
It all belongs to you

That's the way I did when I become a Christian. I realized that every promise in the Word was mine; and if I seen a promise I couldn't get to it, I prayed till God taken me up to it. It's mine. Belongs to me. It's my possession. It's your possession. Healing is yours; joy is yours; peace is yours; love is yours; longsuffering; goodness; meekness; gentleness: it all belongs to you. The devil will try to rob it from you. Fellowship is yours; everything is yours; the world is yours: you own it all, belongs to you. It's God's promise. But if you're baptized into this big arcade, then stay with it till God confirms His Word with you. Sure, He'll give it to you. It's what you look at, looking at the Word. The Word will bring you peace. The Word will bring you deliverance. The Word brings you just exactly what you have need of. God always keeps His Word.
God Keeps His Word - 57-0613A - William Branham

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