115. And that's what's the matter with the church today. We're full of theology, without any dynamics in it. That's right. See?
In other words, you've got to have the spark to the gasoline, or the gasoline is no more than... It's not even as good as water, as long as it hasn't got the spark to fire it. So that's the way.
No matter how well we're taught, how well we'll believe, and how much of the Bible that we say is true, and we believe it all true; it's got to be the--the dynamics has got to be there, the spark, to set that Word afire and make it start rolling. It's got to have that. If you don't, the church sets still, the car sets still, you'll set still. But no matter how much you say, "I sympathize. I believe every Word of That." You've got to have something to spark that off to make that one hundred octane go to firing, and the big Church of God go to moving on. It's got to take the dynamics with the mechanics. Nothing wrong with the mechanics, but lacking dynamics.
And I think that's what's the matter with the church today; we're lacking that dynamical power to press this Word and make It live for this day.
119. Martin Luther had the mechanics and dynamics in his day. John Wesley had them of his day. Pentecostal had them with their day. What about our day? This is another time. The church should be fully grown now, ready to go meet Christ, with the manifestation of every blessing that He promised in the Bible, operating in that one great Body where He promised that He'd meet the people and be worshipped in this great church of His.
121. But, you see, we send our kids away to school; we learn reading, writing, arithmetic, all the history of the prophets and everything. That's all right, but unless you got something behind that...
"Oh," you say, "well, I--I shouted. I spoke with tongues." That's good. I believe that too. But that's not what I'm talking about yet. See, you'll--you'll... it'll splutter. You say, "Plank-plank, boomp-boomp," like ad old car trying to start. You say, "Yeah, I believe this. I believe that too. But--but when it comes to this, them days, oh, no. No."
She's a hundred octane, brother, with a right kind of a generator behind her, it'll fire every Word of God to Its promise. Right.
God's Provided Place Of Worship - 65-0425 - William Branham