
He's defeated tonight

But the Christ that made you stop your drinking, smoking, lying, stealing, that saved you from a life of drunkenness, from rowling, from sin and a devil's grave, if God can do that for you, He can save you from your TB and from your cancer. He's a Goliath; don't take his boast. Stand in the Name of the Lord Jesus and challenge him to a showdown. Amen. Hallelujah. I feel religious. Positionally in Christ. If the believer knowed his position, he'd have it. God's great Spirit is here, and His Holy Ghost is ready to fall on anybody that will believe it. Do you believe it? Amen. God has promised it. God will do it. You're in Christ. 45 Goliath's a bragging. Goliath says, "You see, you was here last night and didn't get healed. You was at the other meetings, didn't get healed." Who is that uncircumcised devil? Who is that devil that has no relationship with God at all? Who is that devil that stands with nothing but a defeated thing behind him? His master was defeated at Calvary by our Lord and our Conqueror. Hallelujah. He's a bluff. That's all. We won't believe him any more. Down with him. Jesus Christ robbed Satan of everything he had. He spoiled principalities and powers and dominions. His domain reigns over the heavens and earth. And we're the subject of His domain. Hallelujah. My, that puts him where he belongs; the devil down there and Christ the Victor. You're Davids. You're called, elected, anointed, positionally put in the body of Jesus Christ by the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Goliath, you're defeated. Amen. He's defeated tonight. Hallelujah. Shall we pray.
This Great Warrior, David - 55-0118 - William Branham

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