A Christian is to be Christ-like. And a Christian cannot be a Christian until Christ comes into the man, the Life of Christ in him. Then it produces the Life that Christ lived, and you do the things that Christ did. What am I talking about? Personal relationship to Christ. What is it? Is your life worthy of the Gospel?Is Your Life Worthy Of The Gospel - 63-0630E - William Branham
Is your life worthy of the Gospel?
God does the opening up of the sea
God lets disappointments happen, to show victory. Oh, if we could only see that! See? You'd only see that these things that seems to be so burring you, and upsetting you, they are trials. They are things, to stand still, focus your glasses on the Word of God. And speak the Word, and then just walk forward. That's all there is to do it. We get to a time, we say, "God, I don't know what to do. I'm up against it." Speak the word, "Lord, I believe." And just start walking forward. God does the opening up of the sea. You just keep walking. See?Victory Day - 63-0421 - William Branham
Then you've got all power
As I said the other day, when we're borned of the Spirit of God, God isn't weak in one place and strong in another. If you've got a little shadow of God in you, just the littlest speck of God, then you've got all power. You got enough power in you to make a world and go out and live in it. But of course, that power is controlled by faith. If it wasn't, we'd all have us a world out there, living in it. But if you're a son of God or a daughter of God, you've got the power of God in you. See? So then, you… That law holds that faith to a certain thing.Thy House - 61-0808 - William Branham
If you want to do something for God, do something for His people
If you want to do something for God, do something for His people. If you want something good said about you, say something good about someone else. Bless someone else, and as you're blessing someone else, you're blessing God. For Jesus said, "Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these, My little ones, you have done it unto Me." So, we know that—that that is the truth.Our Hope Is In God - 51-0929 - William Branham
Put what you have in His hand
But no matter what you got, how little it is… You say, "Well, Brother Branham, only thing I can do; I might talk to some people." Well, that might not be very much to you, but put it in the hands of Jesus, and see what He will do with it. Like the little fishes that was in the little boys hands, it could only feed him. But when he put it in Jesus' hand, it fed five thousand. So it will be with you. Put what you have in His hand.Our Hope Is In God - 51-0929 - William Branham
It'll all have to come by the Shepherd
And what a relief, what a lovely thing to know, that when we are tucked into His blessed keeping, He becomes the Door, and there's nothing could happen to you. No matter what it is, it'll all have to come by the Shepherd. If it's sickness, it might be for your correction. It might be for a testimony against the enemy. It might be for the exaltation of Christ's Name. But nothing can come to you except He permits it to come. He's the Door to the sheepfold.The Good Shepherd Of The Sheep - 57-0308 - William Branham
He knows His sheep by name
Sorrows of tears can never keep the Shepherd away. Corruption, He proved it at the grave of Lazarus. Lazarus was one of His little lambs. And he was laying in the body, bottom of a pit, a stone rolled over it; his body was molded; the nose had dropped in; the skin worms were eating him up. But the Chief Shepherd come up to the grave. And He knows His sheep by name. And if He speaks your name now and calls you, you answer. For there's going to be a time, said the prophet, that He will call and I will answer Him. Lazarus was four days' dead. His body was corrupted. But the Shepherd spoke, and corruption knew its Master. And the soul that was four day's journey, turned back into that body. And that body that had been embalmed, no blood, the cells was broke. He was rotten in the grave. But the Shepherd of Life spoke the name of His Lamb, and His lamb let out a bleat and said, "Here I come."The Good Shepherd Of The Sheep - 57-0308 - William Branham
Look what you're going to be
Now, Christian don't do that. A Christian don't try to be what he used to be; he's not looking where he's been; he's looking where he's going. See, see? Don't pay no attention to what you was then; you've done lived that out. You'll never return to it; that's in the past. And any man that drives life's road looking through a rear-view mirror will go to wreck; and so will you on this Christian road. Don't look back what you was; look what you're going to be. Paul said, "Forgetting those things which are in the past, I press towards the mark of the high calling."Questions And Answers #2 - 64-0823E - William Branham
He wants to borrow my body
I know nothing about you. God does know you. And if He can reveal to me by His Holy Spirit, the resurrected Christ Who come here, and give me a temporarily resurrection by my spirit, that my spirit goes away now and His Spirit comes in, then to let you know whether He's alive or not. Now, I don't know you. That's me, me and my spirit; we don't know you. But He knows you. But He wants to borrow my body to prove that He's the resurrected Christ. I'm so happy to loan it to Him, give it to Him, anything He can get out of it.The True Easter Seal - 61-0402 - William Branham
It's His Word
Now, it had been a long time since Elijah had made this prophecy. He'd been in glory long. But he would--he'd made this prophecy, and he knowed it was coming to pass. And then Micaiah knew that Elijah was a man of God, and here was God up in heaven holding a council up there how to bring the word of Elijah to pass. And if you've got the Word of the Lord, and will speak the Word of the Lord, and don't doubt the Word of the Lord, God will hold a council meeting to make your Word come to pass; because it's not your Word; it's His Word. It's His Word, if it's THUS SAITH THE LORD, if it's truly THUS SAITH THE LORD.Micaiah The Prophet - 61-0426 - William Branham
Shalom to you!
