Now, his warriors could not interpret his thinking, but, brother, they loved him with all that was in them. The least of his desires was a command to them. Three of his mighty warriors pulled their swords, slipped off from the camp, and cut their way, twenty-five miles. David, in their going, no doubt wondered, "Where they at? What have they done? Where did they go to? Did they know they're jeopardizing their life?" They're right in the jaws of death, through a twenty-five-mile line, laying in ambush everywhere, and the swords a flickering, and the shields a blasting; but their men, their brother that they believed that would be king, desired a drink. Oh, brother, I wonder if the warriors today are willing to cut their way through formalism, doubts, and unbelief to refresh in the Presence of the Lord, His desires? "The least of Your desires; if it's Africa, India, if it's to the street, wherever it is, the least of Your desires, Lord, is my command. Death don't mean a thing to me. Popularity, my—what I am, what I will be, means nothing, Lord. It's to fulfill Your desires." That's the warriors that's standing by the side of Him. "If they call me a holy-roller, if my name is scandalized, if they kick me in the street, that doesn't matter. Your desire is my command." That's the real soldier. What did they do? They fought their way through until they got to that well. They dipped the bucket of water out. And here they come back, fighting, cutting their way from right to left, and they're coming to the presence of David. Said, "Here you are, my lord." Oh, my. What? A man that was disgraced, a man that was hated by the church, a man that was hated by the king, a man that was hated by the Philistines, a man that was hated everywhere nearly. But a little group that followed him, they knew that he was the coming king.Why Little Bethlehem? - 58-1228 - William Branham
Your desire is my command
Don't worry
One of these days old mother is going to say, "You know what? After all, honey, we're both the same." And you know what it is then? The Confederation of Churches are going to all unite together as they are now. And you know what's going to happen to a little group like this? You're going to pay for it, boys. That's exactly right. But don't worry, the Lamb shall overcome him. For He's the Lord of lord and a King of kings, and God will go to leading His church, instead of a denomination. He'll pour out that golden Oil of the Holy Ghost upon that church, brother, Fire will fall from Heaven, with signs and wonders will take place like you've never seen before. Yes, sir. "Fear not, little flock, it's your Father's good will to give you the Kingdom." Yes, sir. "He that endures to the end…" There you go. Keep right down the road; keep your head towards Calvary. This Bible's right. Don't worry.Why Are We Not A Denomination? - 58-0927 - William Branham
You can't stay over there in the wilderness and expect to get it
He said, "But precept must be upon precept, and line upon line. Here a little and there a little, and hold fast to that what's good. For with stammering lips and with other tongues will I speak to this people, and this is the sabbath." Amen. Hebrews 4 said, "There remaineth a sabbath keeping to the people of God, for we which have entered into His rest has ceased from our works as God did from His." God worked six days, and the sabbath day He went to rest, and never returned no more. And a man may labor in world here till he's twenty years old, thirty, forty, seventy, but when he ceases from his worldly works, he goes into an eternal rest with God, like God did at the beginning. Oh, brother, if you're living on the borderline tonight, come on over. Cross over Jordan. It's wonderful. There's great big grapes over here. We got the initial evidence, we got... Hallelujah. Got some Joshuas and Calebs that's went over the border and brought back the evidence that it's a good Land. Every promise that God's made is here. The full Gospel, the full Bible, Divine healing, rejoicing, happiness, peace, everything that the Bible promised, every fruit's in this land. Amen. It's yours at the asking. But the first thing you have to do is cross over Jordan. You can't stay over there in the wilderness and expect to get it, 'cause the grapes don't grow like that over there.The Results Of Decision - 55-1008 - William Branham
Walk with God
