One time up in Kentucky, up in the mountain country where I come from, I was preaching. And I… Early in the afternoon I was preaching on hell fire and brimstone for the unbeliever. There was an old logger setting back there, and I said, “All you drunkards (and he was one),” I said, “you better repent. Get right with God.”Letting Off The Pressure - 62-0609E - William Branham
There’d been a fellow come in the night before that was cutting corn, and he had a—a big nail sticking in his overalls. He said, “We’ll go up there (I’d been preaching for about a year),” said, “we’ll throw that little preacher out the window.”
So he come at the door. Someone come told me, said, “That’s the roughest bunch there is around here.” Standing there, great big, burly-looking fellow, his arms crossed, beard hanging on his face, about thirty years old: oh, he was a mean-looking man. And he kept looking at me. I just kept preaching right on, “Repent or perish.”
He stayed a little too long. The Holy Spirit got a hold of him. He fell in the floor; he couldn’t get to the altar quick enough. He come with his hands up over his head crying, “God, be merciful to me.”
The next night his little child set back there. His little girl handed me a little bunch of flowers when I come in the door. She said, “Brother Bill, we’ve got a new daddy at home. I want to show you that I love you for coming up here, and letting Jesus make a new daddy for us.”
The Holy Spirit got a hold of him
It’s out of His reach
And remember, what He’s already done, He cannot do again. See, He’s put it completely from His reach now. He’s put it in your reach. He’s done all He can do. Is that right, ministers? [Ministers say, “Amen.”—Ed.] See, there isn’t a thing He can do about it. It’s out of His reach. It’s in your reach. “For He was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes we were healed.” See? See, it’s out of His reach. It’s, but He’s brought it to your reach. It’s in your reach now. It was put there for you. He’d just point to where it was at.Go, Awake Jesus - 63-1130E - William Branham
“Well,” you say, “If I…It’s always been a puzzle to me. If He’s, if…Really, the truth is, does He still live?”
Certainly, He lives. What’s this you’re bumping into all the time? What’s that condemns you when you’re wrong? What’s that that makes you believe? That’s Him. You might not be able to open your eyes and see Him, because He’s in spirit form, the invisible God. But He dwells among a visible people, making Himself visible by His promised Word in that people. Do you understand that now?
Here, before we call the prayer line, I trust God will do this.
I, I love you, Life Tabernacle. You know that. I’ve been your brother. I’ve tried to be, anyhow. I’ve done many failings, but I’ve tried to be.
Listen. Come to yourself, tonight. Wake up, before it’s too late. See, wake up, quickly. He is here with us.
The messenger's Voice
Notice, this angel is the last messenger before the coming of Christ in the 19th chapter of Revelation. The messenger’s Voice! If we notice, when he gave his Voice on the earth, there was a Voice echoed again in Heaven, 4th verse, if you want to read it, all right, 4th verse, the 19th chapter. This messenger on the earth was so inclined with God until, when he spoke it on the earth, God echoed the same thing out of Heaven.Why I'm Against Organized Religion - 62-1111E - William Branham
We should speak for one another
Sometimes they tape these things, and it gets out amongst brethren in churches, of other churches. And when they do that, then the brethren sometime gets the wrong impression, that I’m saying something about brethren. But I’m not. I…If you could just listen and understand, see, I am not speaking against any brother. Cause, that’s not becoming to brethren, to speak against each other. We should speak for one another, not against each other.Blasphemeous Names - 62-1104M - William Branham
But when I speak sometime of certain organization, like Presbyterian, Methodist, or so forth, they say, “See, he’s against it.” I’m not against the brother in there, or the sister in there. The system that’s separating brotherhood is what I speak against. God’s children are one family, and not—and not different groups.
And some of them say, “I’ll have nothing to do with it, because that’s Presbyterian. And I’m Methodist.” See? Now, that isn’t. See? It’s the system of that organization that breaks up that brotherhood. See?
The most powerful weapon there is in the world is love
But evil spirits are not cast out by cruel, indifferent living. The most powerful weapon there is in the world is love. I stood by a little lady the other night, where her husband was fixing to leave her, and marry another woman; very fine, known couple. I looked at her. She said, “Well, I’m going to leave, Brother Branham.” I said, “Don’t do it, sister.”Why Are People So Tossed About? - 56-0101 - William Branham
Told me, said, “Oh, my husband, his ministry will be ruined. Now what can I do? I’m going to New York and I’m going to get me a job.” I said, “Don’t do it. Don’t do it, sister.” “What can I do, Brother Branham?” I said, “Go up to him.” Said, “Oh, I found the lady’s picture, and I broke it up, and I done so-and-so.”
I said, “That, I—I see that. But,” I said, “go to him and put your arms around him, say, ‘Sweetheart, no matter what you done, I still love you.’ That’ll do it.” That’s right. A young fellow come to me, not long ago. He was a Pentecostal. He had seen too many of these meetings. And he goes in…His wife was a staunch Lutheran. She said, “Oh, I guess you all went down and shouted last night.” Said, “I guess you was all speaking in tongues and doing all this last night.” He got down on the floor, said, “God, cast…I cast the devil out of her! I cast the devil out of her!” Almost a divorce case.
The man, a fine man; he come to me, and said, “Brother Branham, we’re going to have a divorce, I guess.” Said, “I just can’t get that devil to move out of her.” I said, “Brother, you’re going at it the wrong way.” I said, “When she starts like that, say, ‘All right, dear. Bless your heart, honey,’ and be real kind to her. Just see how much you can do for her.” Said, “Brother Branham, well, how will I ever get the devil out?” I said, “You do as I say, and just keep praying in your heart, see.” I said, “God will take care of the rest of it.”
