
Sometime God has to do that

And sometimes God has to strike us down with sickness, diseases, and affliction, that He might just woo us to His bosom and give us a little special touch of His Divine resurrected power to prove that He's still the Lord Jesus. And a man that's ever been healed of God knows what God is. He won't want to stray. James made that clear; he said, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick; God shall raise them up; and if they have committed sins, it shall be forgiven them." God's Shepherd knows how to take care of His sheep. You wonder sometimes, mother, when that little baby was snatched out of your arms in death. Little story goes with that with sheep. There was a—a picture of the Lord Jesus that was drawn by an artist. I do not know his name. But He's holding the sheep, little lamb, in His arm. And the mother was looking up, going along, keeping her eye on Him. And the shepherd that was seen in this particular time, the man, the painter, passing by said to the shepherd, packing the little lamb, said, "Why are you packing that lamb? Is it crippled?" "No." Said, "What is the matter with the lamb?" Said, "There is nothing wrong with the lamb; the wrong is with the ewe, the mother." Said, "She got so she wouldn't listen to me any more. And she wouldn't hear me any more. So I just had to reach down and pick up her lamb, and now she looks at me all day long." Sometime God has to do that. These poor little straying mothers, running out to cocktail parties, and running around, and go to raise that little baby up in the wrong way, sometimes Jesus might have to take that lamb to get you to look up. And then if you don't hear that, the wolf will get you. Then you're gone. Oh, we could learn so much about the sheep.
The Good Shepherd Of The Sheep - 57-0308 - William Branham


That's the greatest miracle that God ever performed

Anything that's uncertain is unreliable. And so when days of this time, when they're not certain whether Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, leave the thing alone. You can be certain. You can know it to be, that He'd, if He never performs any more miracle on you but the great miracle, forgives your sin. That's the greatest miracle that God ever performed, was to forgive a human being its sin. Take a man and convert him from the things, look, that's changed his innermost being from the things that he once drank and gambled, and done evil and things like that, and, all of a sudden, turns him right back around to love, and goes home to his wife, and say, "Honey, I'm sorry that I've treated you like that." Pick up his little children and hold them in the arm, "Daddy spent all of his money for whiskey, and daddy's done this. And—and mother's been out all night long and left you children. I'll never do it again. God forgive me." And how, that testimony, that's one of the greatest things there is. All the Alcoholics Anonymous, and all like that, can never change like that can. They can never do for the person.
The Uncertain Sound - 60-1218 - William Branham


Don't let them roost

Think on things that's positive. Never let a negative thought pass through. The... Don't let it stop, anyhow, if it starts to. Keep your thoughts positive: Jesus. Don't think, setting there in a wheelchair, you, that you're hopeless, helpless. You're not. Don't let that negative thought ever pass through. Don't let it anchor. You can't help it from going through your mind (That's right.), but don't let it stop. Like the old farmer said, "I can't keep the birds from flying over my place." But he had a double-barreled shotgun, said, "I can sure keep them from roosting." So you do the same thing, and you too. See? Don't let them roost. Let them pass right on through.
Blind Bartimaeus - 55-1115 - William Branham

It all belongs to you

That's the way I did when I become a Christian. I realized that every promise in the Word was mine; and if I seen a promise I couldn't get to it, I prayed till God taken me up to it. It's mine. Belongs to me. It's my possession. It's your possession. Healing is yours; joy is yours; peace is yours; love is yours; longsuffering; goodness; meekness; gentleness: it all belongs to you. The devil will try to rob it from you. Fellowship is yours; everything is yours; the world is yours: you own it all, belongs to you. It's God's promise. But if you're baptized into this big arcade, then stay with it till God confirms His Word with you. Sure, He'll give it to you. It's what you look at, looking at the Word. The Word will bring you peace. The Word will bring you deliverance. The Word brings you just exactly what you have need of. God always keeps His Word.
God Keeps His Word - 57-0613A - William Branham

We're Christians

A certain organization the other day, because that I let another minister set on the platform that didn't belong to their organization, he said, "We have drawed a line. We have drawed you out of it, Brother Branham, out of, out of our circle." I said, "I'm drawing another one, so big... take you back in again." I said, "So you just can't push me out." That's right. "I'll draw a line right over the top of yours and take you right back." See? That's for... We are brethren. "We are not divided; all one body are we." Right. We're Christians, borned of His Spirit, washed in His blood. We are Christians. We should act like Christians; we should behave ourselves like Christians, men and women. Let me tell you that that's one thing the church is lacking today, is behaving itself like Christians.
Expectation - 61-0205 - William Branham

