
That's the greatest miracle that God ever performed

Anything that's uncertain is unreliable. And so when days of this time, when they're not certain whether Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, leave the thing alone. You can be certain. You can know it to be, that He'd, if He never performs any more miracle on you but the great miracle, forgives your sin. That's the greatest miracle that God ever performed, was to forgive a human being its sin. Take a man and convert him from the things, look, that's changed his innermost being from the things that he once drank and gambled, and done evil and things like that, and, all of a sudden, turns him right back around to love, and goes home to his wife, and say, "Honey, I'm sorry that I've treated you like that." Pick up his little children and hold them in the arm, "Daddy spent all of his money for whiskey, and daddy's done this. And—and mother's been out all night long and left you children. I'll never do it again. God forgive me." And how, that testimony, that's one of the greatest things there is. All the Alcoholics Anonymous, and all like that, can never change like that can. They can never do for the person.
The Uncertain Sound - 60-1218 - William Branham

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