
We need a God that's present tense

What good does a historical God do you, if He isn't the same today? If the fire of Pentecost ain't just as good today as it was then, what good does it do to talk about it? What if a man was freezing to death and you painted him a fire, and said one day the fire burnt? That won't make him warm. He don't want a painted historical fire; if he's freezing, he wants fire burning. And if--the people who read the Bible don't want something, a God that lived in a day gone by. Let's have a God of today Who's just the same as He was then. We need a God that's present tense.
The Sin Of Unbelief - 58-0517E - William Branham

Fear not, it's Me

Isn't it beautiful when you can really anchor your soul into Christ, in such a place till you can get quiet before Him, and hear His Voice speaking to you, "I'm the Lord that healeth thee. I'm the Lord that giveth thee Eternal Life. I love thee. I knowed thee before the foundation of the world. I put thy name upon the Book; thou art Mine. Fear not, it's Me. Don't be afraid; I'm with you." Then I sing. I've anchored my soul in a haven of rest, I'll sail the wild seas no more; The tempest may sweep o'er the wild, stormy deep; But in Jesus I'm safe evermore. Remember, the very voice that speaks sweet to you, will condemn the sinner. The very flood that saved Noah, destroyed the sinner. See what I mean?
The Patmos Vision - 60-1204E - William Branham


It's going to be a secret, sudden going

Hours come and go. The first thing you know, you will be saying, "Well, I--I thought there was supposed to be this happen before the rapture." There might be a voice come back like it did one time, "It's already happened and you didn't know it." You'd be all anchored off in a church somewhere, saying, "I'm just as secure as I can be," and the first thing you know the rapture will be gone. It's going to be a secret, sudden going, nobody know nothing about it. The world will keep right on going, like Noah went into the ark. You remember after Noah went into the ark, he set there seven days after God closed the door. God closed the door and Noah set in the ark for seven days before anything happened. And the door of mercy will be closed in your face, and might already be.
Influence - 64-0315 - William Branham


Believe It anyhow

Now, I want you to look at the difference between Mary and Zacharias. Zacharias, that minister, Gospel minister, or a preacher, as it was in that day, priest in the temple, had knowed all kinds of things that had happened before of the miraculous power of God, but doubted the Angel in his case, where Mary said, "Behold the handsmaid of the Lord." She didn't question: "What?" "Couldn't be." Or so forth. And look how much more she had to believe than what he had to believe. Hannah had had a baby before, when she was past the age. Sarah had a baby before after she was past the age. And that had already happened many times. But Mary had to believe something that had never happened before. No woman had ever brought a child like that into the world by knowing no man. But she had more to believe than what Zacharias did. So therefore, she didn't question God; she just took God at His Word. Amen. I like that. Take God at His Word. Believe It anyhow. No matter how impossible it looks to be, believe God, and He will bring it to pass.
Believest Thou This? - 50-0115 - William Branham


But don't you bow to one of them

That's what's the matter with the Church tonight: we got a wishbone instead of a backbone. What we need is something in there that'll stand you up. Amen. Every man that ever amounted to a hill of beans had to fight for what he got. God don't give it to you on a silver platter. He said, "There's the promised land. She's flowing with milk and honey. But before you get there, you're going to go through all these Hivites and Canaanites and everything. But don't you bow to one of them. You destroy the things as you come to them. Stop building a fire on the enemies altar." Amen.
God Talked To Moses - 53-0831 - William Branham


Put Me first

What we hear then next? "But fetch me the little cake first." God first. No matter what anybody else says, what anything else, what any evidence, how gloomy it looks, whatever it may be, take God first, His Word first. "Doctor said I can't get well," but His Word first. "I'm too much of a sinner." "I'm a prostitute." "I'm a gambler." "I'm a drunkard." God's Word first. "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; red like crimson, they'll be white like wool." First God... "Go bring me a little cake first. All that you've got bring it to me." Are you willing to give it into His hands? My life, all that I am, I'm fifty years old. "Are you willing, William Branham, to lay it to Me? Are you willing, you little children to lay your life to Me? Are you willing? Can you do it? Sick people, can you trust Me? Put Me first." "Bring a morsel of bread in your hand and fetch me a little water." She looked at him. There was something told her that that man knowed what he was talking about. God knows His own. Sheep... "My sheep know My Voice. They know whether it's Scripture or not, whether it's right or not." She turns in obedience. That's what you've got to do. And when she turned to obey what the prophet said do, then come the thunder from heaven that every man looks to hear. For there come a thunder out of the voice of the prophet that every sinner and every sick person longs to hear, "THUS SAITH THE LORD." How we long to hear it. How that people set in my driveway and say, "Come to this door; my daughter's in such, my baby, my so-and-so, just say the word." How can you say it before it's in your mouth? You'd be saying it yourself. But they long to hear that THUS SAITH THE LORD. There it come across the fence, because she was obeying, and the gloom broke: "THUS SAITH THE LORD, the barrel will not go empty or the cruse run dry until the day that the Lord God sends rain on the earth." Oh, what a consolation.
Be Certain Of God - 59-0125 - William Branham


