
He has to die before he can be born

There's two ways a man can go: and that's his way or God's way, and that's the right way or the wrong way. And your way is always the wrong way, and God's way is the right way. And you can't be in your own way and in God's way at the same time, so you got to get out of your own way so God can have His way in you. That's right. God makes a provided way. Man has always wanted to make his own way. In the garden of Eden, God made a man so he didn't have to shift for nothing. God made him perfect, but man wanted his own way. He wanted to tamper. He wanted to find out. And then as soon as he fell… We've went through that this week, in the studies of the Scripture. He made himself a religion. He didn't wait for God to make him one. He made one hisself, but he found out that his religion, his covering, wouldn't work. That's always been man. He wants his own way. But God had a way. So man made fig leaves and put them over him, him and his wife, but when he come down to face God, he found out that wouldn't work. And I tell you, friends, there's been a many a man, and is tonight, that's coming down to the end of the road, will find out that that little shallow religion that you're holding onto won't work. Nothing short of being borned again will work. Jesus said, "Except a man be born of water and Spirit, he will in no wise enter into the Kingdom." No wise, no matter if he's Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, whatever he is, he will not enter in until he's born of water and Spirit. "Born" means he's "changed." He has to die before he can be born. So you got to die to yourself, be reborn again in Christ Jesus. That's right.
God's Way That's Been Made For Us - 52-0900 - William Branham


I'm doubting my doubts now

Just believe it. Amen. Open up them flues of the soul and body, senses, and conscience, and just let God's Words penetrate first, take that mind. There is the battleground. Not say, "Well, if I could feel it, if I'd feel the glory of God falling! Oh!" That has nothing to do with it; not a thing. Open up that mind. That's the battleground. There is where the battle sets in array, right here in the front line, your mind. Open it up, and say, "I... Every doubt, I doubt my doubts." Amen. "I'm doubting my doubts now. I'm believing God's Word. Here I come, Satan." Something is going to take place. Sure, it will. Yes, sir.
The Greatest Battle Ever Fought - 62-0311 - William Branham


It cannot fail

And if this group tonight, setting here, could just remember that God is still God. He's just as able to answer in this case as He is in a case of Divine healing or anything else. He is still God. And if we can build our hopes, not only our hopes, but a—a positive thought, upon what He says. And we know that It is the Truth. And people act funny. They seem to just forget about the negative side because they have found an absolute, because it's the Word of God. Jesus said, "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail." So if we've got the Word of promise, then there's no failing to it. It cannot fail. So I—I'm believing that that's what the prayer meetings here, the—the religious people of Houston, are interested in, human lives. And that's what we are gathered here for, is to—is to call on a power that's beyond all man-made laws and powers, something Who can change the hearts of men, like He did Pharaoh in Egypt. And He's—He's God. And we must stop now looking at the—the negative side, and go to looking at the positive side.
A Absolute - 63-0304 - William Branham


Jehova Eagle, how great Thou art

Did you ever get in trouble, where the doctor says you can't live no longer, or you think you're gone, and you ever seen the Old and New Testament spread before you, "How great Thou art, how great Thou art." You never knew how great He was until you turned your little sick eyes and looked up towards Him, Jehovah Eagle standing there, "I am the same yesterday, today, and forever." Jehovah Eagle, how great Thou art. Then they begin to look. And as they look at that great mother… Did you ever look up to the stars sometime, wonder how every one keeps his place? Did you ever think about Who controls this world, how it stands in its orbit? How that science can predict to the minute twenty years before, how the moon and sun will pass for the eclipse. How great Thou art, how great Thou art. Did you ever notice how much… Why He—He can… He can take the sun, and draw more water in five minutes, in less noise, then we can pump out a gallon in a bucket out of a pump. He's God. He's great. And we look up to Him to see how great He is.
As The Eagle Stirreth Up Her Nest - 59-0815 - William Branham


So what are you worried about?