But I want Jesus

After all, I'd rather have the love of God sealed in my heart than all the gifts there is in the Bible. That's right. I thought of that here a few nights ago. My little girl called me, and I told her... She wanted me to come home to her. She loves me, oh, my. And so I--I... She's... I told her I sent her a little doll. But she didn't want the doll. She said, "I want you, daddy, not your doll." See, she wants me. Well, that's the way I think about Jesus. I love His gifts and things to help His people, but I want Jesus. The love of God, sealed in your heart, pressed in until all the world's pressed out and you see nothing but the Lord, to love Him. And as you love one another, you love the Lord. If you don't love one another, you can't love the Lord. He said so. That's right. And God can't move into you.
The Works That I Do Bear Witness Of Me - 51-0413 - William Branham


Look at the end

Think of some night when life is finished; Jesus finally comes and we go to meet Him in the air, and that great table is set a hundred thousand miles long. And around there, the old veterans of the--the field, setting around, look across the table to each other, see there my brother and sister setting there. We're just a bound to shed a little tear once in a while, when I reach across the table and take one of them by the hand. The tears of joy rolling down our cheeks, and then the King in His beauty will come out, and walk down along the table, and wipe the tears away from our eyes. [Blank.spot.on.tape--Ed.] Let that be our motives in having meetings and gathering together and talking about Him, let that be what we think of Him, to meet Him that night. Look friends, don't look at things right here, look at the end. If I had to look at things right here in front of me, I'd be a discouraged person. But I never look here; I watch the end.
Expectation - 55-1001 - William Branham

Your prayer could change the whole situation

And if Jesus had to spend much time in prayer to stay in fellowship with the Spirit that was in Him, how much more do you and I have to spend in prayer? Much time in prayer. If you only knew what time in prayer meant. What... Sometimes when you're in prayer, God changes the--the complete destination of different things that's going to happen. Do you believe that? Might be something fixing to happen, and your prayer could change the whole situation.
The Healing Of Jairus' Daughter - 55-0227E - William Branham


That's how God does it

Every time a wind hits a tree and shoves it back and forth and back and forth, it only loosens the roots, so it can go deeper and get a better hold. Every time sickness strikes your home, every time trials strikes your home, every time the neighbors say something bad about you, it's only shaking you, loosing you up, so you can get down and get a better hold on the eternal Rock of God's unmovable Word. That's how God does it; He sends those trials to test you, to prove you, to shake you up, and to give you a new hold.
Time Tested Memorials Of God - 57-0818 - William Branham

God loved you when you were in sin

And if you want to get somewhere with God, never let an arrogant spirit ever come around you. Don't let no malice come in. No matter what anybody does, if they are wrong, don't you never build up a complex against that person. See? You be sweet and kind. Remember, God loved you when you were in sin. And if the Spirit of God is in you, you love the other person when he's in wrong. See, just pray for them, and love one another. Above everything, love God and love one another.
Humble Thyself - 63-0714 - William Branham


Then it will only go to where it come from

Life is like a leaf hanging on a tree. After while the life leaves the leaf, and goes back to its roots. The leaf drops off. That life is buried in the roots till the winter's passed. In springtime it brings back another life, another leaf. That's the way of a Christian that's on the tree of life. This old hull here might drop off. That is true. But the life goes back to the God Who gave it. See? If God give you your life, you're borned again, there's only one life that can ever live, and that's God's Life in you. And if that life is in you, then it will only go to where it come from, back to God, to come back in that great millennium with a new leaf, or new life, or new--or new body that will never fade and fall away. Our seasons denote that God is with us, that God is here.
An Ensign - 62-0119 - William Branham

That's still His requirement

It's strange that He chose a bunch of unlearned people, and sent them up there with a commission at Pentecost--not to go to some seminary, but to wait until they was endued with power from on high. If that man Peter, and John and them, wanted to preach and they were ignorant and unlearned, look like He'd said, "Boys, there's a fine school right over here. You go till you learn your ABC's. Then after you do that, you'll take your grammar school. Get it all, that through. Then you'll take four years of high school, then four years of college, and then about four or five years of Bible School. Then you can go out." But He said, "Wait in the city of Jerusalem, for I'm going to send the promise of the Father upon you. And then you'll be witnesses of Me (Luke 24:49), witnesses of Me in Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth." That's still His requirement.
aradox - 62-0128A - William Branham