The Spirit of God upon you will make you act like Jesus

‎Now, if the spirit of Elijah upon John would make John act like Elijah, the Spirit of God upon you will make you act like Jesus. Now, there’s where you find the Holy Spirit. See? That’s what the Holy Spirit does. It makes you meek, makes you humble, makes you forgiving. Could they pull whiskers from your face, if you had them there, jerk them out and spit in your face, when you had the power to call a-legions of Angels? Could you do that for the love of the people that was spitting in your face? Could you do it? If somebody just walked up to you and said, “Hey, you hypocrite.” and smacked you on one side of the face, could you pray for their forgiveness? Now, that’s where trust-test whether you got the Holy Spirit or not. See? When somebody says something evil against someone, sometimes that claims to have the Holy Spirit. “I’ll get even with her if it takes me my last day.” See? Now, there’s where you check about your Holy Spirit. See? “Blessed are you when men shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for My Name’s sake.” But you go get even with them? No. “Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.” See?
Questions And Answers - 59-1223 - William Branham

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom

It seems that people's lost their common decency and modesty. They're not like they used to be. It used to be when the prophet said THUS SAITH THE LORD, the people trembled. Yeah, they certainly did. The people moved, for they was afraid. But now they lost all their scare of it. They don't fear God. Solomon said, "The--the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom," just the beginning of it. But the prophet can speak THUS SAITH THE LORD; the people say, "Nonsense." See, there's not a hope for them. It's... They say, "Why, we're smart. We're intellectual; we don't have to take that kind of stuff. We know what we're talking about." It's also an old proverb, that fools will walk with hobnailed shoes, where Angels fear to trod. Certainly.
God's Power To Transform - 65-0911 - William Branham


He loves you

Search the Scripture. The Word of God is a Lamp unto our feet. That we should--that we should be guided then, it's the Light that follows the pathway that leads us from victory unto victory. Now, before you can have a victory, there has to be a battle. And if there's no battles, there's no victories. So we ought to be thankful for the battles and the tryings. It's God giving us the opportunity to have victories. Oh, my, don't that make it a little bit better now? See, the battle come along, somebody saying something bad about you, sickness come on to you, maybe God give you those light afflictions that He might heal you and show His favor to you, let you see what He means by it. He loves you.
Beginning And Ending Of The Gentile Dispensation - 55-0109E - William Branham


He's perfect

See, the Bible doesn't contradict Itself, the Bible is God. There's no contradiction in God; He's perfect. But the people with their own interpretation... Now, notice, let me show you, friends. The churches cannot agree themself on the interpretation of It. The Methodists can't agree with the Baptists, the Baptists the Presbyterian, the Presbyterian the Pentecostals. And with about forty different organizations of Pentecost, they can't agree with one another. So you see, that would be Babylon again, confusing. But God does His Own interpretating of His Word. He promised the thing, and then does it Himself. He gives Himself the interpretation of it, because He makes Hisself known in that hour how far the--the Body of Christ is advanced, from the feet to the head.
Events Made Clear By Prophecy - 65-0801E - William Branham

Unbelief is to doubt what God has said

Unbelief is as old as Eden. That's where it was borned at, was in Eden. And unbelief is to doubt what God has said. Now, did you notice where unbelief was born, there was much of the Word of God considered, for Satan said to Eve... When she said, "God has said," he did not deny that, that God had said, "so-and-so"; but he said, "Surely God wouldn't do a thing like that." See, that was the birth of unbelief: to vary one iota from God's perfect Word. We must stay right with It, regardless of where, or what, or how, our lives and so forth must measure up with, THUS SAITH THE LORD.
Unbelief Does Not Hinder God - 62-0128M - William Branham


It's the atmosphere what brings the results

But it's the attitude of the people that brings the results. That's the reason at Pentecost they had to go to an upper room and pray until the Holy Ghost came, 'cause they got in one place and one accord. It's the atmosphere what brings the results. You believe that? Let every man and woman in this building this morning, boy or girl, get everything from their minds but the Lord Jesus, and believe that He's standing present right now, and you'll see something happening that'll cause headlines in newspaper in the morning. That's right. It's atmosphere.
The Supernatural - 56-0129 - William Branham