I met a woman, here some years ago in a ten-cent store. She was about sixty years old, looked about thirty years old. I said, "How do you do it, sister?" She said, "Brother Branham, I've got two sons that's doctors, that's older than you are." And honest to goodness, she—she didn't look over thirty years old. She said, "Here is what it was. When I come to Christ, when I was about twelve years old, I set down and thought about it. I studied other religions. But when I found the true one," she said, "I come to Christ, and took my case, my soul, my all, to Him." And she said, "I've never had a worry since." Said, "Now, He promised to take care of all my troubles," and said, "if He's not big enough to do it, I know I'm not big enough to do it, so what's the use of me worrying about it?" See? That's it. Christ promised that He'd take all your cares. "Cast your cares on Him." So what are you worried about? Worry builds up pressure. Pressure blows up. So just cast your cares on Him, and quit worrying. All right.
Letting Off The Pressure - 62-0513E - William Branham

Boss, I'm free

You know what I think? Like the old negro said one time, in the slave time. One day, he come around, he said, "You know, the… I'm free now." So he got to telling amongst the other slaves, and the slaves said… And it got back to the owner. And the owner said, "Come in here, Sam." Said, "What's that you're telling amongst the slaves out there?" He said, "Boss, I am free." Said, "How are you free?" He said, "I am free from the law of sin and death, for Jesus Christ has made me free." He said, "Sam, you mean that?" He said, "Yes." Said, "I'll go down and sign your release, and let you go tell your brethren about that." The old man preached for years and years. Finally, one day, he come to his door, he had to part from this life. And while he was laying on his bed, in a coma for a few days, many of his white brethren come along to—to see him, bid him good-bye, because he had been a gallant old soldier for Christ. While he was laying there on the bed, he come to, looked around, and he said, "Mose, aren't you, or…" "Sam, aren't you gone yet?" "No." Said, "I had to come back." He said "I thought I was there." Said, "I—I—I must have dreamed it." Said, "I thought I was there. And when I was standing there," said, "an Angel… I just been taken in the door, and," said, "an Angel come up and said, 'Sam, come get your crown, and come get your robe.'" 153 He said, "Don't talk to me about a crown and robe, just let me stand here and look at Him for a million years." He saw in Him the One that had set him free from sin and death. He saw there the One that stuck to him through thick and thin. O God!
Looking Unto Jesus - 64-0122 - William Branham


You're taking Christ's place

He was just one Man, the perfect Man. He gave His Life, and He made an example for you. Now, what must we do? Now, the first thing I want to say is: Jesus never lived for Himself. His Life was spent for others. That's perfectly Eternal Life. When you say you go to church and you do good things, that's fine. But when you live your life to yourself, you haven't Eternal Life. Eternal Life is living for others. It proved it when It come in the Lamb of God. He lived and had Eternal Life, because He did not live for Himself. He lived for others. And you receive Eternal Life by receiving that day, and you don't live for yourself no more. You live for others. Someone said, "How can you stand and let anybody call you such bad names?" You don't live for yourself. You live for others that you might redeem that man. You become sons. And the trouble of it is, the church has forgot they were sons. You are sons. You're taking Christ's place. You are sons; so don't live for yourself; live for others. "Well, Brother Branham, I can live for this brother because he sure is a nice man." That's not it. Live for that man who hates you. Live for that person who'd kill you if they could. That's what they done to Him. They killed Him, and He died that He might save them. That's Eternal Life.
That Day On Calvary - 60-0925 - William Branham


He's defeated tonight

But the Christ that made you stop your drinking, smoking, lying, stealing, that saved you from a life of drunkenness, from rowling, from sin and a devil's grave, if God can do that for you, He can save you from your TB and from your cancer. He's a Goliath; don't take his boast. Stand in the Name of the Lord Jesus and challenge him to a showdown. Amen. Hallelujah. I feel religious. Positionally in Christ. If the believer knowed his position, he'd have it. God's great Spirit is here, and His Holy Ghost is ready to fall on anybody that will believe it. Do you believe it? Amen. God has promised it. God will do it. You're in Christ. 45 Goliath's a bragging. Goliath says, "You see, you was here last night and didn't get healed. You was at the other meetings, didn't get healed." Who is that uncircumcised devil? Who is that devil that has no relationship with God at all? Who is that devil that stands with nothing but a defeated thing behind him? His master was defeated at Calvary by our Lord and our Conqueror. Hallelujah. He's a bluff. That's all. We won't believe him any more. Down with him. Jesus Christ robbed Satan of everything he had. He spoiled principalities and powers and dominions. His domain reigns over the heavens and earth. And we're the subject of His domain. Hallelujah. My, that puts him where he belongs; the devil down there and Christ the Victor. You're Davids. You're called, elected, anointed, positionally put in the body of Jesus Christ by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Goliath, you're defeated. Amen. He's defeated tonight. Hallelujah. Shall we pray.
This Great Warrior, David - 55-0118 - William Branham