Jesus Christ, no matter if He was in a storm and the gale's knocking the boat from one side to the other, or He was standing in the face of mess of demons; if He was hanging anywhere, it never moved Him. He walked right along just as calm and quiet as He could be. Why? He was simply unconscious of fear, anything around Him. That's right. Whether it was going to happen, or whether it wasn't going to happen; He knowed it was going to happen because God said so. He didn't say, "Oh, wonder if I prayed through? Wonder if I fasted long enough? Wonder if I did this?" He just walked right on unconscious. That's right. He believed what God said was truth. The Words must be fulfilled, and He knowed what His life was to fulfill Them. That's right. 103 And you're here to fulfill It too. Just walk unconscious of fear. Walk unconscious of criticism. Walk unconscious of the world. Walk as you walk in Christ. Walk with Him, not paying any attention to right or left hand, just keep moving on. If something comes up in the church, walk with God. Hallelujah. If sickness strikes you, walk with God. If the neighbor don't like you, walk with God. Just keep on walking with God. Enoch, one day walked like that. You know what he done? He walked all the way home with God; got so far up the road, he didn't want to come back any more. Amen.He Swore By Himself - 54-1212 - William Branham
For something actually happened in my life
So, when God has anchored His love in the human heart, there is something… For a personal testimony. If I am condemned when I come up before the judgment seat of God at the end time, if it's planned that way, and I have to stand in His Presence, and He points His majestic finger at me and say, "Depart from Me." If I keep this same attitude that I have now, and I be in hell, I'll still love Him. See? And He's just. I've deserved to go there at the first place. And if I knew that I was going to be condemned, and know now that I would be condemned at the end, after I've worked for Him a hundred years from now, I'd still desire to work for Him. If there's no—if there would be no heaven, if there'd be no reward, I still want to be a Christian. That's right. It's just such a perfect satisfaction, something that just… peace that passes all understanding. I wouldn't trade it for nothing. I've tried everything that I was big enough to do. And a lot of things I wasn't big enough to do, I tried anyhow. But I've never met anything that filled me so perfect. And nothing had ever touched the borders until one night Jesus Christ come in this poor Irish heart of mine. It made a different person out of me. See? If I, tonight, preached and a thousand people got converted, and—or let's say a thousand people had died with the inspiration of God fifty years ago, and they rose up tonight, and I was dying. And say, "Brother Branham, don't trust it; it's false. Get away from it. Trust something else…" I'd still say, "Let me die believing on the Lord Jesus Christ." For something actually happened in my life.God Perfecting His Church - 54-1204 - William Branham
You're always changed
Come, say, "Lord God, I'm no good; there's nothing in me. Forgive me. I'm a sinner." That's the way to do it. Don't stand off and be an actor, Pharisee. Don't run off with so many civil things, so much little petty stuff that don't mean nothing anyhow. Your automobile and everything you got will perish. Take care of your soul. Get it first. Straighten that up in there, till that deep, settled peace, that passes all understanding, comes sinking down into your heart, and you feel Him kiss away every stain. Then, brother, nobody will have to tell you what to do after that; you'll know what to do, yes, if you ever touched Him once. No man can ever come in His Presence, and talk to Him, and ever go away, and be the same person. You're always changed. When you talk to Him, there's an impression strikes your soul that you never forget it.The Unwelcomed Christ - 55-0911 - William Branham
He had Christ to hold him there
I went to a fellow. Now, brethren, I'm using church names here this morning. I don't mean harm by it. But I went to a fellow that belonged to the Assemblies of God. He didn't know me. It's been years ago. I walked up to him; I said, "Howdy do, sir." He said, "Howdy do." I said, "I understand you're a preacher." He said, "I am." And just before the… A great man in the Assemblies of God, he wanted me to join the Assemblies of God. He said, "Come, join, because we're the biggest pentecostal organization in the world." I said, "That may be so, my brother, but I like to stand between all of you, and say, 'We're brothers,' see?" I said, "I may be way off the road on some of mine, you may be too, but let's be brothers, anyhow. See? Let's be brothers." And he said, "Oh," he said, "all right. We got the church." So I just happened to investigate. I went up to a fellow; I just taken the negative side on both sides, to test out. I went up to a bro—this brother, and I said, "I hear that you belong to the Assemblies of God, a minister." He said, "I am." He said, "What are you?" I said, "I'm a Baptist." And he said, "Well, have you received the Holy Ghost?" I said, "Yes." I said, "I received the Holy Ghost." He said, "You speak in tongues?" I said, "Yeah. Yeah, I spoke in tongues." He said, "Brother, you've got It. Hallelujah. Praise the Lord. That's It." I said, "Yeah," I said, "I received the Holy Ghost, and spoke in tongues, and for the evidence of it." And I said… He said, "Oh, you'll come out of that old, stiff, formal Baptist church, then. Hallelujah." And he