We're at the end time, junction time

What is it? What's all this sign of healing? What's all this sign of persecution against us? We're at the junction time. Amen. It's the coming of the Son of God is at hand right now. And these are the things that you're seeing taking place now, it's showing, a signpost. Jesus said these things would happen. And we're looking at them today. Oh, brother, one of these days things are going to change. I'll see Adam say, "Eve, honey," shake her and say, "wake up, sweetheart. It's here." I see Eve go over and shake up Seth, and say, "Seth." Seth will go and shake a little bit on Noah, and say, "Noah, raise up," and so forth. And on down through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, on down till the last saint that's in the grave, when Jesus comes again. And the earth will break forth and every redeemed will caught up in the air to meet Him. We're at the end time, junction time. Look at this junction between the separation of right and wrong with Abraham. What a time, Abraham, seemed like that he'd got the raw deal. It seems like tonight because that you've separated yourself from the things of the world, that you got the raw deal. Don't be weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap.

"He that endureth to the end," Jesus said, "the same shall be saved." Just keep looking on, keep moving, slowly. God knows what He's doing. We're the only one gets in a hurry, not Him. He let the Hebrew children walk right in the fiery furnace before He even turned a page over to write a new article. Sure. God's in no hurry. He knows what He's going to do. We don't. But we believe it by faith, 'cause He said He'd do it. Amen. Now, watch Him. God moving to Abraham, setting out there in the old dry country, the cattle all getting poor, Sarah, the most beautiful woman in all the land, had been, there she was setting up there getting old now, a hundred years old, right about it, Abraham old, sitting out under the tree. Just before the junction time, what taken place? Angels appeared on the earth. Amen. They were in the form of men. And God Himself appeared on earth with His Angels. Oh, I hope this don't go too far over you. Catch it.
Jehovah-Jireh – 56-0224 – William Branham


But if you'll just let Jesus Christ come into you tonight

There may not be a chance for you to live; you may be dying with cancer; you may be bound to a wheelchair; you may be totally blind. I don't know what you're trouble is, but if you'll take the Chief Doctor's prescription, "Whatsoever thing you desire, when you pray, believe you receive it. And you shall have it." And believe that that faith will overcome any difficulty that there is... You may be so burdened with sin until your soul is as smutty as it can be. You may have tried to get rid of that ill temper, that slandering tongue, that gossip on the telephone. You might've tried every remedy you know how, but if you'll just let Jesus Christ come into you tonight, He will operate on your faith and give you a faith that'll climb beyond anything that the world can produce. Why? Faith is the victory, that overcomes the world.
Faith Is Our Victory - 58-1004 - William Branham

For anything contrary is unbelief

And if we should have any revelation (should be presented to us) that's contrary to the written Word, then we should never receive it, because that's exactly what Satan did to Eve. She had the Word, but she was hunting for some new light; and Satan seen to it that she got it. So we never want to add anything to the Word, or take anything from the Word; but just leave It the way It is. Stay right with the Word, for anything contrary is unbelief.
Unbelief Does Not Hinder God - 62-0128M - William Branham


It's the Word joining with the Word

This Bible foretells, by prophecy, what day that we're living, and what time we're living, and what kind of a events ought to be taking place. It foretells it exactly to the letter, and has never missed one age, all the time. Not one time has It ever missed, and It won't, for who are predestinated to see it will see it. Jesus said, "No man can come to Me, except My Father draws him, and all that the Father has given Me will come." It's the Word joining with the Word. It can't do nothing else. We know it, the day that we're living in. But as it has been in every age, people let man put their own interpretation to this Word, and causes them to be blinded to the event that's happened. Same thing it done with the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Events Made Clear By Prophecy - 65-0801E - William Branham

Don't doubt

If there's sin in your life, get it out. If there's condemnation, get it out. If there's doubt, get it out. Until you can see perfectly that it's God's will, it's God's plan, and you're included in that, then say, "Sickness, in the Name of Jesus Christ, get away from me." And remember, you might not feel any better for a week. But as soon as you said that word, something happened. God has to keep His Word. That sickness shakes, and he begins to turn loose. He will go if you'll just believe it. Don't doubt. Like Peter walking on the water, He said, "Why did you doubt? Oh, ye of little faith." Just because he was sinking, that had nothing to do with it. Christ had commanded him, and His Word was enough. That's the way we should think it, too.
Why? - 59-0813 - William Branham


