
You're always changed

Come, say, "Lord God, I'm no good; there's nothing in me. Forgive me. I'm a sinner." That's the way to do it. Don't stand off and be an actor, Pharisee. Don't run off with so many civil things, so much little petty stuff that don't mean nothing anyhow. Your automobile and everything you got will perish. Take care of your soul. Get it first. Straighten that up in there, till that deep, settled peace, that passes all understanding, comes sinking down into your heart, and you feel Him kiss away every stain. Then, brother, nobody will have to tell you what to do after that; you'll know what to do, yes, if you ever touched Him once. No man can ever come in His Presence, and talk to Him, and ever go away, and be the same person. You're always changed. When you talk to Him, there's an impression strikes your soul that you never forget it.
The Unwelcomed Christ - 55-0911 - William Branham

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