That's the thunder that shakes the devil

All right, here was "voices." Oh, how we need in Jeffersonville thousands of lived voices, the thunder of God thundering out in sweetness and holiness, purity, undefiled lives, walking around in the earth today, without a blemish. Yes, sir, real Christians, that's thunder against the enemy. The devil don't care how loud you can holler; the devil don't care how much you can jump or how much you can do this or shout. But what hurts the devil is to see that sanctified, holy life consecrated to God; say anything to him, call him anything, just as sweet as it can be and move right on. Oh, my! That throws him away, that's the thunder that shakes the devil.
Revelation, Chapter Four #3 - 61-0108 - William Branham


That is the God, the Creator, living in you

But that is the God, the Creator, living in you, and giving you all the power. And you're in possession of anything that He had. So is It in you to abstain from evil, to do good, to shun evil and flee to righteousness, to turn away from temptation. All malice, hatred, strife, envy, and so forth, come away from it, for that'll take Him from your heart, if you will receive Him, embrace Him and love Him, and hold Him in your heart and love Him. I tell you, the church together in that kind of a power, has the power to bind the heavens, heal the sick, open the eyes of the blind (Hallelujah.), the deaf speak—the dumb speak, and the deaf hear, the cripples walk, the blind see. Why? It's recognizing the power of Almighty God into your heart. There He is, the Deity.
The Deity Of Jesus Christ - 49-1225 - William Branham


Let's try again tonight and see what The Lord will say

Well, if a nation or an army should consult the Lord in a time of trouble, what about when a cancer has got you in a corner? when TB's got you in a corner? When afflictions got you in a corner, don't give up; let's consult the Lord about it and see what He'd have to say. See? Maybe you'd say, "Well, I have… I'm a drunkard. I'm a harlot. I'm… I've—I've cursed all my life." Don't give up. Let's consult the Lord about it now, and see what He'd say about it. Say, "Well, Brother Branham, I've tried for six years to be borned again of the Spirit of God, to receive the Holy Spirit. He's never yet come to me." Well, let's try again tonight, and see what the Lord will say, for He's always willing if we'll just get everything out of the way.
The Prophet Elisha - 54-0723 - William Branham


Don't stop for nothing

When Satan walked up to Eve, and said, "You know, the fruit is pleasant." She stopped for a moment. Oh, that's when she made a mistake, when she stopped for a moment. Don't stop for nothing. You've got the Message. Jesus lives. God is a healer. That's the Message. Don't stop for nothing, no reasonings, no nothing else. But she stopped for a moment. That's when Satan walked right into that mind. Said, "Well, it sounds reasonable." Oh, don't do that. Just take what God said.
The Greatest Battle Ever Fought - 62-0311 - William Branham


God's with us

Don't that just take the scare out of it now? God's with us. Although you sin, you got an Advocate. Tell God you're sorry, come on back. That's the way to do it. Don't think you're cast off forever. As long as you still have enough desire to come to this church, come on. God's still with you. That's right. Sure He is. Yes, He will just keep moving, as long as you'll… as He's called you. He's still in the saving business to call you. And all He's calling, He's still wooing at your heart. Come on, no matter what you done. God still wants to forgive you and take you back, love you a little bit, and hug you up to His bosom, give you a few spiritual vitamins, put you back in the church, in your position again. He came to redeem, to seek and save that which was lost.
Water From The Rock - 55-0224 - William Branham