That's the Devil there, trying to keep you from doing what's right

Like Paul said, describes it in Romans 7:21, "When I would do good, then evil is nigh." When you try, did you ever have that in experience, Christians? That when you're trying to do something that's worth-while, go to make an effort to do something that's good, then you find out that there is the Devil, on every hand, just to upset you, everything that you'd... And that's one good thing, that. I'd like to say this, that the Christians might know. That when you are--when you are starting to do something, and there is something always trying to upset you in doing it, do it anyhow. That's the Devil there, trying to keep you from doing what's right. Now, many times, I meet people that's prone to be a little nervous. When they find out that they're trying to do something, and--and everything is just blocking it off on both sides, they say, "It might not been the will of the Lord." See? Now don't let the Devil lie to you like that. 35 The first thing, is find out whether it's the will of God, or not. And then if you want to know whether it's the will of God, look into the Bible. There is the thing that--that sets you straight, is the Word of God; and then if you see it's in the Word of God, for you to do it.
Thirst - 65-0919 - William Branham

You ain't complaining no more

Now, watch! Perfect Faith is pure, just as pure as love is. See? Now, when you love somebody, and you got... you love your husband or you love your wife. Now, there's no need of anybody telling you "you don't" do it, because you do do it, and you know you do it. Now, if I'd ask you, "How can you--you prove you do it?" "Oh, I prove it by the way I live to him." See? "I'm a true, honest wife. I'm a loyal, honest husband, and that proves to me that I--that I love my wife; or I love my husband." See, your life proves what you are. The same thing Christianity does. See? Your faith, you have confidence in one another, it's pure. And it's something real, that you can't show it to somebody else, yet you got it, and your actions prove it. And when you got pure, unadulterated Faith, like your love is to your companion, then you prove it by the way you act. You ain't complaining no more, you know it's done, just walk along. No matter what the thing look like, what anybody else says, you know what's happened. You know that it's finished; just as well as you know you love your husband, as well as you know you love... See, love and faith has to go together. They're kinfolks, they love. Love produces Faith
Perfect Faith - 63-0825E - William Branham

But He took you

He caught me when I was nothing. I'm still nothing, but I'm in His hand. See, He caught me. And He loved me when I was unlovable. He loved you when you was unlovable, but He changed you. Just like the colored sister said, that time in her testimony, she said, "I'm--I'm not what I ought to be, and I'm not what I want to be, then I'm not what I used to be!" She knowed she had come somewhere, something happened. And that's the way it is. If God, when I was an alien from Him, so loved me till He stooped down to get me and pick me up, that gives me confidence that He wants to use me. He's got a purpose in doing it. He seen something in me. He seen something in you. He had a reason to save you, look at the people that's unsaved today. Look at the millions He could have took beside you, but He took you. Amen! No one can take your place. Amen! You're in God's economy. No one can do it. That's His Love to you. Then, won't your love reach right back to Him? And there's a love affair. No matter what the situation is, its circumstances is governed by this Love that creates Faith: that God loves you and you love God, and you love one another, and--and that brings the Faith. All right. Then it can't--it can't keep from bringing out just exactly what God promised it would do.
Perfect Faith - 63-0825E - William Branham


This is the only day

And while it's daylight, I think this, I keep this in my mind, and it's good for you dear Christians to remember that this is the only time of all ceaseless ages beyond the time to come, that you'll ever have the privilege of working for Jesus Christ. This is the only day. And we don't know whether we're going to be here tomorrow or not. See? So I believe it behooves us to move with all that's in us and do everything that we can.
Shepherd Of The Sheepfold - 56-0403 - William Branham


There's a true and a false of everything

You know, there's--there's false. There's a true and a false of everything. If I give you a dollar, and I say, "Is this a good dollar?" And you'd look at it; it'd have to look pretty much like a real dollar or you wouldn't believe it. Is that right? So it'll have to be really a good imitation. And if Jesus said the two spirits in the last days would be so close till it would deceive the very elect if possible, religious people. Now, remember. Now, there ain't nothing out there in them old cold--old cold formal outside; they have just a form of godliness. You see? But these two spirits are real spirits; it'd be so close till it'd deceive the very elect, how they was working side by side in the last days. Did Jesus say that? He did.
Demonology-Religious Realm - 53-0609A - William Branham

