
God will make a way

God loves to show his hand mighty. Yes, He does. He likes to show His power. He's waiting tonight to show it in you; to take that sinner and turn him around, take that woman of ill fame and change her to a godly saintly woman, take that girl that's taken the wrong road, that boy the wrong road, bring them back to the place and make sons and daughters of God out of them. He's ready to take that man dying with cancer, that one with the heart trouble, that one that's blind, that one's afflicted, if he will just place his faith in there it'll turn him around from death unto life, start him off with a testimony. He's waiting to do it. He puts you right in the trap to see what you'd do. He put them right down in that trap there. Looked like nature itself was hiding its face. Yes. One writer said one time, that when they got in that place, wondered what Moses would do. He had one command, "Go forward." If you're in the line of duty, no matter what stays in the way... The greatest experiences I've ever had is to come up against something I couldn't get over it, or under it, and just stand there and watch God make a way through it. That's the way to do it. Just move. Keep moving. Press your nose against it. Just keep moving on. Just keep going on. God will make a way.

And Thy Seed Shall Posssess The Gate Of His Enemies - 61-0212E - William Branham


That's His interpretation of It

God don't need any interpreter. We interpret; we say, "This, there... This is that, and this is that," and so forth. God don't need an interpreter. He's His own Interpreter. God don't need us to interpret His Word. The Bible, It's written, and It said It's of no private interpretation. God said in the beginning, "Let there be light," and there was light. That's the interpretation of it. God said, "A virgin shall conceive," and she did. That's the interpretation of It. It doesn't need anybody to interpret. God said, in this day, these things would happen, and they are. It don't need any interpretation. It's God doing His own interpretation. It happens. No matter how much we try to twist It, and say it don't mean this, and don't mean that. It means just exactly, and God is His own Interpreter. He vindicates His Word, and that's His interpretation of It, because it's brought to pass.

A Greater Than Solomon Is Here Now - 64-0306 - William Branham


You'll see Him

The only way to see God is get Him on the inside of you, so He can use your eyes. You'll see Him. But if you're trying to see Him on an intellectual conception of His Word, or some emotional work up, it'll never count anything; He's got to be in you. Then you'll cry at the sunsets and the sunrise. You'll watch the majesty of fall of the year coming. Before even frost or a cool breeze is ever hit the earth, the sap will leave the trees and go down in the roots, hide. Because if it stays up there, the winter will kill the tree. Then I ask this question, "What intelligence runs that sap out of the tree, down into the roots to hide for the winter?" Oh, the infidel has no grounds. But when He comes in, you'll notice Him in everything.

Sirs We Would See Jesus - 60-0109 - William Branham

It is a purpose of God

It is a purpose of God to give us the blessed Holy Spirit. It is a purpose of God to show us signs, and wonders, and miracles. It's a purpose of God and nothing can destroy it. All powers of hell might wager against it, but it will prevail. We have God's eternal promise. There may be teachers; there may be isms rise; there may be great programs rise; there may be things that look like that it would be destroyed; but it can never be destroyed. It is the purpose of God to see that it will prevail. Then it's not up to me, and it's not up to you whether it will be destroyed or not. It's up to God. And we can rest assured on it, that God will never let our heritage be destroyed; for it's His purpose to give it to us.

I Know My Redeemer Liveth - 58-0406S - William Branham


I now possess it

130. Look. Oh, brother, this is like corn-bread and beans; It sticks to your ribs. It'll hold you some way, you can go and do a good day's work for the Lord tomorrow, go out and meet the devil, say, "I know where I'm standing, not because a chill run down my back, because THUS SAITH THE LORD. Move off, Satan, I'm taking over now."

131. Now, we are the sons of God. Umm. When? Now. Tomorrow night? No, right now. Now, we are the sons of God. Now, we're seated together in heavenly places. Now, is the Holy Spirit here. When? Now. Now, we have Eternal Life. "Will you get in Eternal Life when you die, Brother Branham?" I have it now. I now possess it. How? Jesus Christ said so; THUS SAITH THE LORD.
So move away, death. Move away, Satan, you have no more bonds to me.

