
Sometime God has to do that

And sometimes God has to strike us down with sickness, diseases, and affliction, that He might just woo us to His bosom and give us a little special touch of His Divine resurrected power to prove that He's still the Lord Jesus. And a man that's ever been healed of God knows what God is. He won't want to stray. James made that clear; he said, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick; God shall raise them up; and if they have committed sins, it shall be forgiven them." God's Shepherd knows how to take care of His sheep. You wonder sometimes, mother, when that little baby was snatched out of your arms in death. Little story goes with that with sheep. There was a—a picture of the Lord Jesus that was drawn by an artist. I do not know his name. But He's holding the sheep, little lamb, in His arm. And the mother was looking up, going along, keeping her eye on Him. And the shepherd that was seen in this particular time, the man, the painter, passing by said to the shepherd, packing the little lamb, said, "Why are you packing that lamb? Is it crippled?" "No." Said, "What is the matter with the lamb?" Said, "There is nothing wrong with the lamb; the wrong is with the ewe, the mother." Said, "She got so she wouldn't listen to me any more. And she wouldn't hear me any more. So I just had to reach down and pick up her lamb, and now she looks at me all day long." Sometime God has to do that. These poor little straying mothers, running out to cocktail parties, and running around, and go to raise that little baby up in the wrong way, sometimes Jesus might have to take that lamb to get you to look up. And then if you don't hear that, the wolf will get you. Then you're gone. Oh, we could learn so much about the sheep.
The Good Shepherd Of The Sheep - 57-0308 - William Branham

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