Shalom, God's peace be Light upon you! And when God's Word is vindicated in this age, completely, and you see It and believe It, shalom to you! Face the new year with this, put Him as David said, "I'll put Him always before me. Because He is on my right hand, I shall not be moved." If you meet death this year, what difference does it make? God promised He would raise you up. If an accident kills you, what difference does it make? You have Eternal Life, "I'll raise him up at the last days." Amen. What if anything happens? No matter what it is, nothing can separate us from the love of God, that's in Christ. "Hunger, peril, nakedness, no matter what it is, nothing can separate us from the love of God, that's in Christ." And He is the Word. Shalom!Shalom - 64-0119 - William Branham
Blood had to take its place
Adam and Eve made just as good a apron as any Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, or Pentecostal could make, it covered their nakedness. But God could see through it, so He killed something and took the dead skins of the--skins of the dead animal and covered it. Blood had to take its place. That stayed His wrath, He seen the blood and backed off from it, because something had shed its life. O God! Think of it! Only thing that'll back off God is Blood. And there's only one Blood that He'll back from, and that's His Own Son. When He sees that's His Own Son's Blood, He'll back back. 'Cause that's the gift that is... God has given to His Son, to redeem those who He foreknew, and it brings God back from His judgment. But when that Blood is removed, and all that was foreknown has been called into the precious Body, His Church has been made ready and taken up, then God's wrath is on the people. Oh, brother, don't never want to stand there!Revelation - 61-0108 - William Branham
Forgive them, they don't know what they're doing
Maybe sometime man get up real sharp; but if I got one thought that I didn't like that person, then—then I know one thing, the Spirit of Christ has departed from me. If I—if I can feel that I don't like that person, there's something wrong with me. 46 Because the Spirit of Christ, when they… the… at—at crucifying Him, and His Own people driving the nails, and—and His very creation He created was putting the nails, that He created, back into His human flesh. And yet, with a heart full of love, He cried, "Father, forgive them, they don't know what they're doing," you see.Shalom - 64-0112 - William Branham
It makes every action of the Holy Spirit in you tick off just exactly according to God's Timepiece, the Bible
Notice, now, "I'll give you a new spirit, and I'll put My Spirit..." Notice, the new heart is put right in the middle of you. And the new spirit is put right in the middle of your new heart. And His Spirit is put right in the middle of the new spirit. It's just like the mainspring in a famous watch. When that... When that mainspring sets in the middle of the watch, it controls every movement of that watch. And that's what's the matter, friends. Now, I hope you see this. And I'm not saying it to be--try to twist or be indifferent; I'm only saying it because I know that someday I'll stand in the judgment with you. You see, if the Holy Spirit is in the middle of your spirit... And that watch spring makes all the rest of the movements just tick just exactly to the place, keeping perfect time. When the Holy Spirit is in the middle of your spirit, it makes every action of the Holy Spirit in you tick off just exactly according to God's Timepiece, the Bible. Right.Why Is It That So Many Christians Find It So Hard To Live The Christian Life? - 57-0303A - William Branham
The Scripture is God's Symphony
Now to you adults, the Scripture is God's Symphony. Yes. Hallelujah. Only the Composer knows what it really means and He reveals it to those who are listening, who are interested in knowing what the drama is. But you'd have to know about a sympathy first, see. It's not just something you see, it's the—the changing, the junctions of the Word, of the music. It throws; sometime it's going this way for a while, a certain beat, after a while it changes all around. What is it? To you who wouldn't understand It or don't know nothing about It, not interested in It, it's just a racket, it's a fuss. But to those who know about It, they're watching for It, they know It's coming. Hallelujah! So we have these times of symphonies of the Symphony of God's Word, that the whole drama changes. You who are interested, listen for that change. You know it's getting close. You hear the way the drums are beating, amen, want something to happen. You know this is a change, see, it's going to break out into a burst in a few minutes. See? And you're watching for it, you can tell the way the drums are timing. O God! If you can hear the drums of the finish now, if you can hear the echo of the music of the Heavenly Word singing Itself out, "And it shall come to pass in the last days!" The sympathy of God's great drama that He's playing, It changes Him, His sympathy at the junctions. The composer and those who are interested, listen for the change. That's what all this stuff is to us, we're listening, we're watching. Every time He appears, something happens, we see the time getting close. We see back yonder not long ago when that Church Ages was being drawed out, we were listening. We seen it was right with the Word, beating with the Word. After a while, what happened? Here He come, Himself, and vindicated it.Shalom - 64-0112 - William Branham
So I love Him for it
If you loved your wife, you wouldn't hurt her. If you loved your children, you wouldn't want to do anything wrong to them. And how about your heavenly Father? So you see, "Though I speak with tongues of men and Angels, and though I have all knowledge and all wisdom, though I have faith to move mountains and have not love, I am nothing. (See?) Where there's tongues, they shall cease and where there's prophecy, it shall vanish. And knowledge shall vanish, and prophecy shall fail, and all these things. But when that which is perfect is come, it endures forever."Gifts - 56-1207 - William Branham
Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious Blood
Shall never lose its power,
Till all the ransomed Church of God
Be saved, to sin no more. See?