You're in that Kingdom by Holy Ghost baptism

And there's always been an ark in God's economy. There was an ark in the days of Noah, for the saving of His people. There was an ark in the days of the law, a ark of testimony. In the days of the law, they followed the ark. And there is a third dispensation now; like Noah's time, Lot's time, and now this time. There is a ark now. And that ark is not a denomination, neither is it a good works that you do. "It's by one Spirit," Romans 8:1, "we are all baptized into one Body, in the domain of that Kingdom, one Spiritual baptism." No matter how good, how bad, whatever, you're in that Kingdom by--by Holy Ghost baptism.
How Can I Overcome? - 63-0825M - William Branham


You're a Christian when you are born again and filled with the Holy Ghost

And, brother, the lid's come off of hell (That's right.) and streams of demon power is pouring from everywhere. It's conquered the nations. It's conquered politics till it's rotten to the core. It's conquered the churches until they know nothing but denomination. You say, "Are you a Christian?" "I'm a Methodist. " "Are you a Christian?" "I'm--I'm Pentecostal." That don't mean no more, as I said the other day, than being a pig, or a hog, or a horse, or something. That has nothing to do with it. You're a Christian when you are born again and filled with the Holy Ghost, not until that, and you're yielded completely to the Spirit. If you're not yielded to the Spirit, then you're not borned again and you don't have the Holy Ghost.
Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham

I don't know how it goes, but He knows

Sometimes I've asked, "Why?" Why, when I was just a young minister, and first started out, did God take my wife right out from under me, take my baby right from beneath me, right beneath my heart? Why did He do that? I didn't know. I do now. I just held my hand in His and kept trusting. He knows every junction. He knows the rhythm must--when it must take place. He knows what it takes to mold you, He knows what kind of material He's going to use. See? The backside of the desert sometimes, where God molds righteous men into sages and prophets. See, see? There's where men are beat out. Men are beat out in the Word. When they got all kind of creed and stuff in them, let them come to the Word and God beats it right out of them, molds it right into This, into the great Sympathy with--of His Word. See? And then they see the Word moving on. God knows when the rhythm of it has got to change. He knows how the rhythm goes. I don't know how it goes, but He knows.
Shalom - 64-0112 - William Branham

All you morning stars, rise and shine

The day has come when the Gospel Light is shining. Theology of Christian churches is dying. It's failed. God's taking you now to reveal Himself again through His Church, the resurrected Body of the Lord Jesus Christ: resurrected out of church-anity; resurrected out of cold formal churches; resurrected out of fanaticism. God's bringing forth a bunch of bones and putting skin on it in the power of the Holy Ghost that'll bring the Gospel in this last days with signs and wonders to the end of the world. They'll teach the Bible. They'll stand by It. They'll live by It. They'll not compromise right or left. That's right. They'll stand right on the Word and move on. And God will be with them daily, confirming the Word, with signs and wonders following. Hallelujah. All you morning stars, rise and shine. Hallelujah.
The Unpardonable Sin - 54-1024 - William Branham


You start, and your church will follow you

I might've hurt you in your creeds. I don't have nothing against any church. Whether it's any church, I don't care what it is, what name it's got, doesn't matter. But what I'm talking about, is the love of God in that church, the love of God that's in you. No matter what your church is, it's what you are before God. It's an individual affair. You start, and your church will follow you.
The Seal Of The Antichrist - 55-0311 - William Branham

You can't do nothing but act the same way you believe

Grace is what God does for you; works is what you do for God. See? It's grace that brings you to God; it's the works that--that you do for God. See? Now, as Abraham was justified by faith, because he believed in God. Paul justified him by faith; James turns over and justifies him by works. But Paul was speaking what God saw, and James was speaking what man saw. If you say you are a believer, and then act contrary to what you say, then you're not a believer. See? If you tell God, "Yes, I now solemnly believe." Brother, you can't do nothing but act the same way you believe. That's right.
The Infallibility Of God's Spoken Word - 56-0404 - William Branham

You was up there once

You notice of a morning when the--the dew... I've watched it many times, when I see the dew fall at nighttime. Look out there, see the dew fall. And every time when the sun comes up, did you ever notice how happy a little dewdrop was? He just sparkles and shines, and sparkles and shines. I was asking one, one morning, talking to nature, which is--was my first Bible. I said, "What makes you sparkle, little dewdrop?" And it seemed like that something in a way spoke back to me, said, "You know last night, I was up there. And I'm--I know I'm going up again, for I belong up there, way beyond this old hot earth, up there where the--the moisture stays. And I was once up there, and I'm happy because the suns a shining on me, and when the sun shines on me, it's making--it'll draw me right up to where I was." And I think that's right. The reason you can do that, because-- and sparkle, because you've got an experience. You was up there once.
A Personal Experience - 54-0724 - William Branham