
The Scripture is God's Symphony

Now to you adults, the Scripture is God's Symphony. Yes. Hallelujah. Only the Composer knows what it really means and He reveals it to those who are listening, who are interested in knowing what the drama is. But you'd have to know about a sympathy first, see. It's not just something you see, it's the—the changing, the junctions of the Word, of the music. It throws; sometime it's going this way for a while, a certain beat, after a while it changes all around. What is it? To you who wouldn't understand It or don't know nothing about It, not interested in It, it's just a racket, it's a fuss. But to those who know about It, they're watching for It, they know It's coming. Hallelujah! So we have these times of symphonies of the Symphony of God's Word, that the whole drama changes. You who are interested, listen for that change. You know it's getting close. You hear the way the drums are beating, amen, want something to happen. You know this is a change, see, it's going to break out into a burst in a few minutes. See? And you're watching for it, you can tell the way the drums are timing. O God! If you can hear the drums of the finish now, if you can hear the echo of the music of the Heavenly Word singing Itself out, "And it shall come to pass in the last days!" The sympathy of God's great drama that He's playing, It changes Him, His sympathy at the junctions. The composer and those who are interested, listen for the change. That's what all this stuff is to us, we're listening, we're watching. Every time He appears, something happens, we see the time getting close. We see back yonder not long ago when that Church Ages was being drawed out, we were listening. We seen it was right with the Word, beating with the Word. After a while, what happened? Here He come, Himself, and vindicated it.
Shalom - 64-0112 - William Branham

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