Ever since by faith I saw that stream
Thy flowing wounds supplied,
Redeeming love has been my theme,
And shall be till I die.
That's my theme, is love. Law works fear. Law is negative; works is negative. But love is positive. See? It's absolutely positive. You can trust anybody when they love you, not because they fear you, but because they love you. And that's how I trust Him, because I know He loves me. And it's a love affair, and not a works affair, or fear, and if, and if, and if, and if, there's no "if" to it. God's done it, and that settles it. So I love Him for it.
But the first thing you have to do is cross over Jordan
Oh, brother, if you're living on the borderline tonight, come on over. Cross over Jordan. It's wonderful. There's great big grapes over here. We got the initial evidence, we got… Hallelujah. Got some Joshuas and Calebs that's went over the border and brought back the evidence that it's a good Land. Every promise that God's made is here. The full Gospel, the full Bible, Divine healing, rejoicing, happiness, peace, everything that the Bible promised, every fruit's in this land. Amen. It's yours at the asking. But the first thing you have to do is cross over Jordan. You can't stay over there in the wilderness and expect to get it, 'cause the grapes don't grow like that over there. That's right. That's what's the matter with the church tonight; it's become anemia condition. It needs a Blood transfusion, getting pale in the face. Amen.The Results Of Decision - 55-1008 - William Branham
He is the Dynamics
Let me say something, too; this uniting time, to see churches uniting, nations uniting. It's a uniting time of God and His Bride, too. And I say this with reverence and respect. I believe that the Bride of Christ is called. I believe She is sealed in the Kingdom of God. I believe the mechanics is there. They're waiting for the Dynamics that'll take Her off the earth, into Glory, in the Rapture. I believe it with all my heart. Yes, sir. We don't know how He's going to do it, but He shall do it. He is the Dynamics. We just become members of the machine, of His Body, forming ourself into His image, and see Him uniting Himself with us, in His works, with His love gifts, as He hands them to us just before the Wedding Supper. And we're waiting, watching for that.What Shall I Do With Jesus Called Christ? - 63-1124M - William Branham
Stand still and watch the glory of God
I be His servant tonight and declare Him right. God will make every sin that you ever committed… The devil that's called your soul for his own. He will make the devil stand still tonight. Watch the power of God come down and take away your sin and iniquity and give you the baptism of the Holy Ghost. He will surely do it. He will make every cancer drop. He will make every blinded eye come open. He will make the cripples walk. He will let the devil who afflicted you stand still and see the glory of God. It's not your battle. Just stand still; it's God's battle. Don't be flusterated. Don't be upset; stand still. We're living in a tremendous time. We're living in a great time. The Church should stand still now to receive the promise. "Stand still and watch the glory of God." He's not the "I WAS." He's the "I AM." He's the same. We'll just stand still, as they did, the "I AM" the same "I AM" lives tonight. While we're thinking on these things let us bow our heads just a moment.Stand Still And See The Salvation Of The Lord - 57-0629 - William Branham
Then she will be received up
Jesus would not permit His disciples to preach the Gospel until they received the Holy Ghost, yet they had been honored to walk with Him three and a half years. Though they were holy men, accepted in His sight, but He would not let them go preach until they waited up there and got all the differences out of them, and then the Holy Spirit came. What the world needs today is that same filling. When the dumping-out comes, it needs a filling. What does that filling do when it comes in? Where you have doubts, it brings faith; where you have indifference, it brings love; where you had hatred it brings fellowship; and then when the church of the living God, someday will be united under one great Head, and that will be the--the Head of God. God, into the unity of the Body of Christ will be the Governor and the King and the Lord over the entire church under His control. Then she will be received up.Oneness Of Unity - 58-0128 - William Branham
He's freely released
Released from guilt, is what we wish to place on this. A pardon from God is a release from guilt. Not the turning away by a psychological doctrine of some sort that might in some way give you a little feeling that you have done what's right, by joining church, or taking up some creed. But it's a—a release from your guilt, by the power of Calvary. Something has released you. There's no more guilt. The Bible says, I believe, in Romans 5:1, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." 36 Now, a man, when he is released from sin, man or a woman, there's no more desire in their heart to walk after the things of the world. He is freely pardoned and becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus. And his affections are set on the things that are above, where Christ sets at the right hand of God. He's freely released. He doesn't have to have some priest to tell him or some minister to tell him. He knows in himself that he is pardoned, because he has accepted it upon the grounds that God sent it to him, through Jesus Christ. What a feeling it is to be free from sin!63-1028 - Pardon - William Branham
Could He say that about you?