God's still ready to come to you in a conference

Maybe you're a sinner and have done so much sin. Maybe you smoked till you can't smoke no more, and can't quit it. Maybe you've drank till you can't drink no more, and you can't quit it. Maybe you come to the place where you so full of sin and lust till you have to look upon every woman you see, wrong. Or maybe you've even perverted your own natural resources. Maybe you've come to a block. I don't care where you're at; God's still ready to come to you in a conference and talk it over with you.
Conference With God - 59-1220M - William Branham


That's the gift

What is a gift? What is a gift, anyhow? Not to take something and use something, say, "I got a gift of healing! I go out and heal this one, heal that one." If I could, I'd certainly do it. Now, but, a gift, and you're—you're… You misinterpret a gift. A gift is just "get yourself out of the way and let the Holy Spirit use you." See? That's the gift.
God's Provided Way For This Day - 64-0206 - William Branham

He keeps His appointments

You know big men act little. Little peanut brain acts big. When you see a guy that thinks he's something, just remember there's nothing to him. I've got with some of the biggest men in the world, and they make you think you're the big man, when you get away from them. But some of these guys that's got a change of clothes or something another, Pastor something another, or some big church, why, they want you to think they're something big. That's the person that becomes nothing. Notice, Jesus had entered this Pharisees home. I believe He left a little early. He's never late. And Jesus always keeps His appointments. Hallelujah. 42 Jesus is here tonight. Jesus keeps His appointments no matter how you—where you are. He kept His appointment with Jonah in the belly of a whale. He kept His appointment with Daniel in the lions' den. He kept His appointment with the children in the—Hebrew children in the fiery furnace. Praise God. He kept His appointment with me on the deathbed. He's here tonight. "Wherever two or three are gathered together in My Name I'll be in their midst." Jesus keeps His appointments always. He leaves glory maybe a little early so He can get here on time. He keeps His appointments.
The Unwelcomed Christ - 55-1002 - William Branham

He wants to help you more than you want help

And then God always sends someone on the scene, a prophet. And this prophet… God never changes His system. He never changes His ways. He always does it the same way. He always has; He must do it this time. And, through this, God works and vindicates that Word. As I spoke to you last night, God doing His Own interpretation. God needs no one to interpret the Word to Him. He interprets It Himself, by vindicating It, making It real. And when God says He'll do a certain thing, then He does it, there is no more question to it. That's the way He does it. So God has made a way for us. God loves His children. He loves His people. He wants to help them. He wants to help you more than you want help. If you can just get that in your heart, that God is more willing to help you than you are to help yourself. But He has a way, and that's the only way that He'll work is through His way. You must come to His terms, not your terms. His terms! You want it certain way, but He—He gives it to you His way. Like Naaman dipping in the—the—the waters of Jordan. Why, he said the waters up in his country is much cleaner and better, but that wasn't what the prophet said. "Dip here." He dipped once, leprosy still there; six times, it was still there. He had to obey and come God's way. And when he fully obeyed God's way, the leprosy left. And I say, tonight, that if we obey God's provided way, leprosy will leave, sickness will leave, everything will leave, but we got to come His way for this day. Now, dipping in the Jordan wouldn't do any good now; that was for Naaman. The law was for the—for the Jews. Grace is by Christ.
God's Provided Way For This Day - 64-0206 - William Branham


Have you got It tonight, my friend?