And we love one another

Oh, I--I love Him. In my heart I love Him, if I know my heart. I believe you do too. So together we are His children. We love one another. Now, I cannot love Him without loving you. And if I say that I love Him and don't love you, the Bible said I'm a liar. See? And if I... If you want to--if you wanted to love me or love my family... The choice was, which do I want you to do, love me or love my family; you love my family. I'd rather you'd love Billy Paul than love me. If it come to that kind of a showdown, I'd rather you'd do it. I want you to listen to me, 'cause Billy's not a minister. But I want you to listen to me, what I tell you; but when--if you want to love somebody, really love them, you say, "I want to either love you or Billy," you love Billy. See? God feels the same way about us. And we cannot... Then I know you can't love Billy without loving me, 'cause he's part of me. See? So I can't love God without loving you, because you're part of God. And we love one another.
Questions And Answers #3 - 64-0830M - William Branham


Don't question It, believe It

God permitted Israel to take a law in Exodus the 19th chapter, when grace had already give them a prophet, Pillar of Fire, a sacrificed lamb, a delivering power, but they cried out for a law. It wasn't God's will, but it was injected because man wanted it. And he was cursed by the very law that he wanted. It's best to have God's will. That's what He taught us: "Thy will be done; Thy Kingdom come, Thine will be done." We must submit ourselves to His will and His Word. Don't question It, believe It. Don't try to find a way around It, just take It the way It is. So many wants to go around, get some other way. And when you do, you find yourself going on, you find God blessing you, but you're working in His permissive will and not in His perfect Divine will. He permits it, as I said, but He will not--He will not let it be His perfect will, but He'll make it work to honor and bless His perfect will.
Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word? - 65-0418E - William Branham

But don't let it stop

Now, I imagine as he set there, God begins to deal with his heart and prepare for something. Little did he know, just around the corner was the Fountain of Life. Hallelujah. Just around the corner, when you get to thinking about Divine healing, get to thinking about Christ… Keep Him on your mind. "If there be any praise, if there be any virtue," the Bible says, "think on these things." If any thought comes by, "Well, maybe it couldn't be so. Maybe…" Get it off your mind right quick. Think on things that's positive. Never let a negative thought pass through. The… Don't let it stop, anyhow, if it starts to. Keep your thoughts positive: Jesus. Don't think, setting there in a wheelchair, you, that you're hopeless, helpless. You're not. Don't let that negative thought ever pass through. Don't let it anchor. You can't help it from going through your mind (That's right.), but don't let it stop.
Blind Bartimaeus - 55-1115 - William Branham


You have to accept one or the other

Now, Noah had a revelation from God, yet it was contrary to anything that science would prove to be true. But yet he had spoke to God, and God had spake to him. And he went about preparing an ark, where the scoffers and mockers (as the Bible said that they would be in the last days like they was in them days), that those scoffers scoffed at Noah. Why, they thought that he was out of his head because he was building an ark. So but God brought judgment upon them scoffers because they would not listen to the messenger of God and come into that ark under his preaching, then God sent His Divine judgments on the earth. First He made a preparation for all who would receive it, to escape it, and then if they did not escape it, there's only one thing left. If they won't take God's preparation of escape, then there's only one thing left, that's Divine judgment. You can only do two things; it lays either mercy or judgment. You have to accept one or the other.
Respects - 61-1015E - William Branham

Pray for me

Now, remember, the person that's standing by you is the same thing you are. I want you just to reach over and take a hold of their hand, say, "Brother, sister, pray for me now. I want you to pray for me. I—I…" Just say it with all Christian sincerity, "Pray for me. I'll… I—I—I want to be right with God. You pray for me, I'm going to pray that God will give you the opportunity." I—I know that we're… We can't stay here much longer; you see that. We're—we're at the end time. All that believe that, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen!"—Ed.] We're… There's nothing left. Everything is gone. The churches is headed to the Ecumenical council.
Leadership - 65-1207 - William Branham


He was our Example

Look at Jesus. Talk about us humbling ourselves, when God Himself became a Baby, instead of coming in a--a little crib somewhere in a decent home, was borned out there over a manure pile in a stable amongst bawling calves. They wrapped Him in swaddling clothes was off the neck of the yoke of an ox. The poorest of the poorest, and yet the Creator of the heavens and earth... One cold rainy night, they said, "Master, we'll go home with You." He said, "The foxes has holes, and the birds has nests, but I don't even have a place to lay My head." God, Jehovah humbled Himself and become a Man, represented in sinful flesh to redeem you and me. Who are we then? He was our Example. Who am I? Nothing.
Is Your Life Worthy Of The Gospel? - 63-0630E - William Branham