133. Old Paul. They was building a chopping block out there, said, "You know what that is, boy? Going to chop your head off."
"It is? I've fought a good fight. I've finished the course. I've kept the faith."
"Hey. What are you going to say before you die?" Death said, "Oh, you little hook-nosed Jew, I knowed you was beat with stripes, and let you down by... so forth, and they done this, that, or the other, but now I've got you." He looked. Old death said, "I will make you shiver and shake."
He said, "Death, where is your sting?"
The grave out there, and the mud (that Roman soldier throwed up some mud to pile him down in there), said, "I'll hold you."
Said, "O death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory? But thanks be to God."
The grave said, "I'll hold you. I'll mold you. I'll canker you. The worms will eat you up. Your bones will turn back to dust."
But Paul said, "Look at that empty tomb out yonder; I'm in Him. Hallelujah. I'll rise again on that morning and receive a crown that the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me. Not only them, but every one of them (even them in the Branham Tabernacle) that love His appearing." Amen. Sure.
The devil's nothing but a scarecrow, just scares you into something. He has no legal rights at all. He was stripped of every right, principalities. He spoiled everything when He died at Calvary. Here He is, coming down now.

Israel And The Church 2# - 53-0326 - William Branham


They just keep moving on

25. When the Christian gets to that place where you'll lay aside and not listen to all the scandal and stuff that's said, and all the going on, and have one motive, that's to do the will of God that God sent you to do, there'll be a different day and a different church.
Here she walked down to this crowd. And Jesus was walking along in His slow steady walk. And the people were running to Him and saying, "Are you the prophet? Are you this? Are you that? Say, how about come over here and doing something for me? Let me see you perform a miracle. We would love to see you turn the waters to wine. Here's a jug full of it; I'd like to have some. They said it was good wine. Make this wine; let me see how it taste."

26. He never even would raise His head; He just kept walking on. That makes me love Him. You know, it takes the little bitty petty people to fuss and argue. A big man never pays any attention to nothing like that. Christians doesn't notice what the world says. If they want to say anything they want to, they got... They're too big to notice those little bitty things. They just keep moving on, just going on.
The little woman thought, "Now, it's the only hour that I'll ever see Him, my last opportunity. The only opportunity that I've ever had, and I truly believe if I could only touch the garment of that Man, I'd be made well." What a faith, what a time.

Then Jesus Came - 57-0407E - William Branham

It'll take care of the rest

If you love the world, the things of the world, the love of the Father's not in you. That may be a little hard to be taught here, but it's the truth; let me tell you. I don't have measuring sticks in church. No, not a bit. No, sir. Old, old oak tree you have around here holds its leaves all winter long. Spring of the year comes, you don't have to go pick the old leaves off, just let the new life comes in, the old leaf drops off. That's the way it is. Let Christ come into the heart; the rest of it will take care of itself. That's right. Just get Christ in the heart; it'll take care of the rest.

Believest Thou This? - 50-0716 - William Branham


Nothing shall stop It

And we're told that Joseph taken Mary, this expected mother at any time, and setting her on the back of a little donkey. And if anyone ever road a donkey, knows what a rough ride that is. The little fellow, along a narrow trail that wind up over the mountains, coming to Bethlehem, from lower Judaea, very rough and rugged road. What if the little donkey would not have been sure-footed and would've fell with this little expecting mother?

Or, in the days when there was so much travel coming into their homelands, the whole country was working, alive with pilgrims and travelers, back to the homeland, a very good set-up for robbers in those days. When they seen the little caravans of small peoples, the riders, robbers could've rode right in and slew them, and took their goods, and went off. What a thing it was to this young married couple, that they had to face, and how it would've been.
Also what if some of the wild beasts, which there was lions and many destroying, wild animals that roamed in the deserts that they had to cross. What if a wild beast would've took towards the little party, what could Joseph have done with a stick in his hand, and a wife that could hardly move? They had that to face.

But it gives us consolation to know this: that we do not hold our destiny. God holds our destiny. And He has ordained it to be so, and there's nothing will ever interrupt the program of God. We are bound to arrive.