He called me up, about two or three weeks later, he said, “My home is revolutionized.” He said, “My wife is a different person.” I said, “Which is the most powerful, screaming and kicking and stomping; or putting your arms around her, in love?” God is love. If…God so loved the world!
Ever since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply, Redeeming love has been my theme, And shall be till I die. (That’s right.)
It’s not the people
And there’s nothing wrong. There was nothing wrong with any of the members. They’re every one fine men and women. If they could just realize that that’s the devil, gets between the people. That’s exactly right. It’s not the people. If you can let a brother see that, then he won’t hold enmity against the other fellow. He has…He’ll—he’ll feel bad. He’ll feel like, “Well, that’s…I feel sorry for my brother.” See, if he did do wrong, why, it wasn’t the brother. It was the devil that did that.The Baptist Of The Holy Ghost - 58-0928E - William Branham
You say, “Well, this guy did a certain, certain thing.” Your brother didn’t do that; your sister didn’t do that; that was the devil got into them, that did it. So don’t blame the brother, the sister; blame the devil, that’s the one who caused it.
God dwells in human heart
No matter how much teaching you got, you can drum that into you. God is not in big words. God is in an honest heart. You might stand here, speak big words, like I don’t know what, that doesn’t bring you closer to God. You can stand and practice how to repeat your sermon and say these things, that don’t get you closer to God. You can learn dictionary till you sleep with one, and it still wouldn’t get you closer to God. A humble, submitted heart, in the simplicity, is what brings you to God. And that’s true. Amen! A humble heart, God loves. Now, no matter if you don’t know your ABC’s, that don’t make any difference. Just a humble heart! God dwells in a humble heart; not in education, it’s not in schools, not in theology, seminaries, not in all these other different places; not in big words, or not in classical places. God dwells in human heart. And the lower you can break yourself down, the more simple, you can become greater in the sight of God.Demonology, Religious Realm - 53-0609a - William Branham
Let me give you something. I see your fields are full of wheat out here. A full head of wheat always bows. A little old sprig sticks up there, and flopping around like it knows everything, it ain’t got it in the head. That’s the way with a lot of these guys that think they got a whole lot in their head, and nothing in their heart, though. A holy head will bow to the Power, recognize Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and believe His works.
I think that that's the way God feels
And I think it’s when we can get together with this type of fellowship, it does something to us, that draws us closer to each other. And as we get closer to each other, we also get closer to God, for Jesus said, “Insomuch as you have done unto the least of these My little ones, you have done it to Me.”The Identified Masterpiece Of God - 64-1205 - William Branham
I’ve got a little boy in here somewhere, I suppose, Joseph. I got Billy setting here. Two daughters setting back there, and a wife. Now if anybody had something that was…you wanted to do real nice, I would much rather you would do it to my children than to do it to me. And so I feel maybe, as a parent…And He’s the source of parenthood. I think that that’s the way God feels. If we should…We serve Him as we serve each other. That’s how we serve God.
Then our thoughts are His thoughts
He will do it if we’ll completely surrender ourselves to Him. If we will completely deliver ourselves into His hand, then God can live in us. Christ, the Hope of Glory, He can reflect Himself from us as we get ourselves out of the way. Then our thoughts are His thoughts. Could you imagine Christ smoking a cigar? Could you imagine Christ drinking, or playing cards? Then if your spirit is part of His Spirit, He wants it to be upon your confession. But you permit the devil to come in and take over. And all the time, in your heart, way down deep, you know you’re wrong when you do those things.A Total Deliverance - 59-0712 - William Branham
And when a one member would talk against the other member, you know that’s wrong. You are commanded to pray for one another, not to talk against one another, but to love one another. And if someone is down, let’s pick him up, help him. Now, that makes us a—a—a unified group of believers. Now, when we don’t obey that, then we don’t obey God and we displease God. And therefore, our church, our people cannot prosper, the church cannot go on, is because we are disunified, together. As Jesus said, “A little leaven leavens the lump.”
Where art thou?
When God knew that—that shocking state of emergency… I suppose the first-ever came to heaven, was when He heard that His children was lost. And He came frantically; up-and-down through the garden He went, looking under every bush.Having Conferences - 60-0608 - William Branham
“Adam! Oh, My son Adam, where art thou?”
There stood Adam and Eve with their fig leaves sewed together, behind a bush. Father going back and forth, screaming, “Where are you? Where are you?”… That same God goes up-and-down the aisles night after night, screaming the same thing. “Where art thou? Where art thou?” And He finds Adam and Eve the same way, with some sort of a creed that they have, or denomination they’re—they are depending on to save them, hiding yet behind some man-made theology, when God made a preparation for you when He gave His Son to die in your stead. You must—got to be borned again. Creeds won’t work; that conference is held at some society. But God’s conference is held in Eden to take care of your sins. And there was one held at Calvary (that we’ll get to later) to take care of your sins, and the sin problem, your sickness and all that will ever happen to you, the… It’s already been studied out; preparations have been made. Just the only thing we have to do is come to God, and reason it out, and say, “Lord, I—I didn’t mean to do it.” Provision’s already made for it.
Reverence! We ought to honor one another, respect one another, as brother, sister. And love one another, with undying love. You say, “Well, I just can’t.” Well, just stay here a little longer, and then you will like people, too. You’ll love those who doesn’t love you. That’s really a good sign of Christianity: when you can, from your heart, love those who does not love you. Love the unloveable.Influence - 63-1114 - William Branham
Jesus said, “If you just do favors for those that do favors for you, well, the publicans do the same thing.” But, see, you must be kind to those who are unkind to you. Do good for those that would do evil to you. Always remember that. Keep that before you, that God is watching you. Remember, God was good to you when you were evil to Him. “While you were yet sinners, Christ died for you.”
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