Remember, God was good to you when you were evil to Him

We ought to honor one another, respect one another as brother, sister. And love one another with undying love. You say, "Well, I just can't." Well, just stay here a little longer, and then you will like people too. You'll love those who doesn't love you. That's really a good sign of Christianity: when you can, from your heart, love those who does not love you. Love the unloveable. Jesus said, "If you just do favors for those that do favors for you, well, the publicans do the same thing." But, see, you must be kind to those who are unkind to you; Do good for those that would do evil to you. Always remember that. Keep that before you, that God's watching you. Remember, God was good to you when you were evil to Him. "While you were yet sinners, Christ died for you."
Influence - 63-1114 - William Branham

You've got to be a Christian

I love eagles, because God likens His children, His heritage, unto eagles. And God, Himself, calls Himself an eagle. He is Jehovah Eagle--papa eagle. We're His little eaglets. An eagle can fly higher than any other bird there is. If a hawk would try to follow him, he'd disintegrate in the air. So you try to impersonate Christianity, you just burst yourself open. That's all. Don't do you no good. Be a eagle. Be borned-again, nature changed; then you can walk up Jacob's ladder. Then you can climb to the highest spots to where all things are possible to them that believe. But you got to be an eagle, a believer. Don't try... The Hebrews when they crossed, as eagles, across the Red Sea, the assaying, following on, uncircumcised Egyptians tried to do so and lost their life. You cannot impersonate Christianity; you've got to be a Christian. That's right.
Show Us The Father - 61-0521 - William Branham

Things of value come of great price

And I believe it was David said, "I'd rather be a doormat at the house of the Lord, than to dwell in tents with the wicked." You see? No matter what it is, "take my place." Sometimes you have to separate from everything that's dear on earth to you to take your position that God has called you to. I'm sure you can read between the lines, what I'm saying. See? Sometimes the very dearest person on earth, you have to shake hands with them to take your position in Christ to where God has called you. See? But what's God doing? Transforming you from what you was. Maybe a daughter or a son, or whatever it is, from a lovely family sometimes, He places you somewhere else. Because it's His way of doing it (See?), by the renewing of your mind to obey the Word of God, regardless of what the price is. See? These things don't come... It didn't call... Our redemption wasn't a cheap thing; it was the Son of God had to die for us. See? It isn't... Things of value come of great price.
Power Of Transformation - 65-1031M - William Branham

Thy Word Is the Truth

Give to us the desires of our heart, for we truly have these desires to serve You. In these weakening conditions and afflictions, and things of the world that's put upon us sometime, to perfect us; we've been told that. Then He said, "Think it not strange that these trials come." They're only working out for our good and to perfect us, and bring us into that place. These great deserts of experience, where righteous man are molded into saints, we--we thank Thee for these experiences, Lord. We would no mean, no wise want to do anything contrary to Your will. But we pray, Father, that in this we'll be brought closer to You. And when the burdens are so heavy we can't go no farther, then we raise our hands and scream to our Father. Then hear from Heaven, Lord. Heal us, make us well, for the Kingdom of God's sake. Bless Thy Word this morning, Lord. Thy Word is the Truth.
he Masterpiece - 64-0705 - William Branham


If you believe it, God will make a way of escape

He had another time that He proved. He proved in the flood that He was the God of judgment, and a God of mercy to those that keep His commandments. He showed at the burning bush, by a sign, that He would keep every promise that He made. And at the Red Sea, He showed that He'd make a way for those who were trying to do right and follow His commandments. No matter what cuts it off, God proved at the Red Sea, and gave a sign, that He could open up the sea. In every temptation, He'll make a way of escape. Say, "Mother don't believe it. Daddy don't believe it. The church don't believe it." I don't care who don't believe it. If you believe it, God will make a way of escape. He gave a sign that He would. They were on their way, straight to the promised land, where God promised them; and the Red Sea shut them off, and they got in trouble, they didn't know what to do. God showed that He'd make a way of escape in every temptation, every trial. If you can't quit smoking, take God one time. You can't quit lying, can't quit stealing, can't quit having temper; take God with you one time. If you don't feel like going to church, and you can't get anywhere, take God with you once, take His promise. He proved at the Red Sea that He'll make a way of escape. God's gave many signs.
A Super Sign - 59-1227M - William Branham

It'll accompany faith every time

In the twenty years of research of the Bible, and talking with the Angel of the Lord, and the many things, I find here is two things: that is love and faith. If you love God, just purely unadulterated love, you've got to have faith in Him, it'll accompany faith every time. And when love and faith gets married, you ask what you want to, and you'll have it. That's... When you know that your Heavenly Father cannot tell you any lie, He's God. He can't lie. And then when you believe Him with all your heart, and you believe that what you ask for, you ask it with not for any selfish motive, but your right motive behind there is ask it for the glory of God, and believe without a shadow of doubt, that Your Father wouldn't lie to you, something's going to take place, when you get all the cockleburs out of the way, and just look right straight there to Calvary, and believe it with all your heart.
Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today And Forever - 53-0506 - William Branham


