
Pray for me

Now, remember, the person that's standing by you is the same thing you are. I want you just to reach over and take a hold of their hand, say, "Brother, sister, pray for me now. I want you to pray for me. I—I…" Just say it with all Christian sincerity, "Pray for me. I'll… I—I—I want to be right with God. You pray for me, I'm going to pray that God will give you the opportunity." I—I know that we're… We can't stay here much longer; you see that. We're—we're at the end time. All that believe that, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen!"—Ed.] We're… There's nothing left. Everything is gone. The churches is headed to the Ecumenical council.
Leadership - 65-1207 - William Branham

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