
He keeps His appointments

You know big men act little. Little peanut brain acts big. When you see a guy that thinks he's something, just remember there's nothing to him. I've got with some of the biggest men in the world, and they make you think you're the big man, when you get away from them. But some of these guys that's got a change of clothes or something another, Pastor something another, or some big church, why, they want you to think they're something big. That's the person that becomes nothing. Notice, Jesus had entered this Pharisees home. I believe He left a little early. He's never late. And Jesus always keeps His appointments. Hallelujah. 42 Jesus is here tonight. Jesus keeps His appointments no matter how you—where you are. He kept His appointment with Jonah in the belly of a whale. He kept His appointment with Daniel in the lions' den. He kept His appointment with the children in the—Hebrew children in the fiery furnace. Praise God. He kept His appointment with me on the deathbed. He's here tonight. "Wherever two or three are gathered together in My Name I'll be in their midst." Jesus keeps His appointments always. He leaves glory maybe a little early so He can get here on time. He keeps His appointments.
The Unwelcomed Christ - 55-1002 - William Branham

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