And there was to be no fear. And yet maybe Mary and Joseph, themselves just common people, not educated, and they didn't have the way of knowing these things that were taking place right at that time, was fulfilling the Scriptures.
And it's the same today. That things are taking place right in this day that we live in, and many of us know nothing about it, how God is moving.
I was just asked by one of the recording ladies in the room here, when was I going to speak on that subject of the handwriting and the sputnik in the air. "Would it be next Sunday?"
I said, "I don't know."
But, oh, to see in this dark enveloping of time, God's great hand moves steadily on. Nothing shall stop It.

The Great Shining Light - 57-1222 - William Branham


That's His nature

Some people picture Samson as having a--a shoulders about like a barn door. Now, it would be nothing strange about that, to see a man who could pick up the gates of Gaza and walk out with it, or take a lion and pull him apart. But, you know, Samson was just a little bitty (in the street expression), a little shrimp, little bitty, old curly-headed, sissified, mama's boy: seven curls. It was a strange thing. When they thought that a man, a great big ten-foot man could pick up a lion, sure, and kill him. But the strange thing was, this little fellow seemed to be helpless until the Spirit of the Lord come on him. It wasn't Samson. It was the Spirit of the Lord. That's the reason that it wasn't the apostles. Jesus chose them all, practically every one of them without even enough education to sign their name. He didn't choose priests. He didn't choose theologians. He chose fishermen and herdsmen, the ignorant and unlearned, so that He could take that in His hand, and take nothing and make something out of it. That's His nature.

Perseverant - 64-0619 - William Branham


It isn't always the noisy things that's great things

It isn't always the noisy things that's great things. It's not the noisy things. A wagon can go out in the field; when it's unloaded it'll bump, and rattle, and make a lot of noise, can come right back over them same bumps loaded with good things, and won't even make a squeak. Why, it's loaded. What the church needs tonight is to be loaded, filled with the love of God. The sun can draw a million gallons of water with less noise than we can pump a glass full out of a pump. That's right. The--the heavens can sprinkle dew all over the earth with less noise than you can sprinkle your front lawn. Certainly. Did you ever hear the planets turning? Great things are quiet things. Watch the Holy Spirit when It comes in tonight, how quiet It gets everything. But we're after sensations, running after little things, failing to hear that voice.

What Hearest Thou Elijah? - 59-0412E - William Branham


Our bodies need food and drink each day

Now, our bodies need food and drink each day to survive, our physical body. If we don't take food each day and drink, then our body weakens. There's something in us that we must have food. One day's food will not last for the next day. You've got to have food each day to strengthen your mortal being. You can live over, but you're weaker. And the second day, you're still weaker. And the third day, you're getting tremendous weak. Well, that's what many times that we do in the spiritual realm. You see, each day we've got to commune with Christ. We've got to talk to Him each day. We've got to settle it with Him each day. Paul said, "I die each day. (See?) Each day, I die; yet I live, not me but Christ lives in me." So if your physical body needs food each day and drink each day to survive, your spiritual body needs spiritual Food and communion with the Lord each day to survive. Yes.

Communion - 62-0204 - William Branham


He expects those things

God doesn't make any difference between His children. Every son that cometh to God must first be tried or chastised. You get it? First be tried, or chastened, corrected, child trained, schooled, everyone not one exception, every son... Have you went through trials? Have you went through tribulation? Have you suffered persecution? Then you're endure these things, you are real children of God. But when you can't bear chastisement, when the rod comes down heavy, and you run off and back into the world, the Bible said you're illegitimate children and not the children of God. For when a man's born of the Spirit of God, he expects those things, and he loves those things. And the Bible said that the trials that come upon us, fiery trials, is more precious than gold to us. Think of it.