This poor, little woman, she knew that He was God. As that barrel went down, down, down, down, circumstances got worse and worse all the time. But God was letting it get that way. He just loves to do that. He loves to put your faith to a test to see how you act on it, let you be anointed and prayed for, then make you worse, say, "Come on, Satan, put him to the test; I know he believes Me." Bless God forever. Oh, my. "Put him to a test now; I know he took My Word for it." Could He say that about you? He said that about Job, said, "Do anything to him you want to, but don't you take his life, for I know he loves Me. He's made the burnt offering; he's made the requirements; he did what I told him to do, and he believes it. Now, roll him over the coals if you want to." He took everything away from him; God doubled it when He give it back to him. Sure He will. He puts our faith to a test to see if we really believe that He is God.Be Certain Of God - 59-0125 - William Branham
It's all clean
That Clorox was invented or manufactured to take stain, take the coloring out of ink or any other stain--they got it. It'll break it up till you never will find it again. It goes back to gases and all the way back to cosmic light and it'll past molecules and everything else till it turns back to the original where it come from. It's a creation--it had--a creation had to come from a Creator. But all the chemicals that was manufactured and put together, they're broke up and that's just all there is to it, there's no more of it. Even the very--the very water substance it is, blends with the Clorox which is ashes. Amen. Glory to God, it's all clean. That's what the Blood of Jesus Christ does to the true child of God. When he confesses that sin and stands there justified in His... Mercy, goodness... Even it's so great till God said, "I can't even remember it anymore, and he's absolutely My son." "Verily, I say unto you, if you say to this mountain be moved and don't doubt in your heart but believe in what you said, it shall come to pass; you can have that what you have said." You are a redeemed son. Amen. I know that's true.The Fourth Seal - 63-0321 - William Branham
Why would you fear about any sickness?
If God delivered you from sin, how much more will He deliver you from your sickness. He's able to take and change your nature and make you a new person. Why would you fear about any sickness? And if He can save your soul and change your nature, change your motives, change your ideas, how much more can He change your sickness into health and put it back in its right place again, where it belongs. It's just so simple that we go over the top of it.Time-Tested Faith - 58-0530 - William Branham
That's the kind of love that Christ had
And when you separate from Divine love, then you can't overlook your brother's mistakes no more. You got to bawl him out for it. That's right. You can't overlook sister's mistakes no more. Because you've got away from that Divine part, that love part. But if you really love the Lord Jesus, if sister or brother, does something to you, "Oh, well, that's all right, they didn't mean to do it." That's the kind of love that Christ had, "Father, forgive them; they don't know what they're doing."The Way To Have Fellowship - 55-1009 - William Branham
Everything that we have is for a purpose
Deep Calling To The Deep: if the deep's calling, there's a deep to respond. In other words, before there was a tree to grow on the earth, there had to be an earth to grow in first. God never made the tree for the earth, He made the earth for the tree. He made the earth and commanded the earth to bring forth a tree. And the earth was calling, till the tree come forth. Before there was a fin on a fish's back, there was no water for him to swim in. The reason he's got a fin, is because there was water for him to swim in to use it. Everything that we have is for a purpose, and for a cause.The Deep Calleth To The Deep - 54-0624 - William Branham
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