spoke in tongues a few times. I said, "Yeah, I received the Holy Ghost, was baptized in Jesus Christ's Name. And…" He said, "You what?" And I said, "I received the Holy Ghost, and was baptized in Jesus Christ's Name." He said, "You don't get the Holy Ghost like that." I said, "You told me a little too late." I said, "I done done it." So he said… And I said, "I—I—I just… I just done done that." And he said, "Oh, you can 't get That like that." Said "You believe that kind of heresy?" See? I—I said, "Oh, I wouldn't call it heresy." I said, "It teaches in the Bible." He said, "Get out of my house. I don't even want nothing to do with you." I said, "Okay. The Lord be with you, brother." Walked out. 95 Not long ago, an old Baptist preacher out there… That was my first trip to Phoenix, Curtis. I went to see this old boy. Walked into him, and I said, "Howdy do, sir." He said, "Howdy do." I said, "I hear you're a Baptist preacher." Way back over there, at the time when that little old boy, back over in that place was healed with that lung trouble, back, where that tubercular place is back there. I forget the name of the place. And so I just said, "I hear you're a Baptist preacher." He said, "Yeah." I said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost? He said, "Well, what are you, Pentecost?" And I said, "Yeah, I'm Pentecost." I was a Baptist to the other one, but I was a Pentecost to this one. I said, "Yeah," I said, "I'm Pentecost." I said, "You got the Holy Ghost? Evidence, speaking in tongues?" He said, "Uh-huh," he said, "well," he said, "I tell you, brother," he said, "that's all right." He said, "But, you know, I never did just… Somehow, I just never could see it just like that." He said… And I said, "Oh, you haven't got nothing then. That's all there is to it. You ain't got a thing, 'less you do it. That's all." He walked over to me, took a hold of my hand, looked me right in the eye and put his arm around me. He said, "But we're brothers, aren't we? We're going to heaven, aren't we, brother? " I said, "Yes. And, brother, happen to be, I'm on your side." See? Now, I said, "That man proved, by that, that he did have the Holy Ghost, and the other one proved he didn't have the Holy Ghost." That's right. See? That's exactly. See? The man had theology, but as soon as I told him something to cross up his theology, then he flew to pieces, 'cause he didn't have nothing else but his theology. I crossed this other man's theology, and he had Christ to hold him there. Amen. Oh, my. Be a good wagon, loaded up full of good things, and have faith with one another, faith in God, and love one another, and the Lord will bless us. Don't you believe so? Amen.The Unwelcomed Christ - 55-0911 - William Branham
Death is just something to bring a Christian right into the Presence of his Maker
Just think of going in and shaking hands with the people. And how I'd just like to come down through this aisle tonight. I lo… Really the truth, I'd like to go home with every one of you, stay all night, set and talk awhile, get up in the morning and talk. I'd love to do that; my heart just longs to meet people like that. But I almost have to be in isolation on account of the type of ministry that I got, 'cause it's… I just can't do that and have the meeting. But God knows that I love you. So I'm making an appointment with every one of you. This… When I see you in the glory land, if God permits me to be there with you, I just want to go over and set down for a thousand years with each one of you and talk. And we will just—just… We won't have no less time to talk than when we first began. We'll talk it all over then, won't we? Won't that be wonderful, set down, the Tree of Life? 14 And you know we be entertained by the—all the great singers. There'll be Sankey, and Beverly Shea, and all of them, over on the hill over there, just a singing the praises of God. We'll be setting down by the Tree of Life, where the waters are coming out from under the throne. Won't that be marvelous? I just long for the day. What does it matter to a Christian that's really anchored in Christ, for just as soon as this old earthly tabernacle is taken away, we move right into another one, it's right there. My, isn't that marvelous? Think, sick, and weary, and broke down, and heartbroken, everything going wrong, the world all in a turmoil, and think well, "Come, Lord Jesus." The first thing you know, this old shaky body, begin to wither away, and you feel the pains a moving to it, the chilly death moving up the sleeve. Then look standing yonder; there's a brand new body, standing right there. Just move out of this one, right into that one. "For when this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting," just we'll move into it. A new one, not made with hands, but God has made it, fashioned eternally, the glory of God. To move right into, to become new and young again, to never be sick… Oh, my, what can… Why death hasn't got any—any hold on a Christian, has it? Death is just something to bring a Christian right on into the Presence of his Maker. He's wonderful when you can think of Him that way, isn't that right? How that death can't hold a Christian, he just sweeps him right…The Curtain Of Time - 55-0302 - William Branham