God's Covenant With Abraham And His Seed - 56-0223 - William Branham


It's beautiful

What a beautiful picture it is today of a consecrated life who, once enters into with Christ, dead to the things of the world, hid away with God, and the veil's dropped down around, and all the world's shut off. Then Christianity and religion becomes a pleasure to every believer. Today people just have enough religion to make them miserable, knowing that they ought to do this, their trying to escape hell. Well, if that's the way I felt about it, brother, I don't know what I would do. Oh, get in with Christ. Shut off from the things of the world, for, to commune with Him is a pleasure. It's beautiful. It's something that fills and satisfies the soul, something that gives you peace that passes all understanding. All the crosses become flying wings. All the burdens are chariot wheels. Oh, you can fly away.

A Hidden Life In Christ - 55-1110 - William Branham


It cannot be an organization

That's the way the church of the living God is today; it's unorganized, as far as the world's concerned. But it's bound together by not organization ties, but by the power and the Spirit of Jesus Christ, by the bonds of love. Takes a Methodist and Baptist pat one another on the back and say, "My precious brother," when they have seen they can't walk together unless they're agreed. People say, "Are you a Christian?" "I'm a Baptist." That don't answer the question at all. "Am I a Christian? I'm Pentecost." That don't answer the question. If you are a Christian, you are a borned again creature. You are in a mystic Kingdom of God. Your eyes are not on things of this world, but on things above. And that's when you're in the church. That is the church. It is not an organization; it can never be an organization. Take me on record. The church of the living God can never be any certain group. It cannot be an organization.

Five Definite Identifications Of The True Church Of The Living God - 60-0911E - William Branham


You've got to get your own thoughts out of the way

A man's work declares his character. Christ was God's work. And Christ declared God's character, His feeling for the sick, His longing for saving of souls, till even He gave His own life. God's work... God's character was declared in Christ. And if you can just empty your own intellectual thoughts out and give God the right of way, He can declare His character through the work of your yielding. Empty out; get the world, get your doubts out of the way. If you come to the altar to be prayed for, say, "I'll go up and see if I get healed," God can never declare His works. You've got to get your own thoughts out of the way and let Him fill you.

Believe From The Heart - 57-0623 - William Branham


This is man's day

But if you don't accept Light, it'll become darkness to you. You'll criticize It, and call It holy-roller, and you might as well have a millstone hanged at your neck, and drowned in the depths of the sea. You blaspheme the Holy Ghost. There's not forgiveness. Said, "Who speaks a word against the Son of man would be forgiven. But if you speak against the Holy Ghost, it'll never be forgiven you." But, oh, you knowed so much. So you made fun of the people that was in the Spirit of God, believing in Divine healing, and the resurrection of Christ, and the powers of God. You made fun of it, turned up your nose and walked out of church. I want you to see what happens when you stand before the King Who sent this Message. Uh-huh. Oh, you think you got it big, but just wait till the day comes. This is man's day, the Lord's day's coming. That's right.

The Power Of God - 55-1006E - William Branham


What kind of insurance you got?

12. And I believe--I believe I'm talking to people who are looking for the Lord to come. And I believe we're right in the shadows of His coming, right now. Oh, what a glorious time to know that some blessful day He will break through the eastern horizon, come down to receive His Church. I'm so happy today that by grace that He's numbered me with you all. I believe you're going there. And I believe, by His grace, that He will let me go with you. And then we're going to have plenty of time to talk, won't we? For just forever.
Now, I'm going to hurry just as quick as I can. I'm going to lay my watch out, so I won't be too long of speaking, and I'm just a little late to start. I'm always late, because I never want to get in a hurry about anything. You know, that's the trouble of us today, we're in too much of a hurry. And I... When I got married, I was--I was late at my wedding. And someone said, "You'll be late at your funeral."
I said, "I hope I am." Ha-ha-ha.

13. There was a fellow trying to tell me, said... He was trying to sell me insurance, and he said... I didn't have any insurance and--and so I... Not as I got anything against it, but I think many of the American people are insurance poor. So, I said, "Oh," I said... He said, "You haven't got bit of insurance."
I said, "Oh, yes."
"Oh," he said, "excuse me, Billy, I didn't know that you had insurance."
I said, "Yeah."
Said, "What kind of insurance you got?"
I said, "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, oh, what a foretaste..."
And so he stopped and looked a little bit, you know, and he standing among some people. He said, "But Billy, that won't that won't put you in the graveyard up here."
I said, "I know it, but it'll get me out. I'm not worried about getting in there."...?... We're not worried about getting in there; it's getting out, isn't that right? So, the Holy Spirit is God's insurance Agent here this afternoon, giving policies out to whosoever will receive them, you can have one. If you're not saved and know not the grace of our Lord Jesus, accept Him today. "He that heareth My words and believeth on Him that sent Me, has passed from death unto Life, and not come into condemnation." Oh, I think that's marvelous, don't you?