And his brothers had just told him, said, "We have one brother which is not, that was killed by beasts," and he was talking right to his brother. That was his brother Joseph who was standing there. And he—he made them all leave, then he revealed himself; he said, "I'm Joseph, your brother." And they were scared, the patriarchs. They was afraid. He said, "Don't be afraid." And he begin to scream so loud till even over in Pharaoh's palace they heard him screaming, heard his screams and cry. He run down and throwed his arms around little Benjamin, and hugged him, and kissed him, and fell on his neck, and begin crying, said, "You mean to say that my poor old daddy's still alive up in Canaan?" What a feeling. What the love of God that's shed abroad… "My daddy's still alive, and I'm giving him some corn." Said, "Oh." And he screamed to the top of his voice. I wonder what that'll be, the day when our Lord Jesus breaks down through the eastern horizon, coming back to the earth again. Hallelujah. 192 There he screamed and wept, that great prince standing there, and the patriarchs. Said, he said, "Don't feel bad." Said, "God sent me." See the Holy Spirit, how love Divine will do? Said, "God sent me down here. Don't feel bad at yourself." Said, "God sent me down here to preserve life for these times." And what did God send Him here for, but to preserve Life? What's the Holy Spirit here for tonight, but to preserve Life? He was rejected of the Jews, and sent over here to the Gentiles to preserve Life. Have you got It tonight, my friend?
Israel And The Church #1 - 53-0325 - William Branham


God will take care of the rest of it

And when you're prayed for, being sick, you don't have to worry just how God's going to move that cancer, how God's going to make that crippled limb to come straight. Just go forward in faith. That's up to God to take care of that. You don't have to worry whether you'll keep your job if you accept Christ as your Saviour. You don't have to worry whether the boss will be angry, or your neighbor will turn you down, or your mother will say that you've lost your mind, or your dad turn you away from home. Just go forward. God will take care of the rest of it.
His Wonders To Perform - 58-0112A - William Branham


Where the head is, the body is with it

You say, "Brother Branham, I'm the least in the church. I'm just a little bitty fellow." But, remember, when He ascended on High, see, you are raised with Him. You're in the Body. And you're with Christ right now, seated in Heavenly places. If you're the skin on the bottom of the feet, every devil is underneath you. That's right. Exactly right. The Church! Where the head is, the body is with it. And if we be buried, died, buried in Christ, then we're raised with Him in His resurrection, and set in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus, with every fire of hell under us. Amen. Right. No matter how little you are, every devil is under you. Why? Our great Conqueror has conquered every sin, everything, every sickness, every… even death itself. That's right. We are more than conquerors in Him. Only thing, we're seated with Him in His Throne, looking to Him as He looks over, the Father. That's it. It's there. All right.
Convinced Then Concerned - 62-0118 - William Branham

Don't lay it down

James 4:7, to, "Resist the Devil, and," he just won't walk away, but, "he'll flee." "Resist the Devil." How do you resist the Devil? The same way our Chief Captain told us to do it. Take the Word of God. That's how you resist the Devil, is by the Word of God. The Chief Captain told us just how it was done. All right. Now, in closing, I want to say this. That old Devil, now, you think he's brazen. You think he'll attack a child? He'll attack anything. He attacked Jesus Christ. He come at Him, with three wild attacks. Did you know that? Satan didn't just only attack once. He'll attack you with a disease, then here he'll come back and attack you, tell you, "Days of miracles is past. You didn't get healed. There's nothing to It." You know that's right?

Jesus is the Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word dwelled, made flesh, and dwelled..." Jesus was the Word. What did He do? He cut him to ribbons. Oh, my! I'm going to quit. What did Jesus do? He was the Word. So, with the Word, He cut Satan on his wild attack. He flew in there like a bunch of para-, storm-troopers, or something another like that, flew in on Jesus, the Word, like that. And Jesus took that Word, and sliced him to pieces. Hallelujah! Sure, sliced him to pieces, defeated him with the Word. See his attack? Watch, listen close, this closing. His attack is what? Disbelieve God's Word, that's his attack. There, can you see the greatest battle was ever fought? There's only two forces; Satan and God. And what is Satan's weapon against you? Is to try to get you to disbelieve your Weapon. He disarms you. Let's--let's listen real quiet now. Listen. If he can get you to disbelieve your Weapon is equivalent, if he gets you to believe that your Weapon is not strong enough, he has disarmed you. Oh, Brother Neville, I hope we never leave that. [Brother Neville says, "I hope and pray not."--Ed.] Look. He's disarmed you when he gets you to disbelieve that Weapon. When you lay That down, that finishes your fight. You're done. Hold that Weapon. Don't you lay It down.
The Greatest Battle Ever Fought - 62-0311 - William Branham