
It's written

But we, not we... We who are in contact with the spiritual realm of God, we... "Well, I was prayed for and didn't get me healed, so I guess there's nothing to it." Oh, what a poor crow bait you make for God. See? Look. No, sir. God wants somebody who will not give up. A winner never quits and a quitter never wins. You've got to stay and call it, call things right before Satan. Tell him "It's this a way. THUS SAITH THE LORD. The Lord has said so and that It is written. It's written." No matter what he says, "it's written," right there. "Well, Brother Branham never got to touch me." "It is written." Brother Branham never done no healing. God done your healing. It's already did. "It's written. Whatever I ask and believe God, I shall receive it. It's mine, my personal property."
My Angel Shall Go Before Thee - 53-0216 - William Branham

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