
You're a Christian when you are born again and filled with the Holy Ghost

And, brother, the lid's come off of hell (That's right.) and streams of demon power is pouring from everywhere. It's conquered the nations. It's conquered politics till it's rotten to the core. It's conquered the churches until they know nothing but denomination. You say, "Are you a Christian?" "I'm a Methodist. " "Are you a Christian?" "I'm--I'm Pentecostal." That don't mean no more, as I said the other day, than being a pig, or a hog, or a horse, or something. That has nothing to do with it. You're a Christian when you are born again and filled with the Holy Ghost, not until that, and you're yielded completely to the Spirit. If you're not yielded to the Spirit, then you're not borned again and you don't have the Holy Ghost.
Perfect Strength By Perfect Weakness - 61-1119 - William Branham

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