It's just the same thing
Now, I want to say something here. "Olkaa hyva." I doubt whether anybody except Billy Paul back there, knows what that means: "Olkaa hyva". Does anybody know what the word "kiitos" means? Does anybody know what the word "baie dankie" means? Does anybody know what the word, "dankeschon" means? One hand, for "danke—" two. All right. What's the word "thank you" mean? That's what I said every time. "Olkaa hyva, kiitos, dankeschon, baie dankie." See? It's all "thank you," but I just spoke it in different languages. "Josh-u-a," is the Name of Jesus in Hebrew. That's all. If it's in English, it's "Jesus," means "Josh-u-a," "Joshua," "Josh-u-a." It's just the same thing. See?Redemption By Judgement - 54-1114 - William Branham
But one day Jesus shall come
So then I just walked into the room, and I took those two pieces of candy and laid them on the desk like that. And I laid my Bible down, no, I beg your pardon; I put my Bible on my heart. I walked over there. And coming down through that park, you know, there in Kuopio, that long park, coming down through there there was those little Finns coming down through there, going home, just praising God, soldiers and all. And some of them poor little soldiers over there never shaved; they was just kids in the army. Them Russians killed them off over there like flies, and they just had the poor little fellows. And they were going along through there, and they were just talking. And I looked out. Oh, it didn't get dark there at night. And so, I looked out, and I held my hand up, I said, "O Great Jehovah God, how wonderful, how glorious." That little girl had been healed that night off those crutches. And I said, "Praise be to Your Holy Name, how I love You, how I adore You, O Great God creator or heavens and earth." Right in the same direction where them Russian planes come over to bomb you, right down through there. I… And I was looking, I said, "Someday, Russian planes come one day, but one day Jesus shall come." And I said, "Oh, what a difference it'll be for this country then. Instead of them all running into bomb shelters and things that's built around the city here, they'll be running in the streets hollering, 'Kiitos, Jesus,' just as hard as they can. And with their hands up in the air praising." I said, "Oh, how I love You."The Second Miracle - 51-0729 - William Branham
That's the way to make the world salty
Jesus said, "You're the salt of the earth. But if the salt's lost it's savour (That's its strength.), it is henceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and trod under the foot of man." About here last year, I was holding your convention for the Foursquare people in California, and I passed the Salt Lake Deserts and that's what I seen then, the salt left its savour, nothing but just to make walks out of. 13 But salt is a savour if it contacts. You—you have a piece of meat here, and a barrel of salt here, you've got to get them together to, the salt to the meat or the meat to the salt, to preserve the meat. And that's the way it is. We've got to get the believer with the unbeliever. That's right. You've got to get them into the Church, into the salty bunch of people. And you know, salt—salt also makes a thirst, doesn't it? And if you eat salt, you get thirsty. And God wants His Church so salty, till the whole world will thirst to be like them (That's right. See?), just thirsty, just thirsty. Just think, say, "Oh, if I could only live the way that woman lived. If she ain't the most sweetest, peaceful person, never out of humor, never is fussy. She's always kind, trying to do something to help somebody else. Why, she's a credit to any man's church." Yes, sir, that man used… He's a neighbor; he's a gentleman; he's just so full of the love of God. You can see him at all hours of night on his knees somewhere praying. He's always ready to go do something; he's always talking about the Lord Jesus and His mercy. That's the way to make the world salty. Act like that.Elijah - 55-0301 - William Branham
That's the way
Now, I'll admit that people study too much, and try to go too far ahead, and try to think too hard, and sometimes have mental breakdowns and things on account of studying about the Lord. You must quit that. You don't have to do that. The only thing you have to do is fall in love with Him, and just go right on loving Him. Amen. It's not trying to push into something or make yourself something you're not; just go ahead and let God use you the way He wants to use you. Just yield yourself; commit yourself and walk on, happy, singing, rejoicing. That's the way.Questions And Answers #1 - 54-0103M - William Branham
There's one thing God cannot do, did you ever know that?