You're changed

Mary Magdalene, she'd knew His power. She knew there was something about Him was different from anyone else. She had seven devils cast out of her. Everybody that's ever been free from the devil by the power of Jesus Christ, knows where they're standing. No one can ever come in His great Divine Presence, and ever be the same person any more. You're--you're changed. There's something happens to you. Oh, you can stand off, and psychology, and imagine this, and accept this, a certain thing, and some theories, or something like that. But we don't believe in theology. We believe in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And when you come into His Presence, there's something that happens in your life, that changes you. And you're never the same any more, a man that's ever been in the Presence of Christ.
Go Tell My Disciples - 53-0405S - William Branham


We've got to find out what's wrong

The church is moving too slow for the hour we're living in. There's something radically wrong. And it behooves us in this day, at the near coming of the Lord, to sit down and study this and see what's wrong, find the cause. You can never find the cure till you find the cause. If a doctor, if you go into his office and you say, "I'm having headaches, and sick at my stomach," and he gives you a little aspirin or something and sends you away, he's just trying to get rid of you. A real, genuine doctor will diagnose that case until he finds what organ's out of order, then work from that organ. That's the way it is with the Kingdom of God. We've got to find out what's wrong, then work from that.
Palmerworm, Locust, Cankerworm, Caterpillar - 59-0823 - William Branham

Love one another

Don't never start or try an organization. Don't try to build upon anything else, but stay humble before the Lord your God, for it looks like the gates may open into the promised land soon. Then let us go in with the true singing and rejoicing, when the Bride and Groom takes its place at the throne. Live humble; live loving. Love one another. Don't never get nothing among you. If you see something coming up in your heart against somebody, get it out of there right then. Don't let... And Satan will do his best to get among you. See? Don't you let that happen. Some slicked-tongued fellow might come along and try to take you away from it. You think they could talk Moses out of the Presence of God where he'd stood there and seen it? No, sir. No, we don't take from It or add to It. Just keep It the way the Lord said. We don't want no denomination; we don't want no organizations. We don't want no malice; we don't want no strife. We want God; and He is the Word.
Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God - 65-0718M - William Branham


That's rebellion right there

"Disobedience" means "rebellion." I looked that up in the dictionary to be sure. Rebellion, rebelling against what? The revealed Word of God. Like Cain revealed--rebelled against Abel's revealed revelation, vindicated of God that it was righteous... And Cain rebelled against it and slew his brother. The Pharisees with their own denominational knowledge of what the Word of God was, selected handpicked men, rebelled against the vindicated Word of God made manifest for the day, Jesus Christ, and killed Him. That right? That's what the children of disobedience is, a rebellion against the Word of God. Now, see where they are? "Oh, days of miracles is past. Jesus Christ is not the same... There's no such thing as the baptism of the Holy Ghost. All that stuff is nonsense." See? Rebellion, they don't have to say two things, just have to say one. That's all; that's rebellion right there.
The God Of This Evil Age - 65-0801M - William Branham

One certain way it's to be done

Notice, now, that David being anointed, yet with the anointing he did, he got out of the will of the Lord with that anointing; and all the people, not taking the run of the Scripture or the key to this revelation, all of them anointed too, they all together, shouting and praising God for a thing that looked exactly right: to bring the Word of God back to the house of God. But David was king, not prophet. See? He... There was a prophet in the land to do it by, and God dishonored the whole move, because they never used the right key. The door didn't unlock. And now, we must remember that, and keep that in mind. There is... Everything of God, one certain way it's to be done, and that settles it.
God's Only Provided Place Of Worship - 65-1128M - William Branham


What a safety it would be tonight

God, and always in all times, has always give spiritual gifts to His people. That's how He's identified and known, by spiritual gifts. And when God sends a spiritual gift to His people, and that spiritual gift is rejected, then that--that people goes into the darkness of a chaos. Every time, through the ages, when God sends something to the people, a gift, and they turn it down, that people is rejected by God because it's rejected God's mercy. Oh, what a safety it would be tonight, how much greater it would be than all the bomb shelters and--and all the places we could think of, if this nation, which is called a Christian nation, could accept the gift of God that's been given to it: the great Holy Spirit poured out in this last days. And how that if this nation would accept That, it would be more safety than anything they could get into. But they turned It down, so there's nothing left but chaos and judgment.
A Greater Than Solomon Is Here Now - 64-0306 - William Branham