Life Story - 51-0722A - William Branham


I trust on what He done

58. Do you see it? Don't look at yourself; look at your Sacrifice. God don't look at you; He looks at your Sacrifice which is Christ. Don't look at yourself. I'm not worthy; you're not worthy; nobody's worthy; but He is the One. I'm not counting on what I've done, what I am, or I--I'd never make it. But I'm looking to what He done. There's where I'm trusting: What He done. He's my Sacrifice. I'm not worthy of healing. No, sir. Lord, ought to have died long... I ought never even been born. But I live; I got Eternal Life; I'm going to heaven. Why? Because He done it for me...?... He took my place. I was knock-kneed, cross-eyed in every kind of condition, but He took my place. Spiritually speaking, I was all twisted up, and all messed up; but He took my place; so He makes me a perfect son of God, a perfect daughter of God. His sacrifice did it, not mine. I had nothing to do with it. I was borned all out of shape anyhow. But I--I don't trust in what I done. I trust on what He done (See?), what He was, that's what it was.

Abraham And His Seed After Him - 61-0416 - William Branham


He is always on time

10. God knowed the end from the beginning, therefore He could plan everything, that it would work out just to His glory. And that gives us courage, to know that no matter what comes or goes, God is making everything, the clock is ticking just exactly on time.

11. Sometimes we get weary, upset. We get hastily. We think, "Oh, we must do this, or do that."

12. But, remember, God's clock will be just exactly on time. All these things has to be this way. It has to all be done according to His great knowledge, His foreknowledge, for by foreknowledge He could predestinate; not by His desire, but by His knowledge. God doesn't predestinate by His desire. He is not willing that any should perish, but by His foreknowledge He knew who would accept itand who would not. Therefore He can make everything work according to His big time clock that's ticking away, for He could foretell the end from the beginning. And, therefore, He knew that we would live in this day. He knew that this would be our day. Hehad plans for this day. He has had plans for every day. And never has one of His plans ever failed. He is always on time.

The Super Sign - 63-1129 - William Branham


We are brethren

Letters come to me, "What's your doctrine, Brother Branham? You was a Baptist, do you still believe in eternal security? Are you Jesus only? Have you... Do you baptize at all? Do you sprinkle?" I'll say this: I have one doctrine, the great fundamental evangelical doctrine of the Bible. I've never left a meeting to my knowing with any confusion. I've always tried to leave the meeting with sweetness of the Holy Spirit. Never tried to make... proselyte, I never try to take someone's disciples. The thing I try to do is add the sinner to any church that he wants to go to. As long as he's borned again of the Spirit of God, he's my brother and she's my sister. And the doctrines... I have my own ideas, but I keep them to myself. And then when I come here, or anywhere else... What if I take sides one way or the other, it would be... I would be throwing all the influence that the Lord has given me to one certain denomination. Therefore, I don't take sides with any of them. I stay on sides with all of them, and try to pull them together, and say, "We are brethren.

It Is I Be Not Afraid - 59-0811 - William Branham


The anchor holds

A Christian is not tossed about. A Christian doesn't run from place to place. A Christian doesn't fuss, and fume, and worry about things. A Christian rests. It's all over. It's all finished for the believer at Calvary. That's right. Oh, sickness may comes and disappointments; but the Christian's at rest knowing this, that God's able to keep that which He has performed, knowing that no matter what the thing is, or how it looks, there's neither sickness, sorrow, death; there's neither starvation or anything that can separate us from the love of God that's in Jesus Christ. We're at rest. Just let the old ship toss any way she wants to; the anchor holds.