And there's only one way you can lose, that's sit still and don't act on it. How many says that's true, say, "Amen." Is there one thing God can't do? Yes, there's one thing God cannot do, did you ever know that? He can't fail. That's one thing He can't do. He cannot fail, He has to win every time, because He's God. "Heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never fail." Is that right? So believe.As The Eagle Stirreth Up Her Nest - 59-0815 - William Branham
It has to happen
Now, if you take a young woman; she'll maybe be married and—and she and her husband. And she's scared she isn't going to have a baby. She wants one. And she's so scared she won't have it, she won't. Because just like Job said, "The things that I've feared the most come upon me." See? But you take that same woman… Now, if there's doctors, which probably is setting by, nurses. You take that same woman and let her adopt a baby, then she'll have one herself. See? It quietens her. Now, if you haven't got enough faith, to receive it right now as a miracle, then take the adopted baby attitude. "Lord, it's mine because You promised it. I'll go from here tonight praising You just the same as I was well." Watch what happens; you'll receive it. It has to happen; God promised it. So, He's the infinite God. And if you can feel just a least little speck of faith that tells you that you'll be all right, you believe it. And just go on thanking Him for it.As The Eagle Stirreth Up Her Nest - 59-0815 - William Branham
He's already did that at Calvary
God said in these last days that He would pour out His Spirit, and He would show the same signs that He did in the beginning. There'd be a former and latter rain together. We are seeing it. We should believe with all of our heart. Here's His Word; It proves it. His Spirit comes nightly, shows the supernatural, knowing that it's got to be Spirit. Now, He can't heal you; He wouldn't let me heal you, for that's His finished work. He's already did that at Calvary. So He wants you to believe that He has did that for you. Do you understand? Say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."—Ed.] 18 It is only the love of our Father, that loves us so much that He sends His Word. He sends His ministers to preach the Word. Then He sends gifts into the church with His arms spread out, trying to get you to believe it. He wants to heal you tonight, a thousand times more than you want to be healed. But you're afraid. You—you go by how you feel, because you—you've regarded that; you've lived by your feelings. That's… Your whole life has been wrapped in that. But you must get away from that, and act on God's Word, not what you feel, not what you see, what God said, and act on that. Make a confession of that. "Confess" means "to say the same thing." And He's at the right hand of the Father with His Own Blood to make intercessions on your confession. Now, He cannot do anything for you, until first you accept it and confess it; and then He can act on it. For He's the High Priest of what you confess that He is to you. Do you get what I mean?Jehovah-Jireh - 55-0817 - William Branham
The love of God takes you somewhere
And the people pass down the street, used to, why, we'd grab a hold of one another's hands and shake their hands like that, saying, "How are you, brother?" And today when they pass on the street, they give a little silly grin, throw their head up in the air. Oh, my. No wonder the love's gone. I despise that old somebody feel they're bigger than somebody else. After all, you're six foot of earth. That's all you are. That's right, everybody. Not long ago, I was standing by a museum. There's a picture of a man there, a hundred and fifty pounds. And it--it give the analysis of the chemicals of his body. He's worth eighty-four cents. That's all a hundred and fifty pound man's worth, is eighty-four cents. But he will be sure to put a ten dollar hat on that eighty-four cents and think he's something big. That's right. A woman will wrap that eighty-four cents up in a hundred dollar fur coat and won't speak to half her neighbors. What's the matter? The love of God takes you somewhere. That's right. What is it? It's still eighty-four cents. You will take care of that all right. But that soul's worth ten thousand worlds, you will let anything be poked down it. That's right. That's the truth.Believest Thou This - 50-0115 - William Branham
Won't you let Him go with you?
Oh, I know you prospered; your business has been great. But won't you take Jesus with you this morning, won't you let Him go with you? He's come for you. He's revealing to you now who you are, making you know that that little crooked deal that you did the other day, that little bad word that you spoke, that little smart-aleck thing you said to that woman or that man, He knows it. He's speaking to you; that's Him talking to your conscience. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? "Lord, from this day, from this breakfast on, I make a covenant with You, that someday when life is over, and I set at that great table yonder, the King of king comes out and wipes all tears from the eyes, I want Him to say, 'It was well done, my good and faithful servant; enter into the joys of the Lord.'"He Was To Pass That Way - 57-0727 - William Branham
I can do nothing until you're out of here
Now, so then what if the nation doesn't have its security? And what if Russia drops a sputnik, or bomb, or whatever the missiles are they call them? What difference does it make? Well, that's just a home going ladder for us, just a—a quick escape from all this thing, to go Home. Because we'll go before it drops anyhow. So the Bible, I believe, teaches that. Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Noah, in the days of Lot…" In the days of Noah, before judgment struck the earth, Noah was on the inside of the ark before it even sprinkled rain. Certainly. He was out of danger. And the Angel said to Lot, "Hasten and go hither because I can do nothing until you're out of here." See? They had to get out first. And I believe the trumpet of God shall sound one of these mornings; the dead in Christ shall lie—rise. We which are alive and remain shall be changed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye and be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air. And then the great punishment for the wicked will begin on the earth.The Uncertain Sound - 61-0429E - William Branham
Show him your Token
The Token is the barrier, shows that the price is paid. If Satan tries to hand it to you… Just think of this. If Satan tries to hand you some sickness, or tries to hand you something, you know what to do? Show him your Token. Sure, sickness strikes the Christian. Show him your Token, and prove to him that you're a purchased product of God. "Resist the devil, and he'll flee from you." Hold the Token over your unmovable faith in His promised Word. God once gave a rainbow sign for a token. I'm closing. Gave a rainbow sign for a token. I've just got about ten minutes, and then having a prayer line. He ever remained true to that token. Did He? [Congregation says, "Amen."—Ed.] He does yet. All these thousands of years, He has never once, one time, failed to display it. He was true to that token, shows us that He ever… and never will fail to honor His tokens. I don't care if it's… If Jesus don't come for ten thousand years, you have the Token, He has still got to honor It. No matter how many things changes, and whatever more, He has got to honor that Token. He said He would. All right. He expects us now to display His Token, over our God-given faith, to every unbelieving cult in the nation and in the world, that believes that signs and wonders don't follow the believers. And be true to this Token, and It shows that the fare has been paid and we've been accepted for the resurrection, having the Token Life inside of us. That's a cutting Message, but it's the Truth. That's what we need, is Truth. God help us to know Truth. "You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." I claim that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I believe that God gives the Holy Ghost as a Token, right now, just before the exodus, of the—of the Bride going out of the church.The Token - 64-0308 - William Branham
That's that day at Calvary
Finally one day, that's that day at Calvary, there was One came down from glory, One by the Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God Who came from glory, and Calvary was formed. That was the day that the price was paid, and sin question was settled forever, and it opened up the way unto this thing that we're hungering and thirsting for. It brought a place of satisfaction. There's no man that's ever visit Calvary and seen it the way it was, that can ever be the same. Everything that he ever desired or longed for is met when he reaches that place. It was such an important day and such an important thing, it shook the world. It shook the world like it was never shook before when Jesus died at Calvary and paid the sin question. This sinful world had a blackout. The sun went down in the middle of the day; it had a nervous prostration. The rocks shook, the mountains rent, and the dead bodies bursted from the grave. What did it do? God zeroed in on Calvary. He wounded that animal called Satan forever.That Day On Calvary - 60-0925 - William Branham
Just take what God said
I look going up Calvary; I see someone going down through Jerusalem. He has a—a garment on that's wove throughout without seam. I wonder why them little red specks was all over it? After while, they begin to get bigger. All those little specks finally run together. It's one big bloody garment. I hear it slapping around His legs. What was it? It was the Lamb of God that was going to Calvary to be sacrificed. He had to die, for only out of death comes life. Did you hear that? Only out of death… "Less a corn of wheat falls into the ground, it abides alone." If it dies, it produces life. Jesus had to die to produce Eternal Life. And now, listen closely, Christian friends. Unless you die to yourself and your feelings, and act on God's Word, you'll never have Life. Forget your feelings; just take what God said. And plant that seed into that life of your own death, or your own death, and Life will be produced out of there and you shall live.Testimony Of Jesus Christ - 53-0829 - William Branham
Look and live, my brother, live.
Look to Jesus now and live.
For it's recorded in His Word, Hallelujah.
It's only that you look and live.
Makes you love everybody
That's when the Methodist can really shake hands with the Baptist. You know, I love this old time religion, don't you? Makes you love everybody. You know what it'll do? It'll make a pair of overalls put his arms around a tuxedo and call him brother. Sure will. Amen. It'll make a silk dress set by the side of a calico and put their arms around one another and say, "Sister." It sure tears all the middle wall down, makes us all the same in Christ Jesus. Amen. Then we got fellowship one with another while the Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, keeps cleansing us from all unrighteousness as we walk, living in the Presence of the King, under the Shekinah Glory of the Lord Jesus where Aaron's rod budded. Amen. Put Aaron's rod in there, an old dead almond tree. But as it went under the Shekinah Glory, everything it was, was restored again. That's the way a sinner is when he goes under the Shekinah Glory of the Holy Spirit, the veils drop behind him, everything that he ought to have been, a son of God blooms out in him again. Amen.The Power Of Decision - 55-1007 - William Branham
It's to bring us to a place where God can make Himself more real to us
It is written in one of the Scriptures in the Bible, that, "Trials are brought upon us, are more precious to us than gold itself, for it is God giving us these trials." After we become His property, our confession, and our baptism, and our promise to walk in life for Him, then every trial that comes upon us is to perfect us for His glory. It's to bring us to a place where God can make Himself more real to us than He was before the trial come. I want to join in this morning with Job to say that I've lived long enough to know that's the truth. I have seen it in my own life, that every time a great situation rises, that I can't get around it, or under it, or over it, God makes a way, and comes out glorious. I just wonder how His grace ever does it, but He does it.I Know - 60-0417S - William Branham
That's when you're not scared
But I tell you, when Jesus Christ anoints you, you're not made out of running material. That's all. Not the rock of Gibraltar but the Rock of Ages… You climb up on the Rock of Ages; that's God's Word, and take your position there and stand while the gates of hell is a battling against it, with this perfect assurance: That He Who promised it not fail, will never fail. Amen. That's faith. That's when you're not scared.The Power Of The Devil - 55-1005 - William Branham
The devil's nothing but a bluff anyhow, snorting, and blowing, all thunder and no lightning. But I tell you, brother, the lightning power of the resurrected Jesus Christ puts a reality there that shocks the soul from a dead slumber of these earthly bound things into the immortal realms to believe God, and take Him at His Word, and call those things which are not, as though they were. Amen. Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb, called out, set aside, a Church, bought, and washed, and ironed out, without spot or wrinkle, that's what He's coming for. God help us to get our faith in the right place tonight, move out on the battle grounds there and say, "Satan, you are a liar. Jesus Christ died to make me free, and It's mine. Get out of here." You went to your home tonight, you legitimate people, and there's a bunch of drunks in there kicking around, and carrying around, smoking, drinking, cursing, and living immorally, you'd say, "Hey, get out of here. This is my house." He'd say, "I'm a human being. This was built for human beings, and I got a right here." You'd say, "This is my house. I have an abstract deed that proves this is my property." Then if you show him the deed, and he will not move then, there is a law down here that will make him move.
And if that devil that come to you tonight tried to send you to a premature grave, tried to cripple you up, read God's abstract deed, by His stripes we were healed. And if he don't want to believe that, there's a Holy Ghost here, the law of God that'll kick him out, that'll prove it. Just ring up Jesus, Central, J-E-S-U-S. Find out if something don't take place. The Angels of God will take their positions, and that devil will get out. You can stand there on your toes and say, "Yes, sir. It's the truth." Amen. Not up here, or down here, you've read your title clear. You know what it is. Oh, my. Feel like taking wings sometime and fly away, don't you, when you think of that? Lift me up above the shadows, give me fellowship divine. Yes, sir. Stand up in there where all things are possible. Stand up there where Enoch did. My, when he took a little stroll one afternoon with God, and walked on home with Him, just didn't want to come back. Hallelujah. Not one morning, one evening… Amen. the rapture, the resurrection… He had a testimony, he pleased God, 'cause he believed God. Amen.
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