
Just surrender to Him

I trust that the church will understand this: that we have no right to use our own thinking about things. When we become Christians, we totally surrender every bit of our mental powers to God and follow after His leading. And as long as we try to go after our own feeling, then we are using the fallen state of the being. 'Cause God led Adam before the fall; and after the fall, Adam wanted to lead God. Now, God provided Adam a way, but he didn't want that way. He wanted to make himself a religion. And as we see that he--he wanted to do it himself. He wasn't willing to wait on God, and say, "Lord, You led me before this. And now I'm fallen; I'm lost. Now, help me and show me how to get back to You, Lord." We'd have never had all this trouble we got today. And if man will just come that close to God, that when you're lost, don't try to find your way back. Just surrender to Him, and He will lead you back. Don't try to figure it out. That's--that's the mental powers.
All The Days Of Our Life - 59-0612 - William Branham

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