gloves on. That's what the trouble of it today. What we need today's a raw, flat Gospel to tell you you're a sinner, going to hell. If you haven't got the Holy Ghost you're out of the Kingdom of God. That's right. You can't believe the supernatural, because you have never been borned again. And when you're borned again you have to believe the supernatural, because you're supernatural yourself.The Resurrection - 53-1205 - William Branham
You are a Bible to many people
You might not think that people are watching you, but they're watching every move you make. You are a Bible to many people. Therefore, we got to watch what we do, our business deals, and everything that we do in our entire walk. Just yield yourself to the Spirit, and God will reflect Himself through you, as I said, like a vine. Jesus said in John 15, "I am the Vine; ye are the branches." Well, now remember, the vine does not bear fruit; it's the branch that bears fruit. But it gets its life from the vine.It Wasn't So From The Beginning - 62-0630B - William Branham
Then it's a pardon
So this tonight that I read, that God gives us all things, and He gives us pardon, it's pardon to those who want to accept God's Word as pardon. But it only, just us read it, it doesn't mean that you are pardoned. It means that you've got to accept it as your pardon, that God gave His Son to die in your stead, and then it's a pardon. Released from guilt, is what we wish to place on this. A pardon from God is a release from guilt. Not the turning away by a psychological doctrine of some sort that might in some way give you a little feeling that you have done what's right, by joining church, or taking up some creed. But it's a--a release from your guilt, by the power of Calvary. Something has released you. There's no more guilt. The Bible says, I believe, in Romans 5:1, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."Pardon - 63-1028 - William Branham
They don't catch the vision
The Bible said that rich, Laodicea church age would have need of nothing, and not know that she was naked, blind, miserable, and don't even know it. Now, if you seen a person come down the street that was naked and blind, and you could tell them that they were in that shape, they were naked, they had to get somewhere and get hid, well, it'd be--there's a possible that you could bring the person off the street. But when they turn around with not mental powers enough to know it... But now the church hasn't got spiritual power enough to know it. Naked, miserable, blind, wretched, poor, Christ on the outside, knocking, trying to get in, and yet you say you have need of nothing. I know that's foreign to some of you, but it's God's truth. The Word says so. They don't catch the vision.Just One More Time Lord - 63-0120E - William Branham
I'm convinced that He's coming soon
My business is sow seeds. I don't know where they're falling, but I just sow it. God's confirming. Wherever it hits, it strikes like that, quickly it comes to life if it's in good soil. It it's on rock I can't help it. Some denominational foundation, I can't help it. Only thing, I'll just keep sowing seeds. I know He's coming. I believe it. I want to live for that. I'm convinced that He's coming. I'm convinced that He's coming soon. I am.Convinced And Then Concerned - 62-1125M - William Branham
There's the grace of God to the Holy Ghost church
Now wait. There was Abraham, and anyone knows that God told Abraham not to leave Palestine. And any time that a person disobeys God, he backslides. Is that right? And because a drought come on, Abraham, instead of standing, facing the music, he went and done exactly what God told him not to do. So if you do what God tells you not to do, you're backslid. So Abraham was setting out there backslid and telling a lie. But God couldn't turn His child down. He give him the promise, unconditionally. He said, "That's My prophet. You take his wife back and restore him. If you don't, you're as good as a dead man. And let him pray for you." Who? Hallelujah. Who? Not that 'holier than thou art,' but My prophet setting out there. I'll hear his prayer." Hallelujah. There's the grace of God to the Holy Ghost church, and you don't recognize it.The Unconditional Covenant That God Made With His People - 54-0306 - William Branham
What is His body?
Now, we want to think of Jesus and associate Him, what He was. What is His body? What is the body of Christ? It's the body of believers that's associated with Him in the Holy Spirit, not an idol, not a piece of bread, but a Spirit that's in the heart of the believer, and they are associated together, that when man and God can talk to each other, sons and daughters of God. Mortal man, through the shedding of the Blood bought remission of sin, and this man and this woman, boy or girl that has fellowship with Christ is communing with Him, the body.Communion - 62-0204 - William Branham
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