Why Are People So Tossed About - 56-0101 - William Branham


You can accept or turn away

Now, a man is made up as a triune being: soul, body, spirit. Now, the outside is the body. There's five gates to that body, and that's the five senses, of course: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear. The inside, like the seed that's planted... The inside of that is the pulp-like of the seed, which is the soul. There's five gates to that you enter into: conscience, and memory, and so forth. But then inside of that little compartment is the third compartment, which is the spirit. And that's what controls the rest of it. There's only one avenue through that, and that's self will. You can accept or turn away and that's the only avenue to that. If you accept the will of God through that spirit, God's Spirit takes His place in your heart and controls the rest of you. And if you do not accept that, then the enemy takes that spot and controls the rest of you.

An Ensign - 62-0119 - William Branham


Purpose in your heart

There's only one thing and only one place in the Bible that has ever acted that made a person take off their clothes and they were devil-possessed. That's right. It's the truth, and it's no compliment on that--compromising. It's the truth. It's the devil that gets into those people that makes them strip their clothes off. It's the devil. You don't mean to be wrong, but woman, it's the devil doing that. It used to be wrong for holiness women to wear paint on their face. And now, they just gob it in on any way and sing and shout and praise the Lord like there was nothing to it. Oh, brother, do you realize that that's the devil that's a doing that? Purpose in your heart that you'll live. If it's old fashion, live old fashion and serve the Lord God of the heavens and earth. Purpose in your heart.

The Handwriting On The Wall - 56-0902 - William Branham


It interprets itself

God don't need any interpreter. I can't interpret His Word. Neither can anybody interpret His Word. He's His own Interpreter. When He said He'd do anything, He does it, and that settles it. That's all there is to it. He said He would do it, and He did it. That settles it. There ain't nobody tells this is that, or that's that. He does it Himself. Our interpretations is nothing to the Scripture. He speaks Himself, and that's the way it is. In the beginning when He said, "Let there be light," and there was light, that don't need any interpretation. "A virgin shall conceive." She did. "I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh." He did. Don't need any interpretation. What He said He would do in this day, He's doing it. It don't need to be interpreted. It interprets itself. He's His own Interpreter.

When Their Eyes Were Opened They Knew Him - 64-0312 - William Branham


It isn't God's fault

And my brother, He has provided already in Jesus Christ, the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, has been provided for your sickness tonight. He has wrote it out in a Book. He has sent the Holy Spirit. He's put gifts in the Church. Now, it isn't God's fault; it will be our own unbelief. Isn't that true? If we don't receive it, it isn't God's fault. Do you believe that with all your heart, that Jesus Christ has been provided as the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world for--for your salvation and healing. Do you believe that? Raise your hand.

Jehovan Jireh - 55-0817 - William Branham


But what he believes that he can't explain

God doesn't make things complicated of so many rosaries, and so many this, and join this, and so much education, so much theology. Why, we get ourselves farther and farther away from God all the time by doing so. Today, we're so scientific till we can tell how many molecules it takes to make an atom, how many electrons, and so forth, and split that atom, and tell you how it's done, and make an atomic bomb. And then we can explain how we done it, but walk over a blade of grass that we cannot explain. God in simplicity. God manifested Himself in simplicity. He makes Hisself simple so that the wise will not understand. Jesus said, "I thank Thee, Father. Thou hast hid this from the wise and prudent, and will reveal it to babes such as will learn." Don't never try to educate yourself to God. When you do, you educate yourself away from God. See? God's not known by education. God's knowing by faith. And the first stroke that the devil took was on the educational program, and man lost his fellowship with God. That's exactly. He must know God by faith, not what he can explain, but what he believes that he can't explain.

God Hiding Himself In Simplicity - 63-0412E - William Branham


Will you do that?

Don't presume; stay with the Word. Don't accept nothing different. Stay exactly what God said stay with. Stay with the Word. Amen. God is obligated. God's obligated to His Word. And if the Word's in you, He's obligated to you with His Word. But when you do like Eve, doubt one little speck of it and move something in to substitute, you're out, right there. Stay with the Word. