
Just take what God said

I look going up Calvary; I see someone going down through Jerusalem. He has a—a garment on that's wove throughout without seam. I wonder why them little red specks was all over it? After while, they begin to get bigger. All those little specks finally run together. It's one big bloody garment. I hear it slapping around His legs. What was it? It was the Lamb of God that was going to Calvary to be sacrificed. He had to die, for only out of death comes life. Did you hear that? Only out of death… "Less a corn of wheat falls into the ground, it abides alone." If it dies, it produces life. Jesus had to die to produce Eternal Life. And now, listen closely, Christian friends. Unless you die to yourself and your feelings, and act on God's Word, you'll never have Life. Forget your feelings; just take what God said. And plant that seed into that life of your own death, or your own death, and Life will be produced out of there and you shall live.

Look and live, my brother, live.
Look to Jesus now and live.
For it's recorded in His Word, Hallelujah.
It's only that you look and live.
Testimony Of Jesus Christ - 53-0829 - William Branham

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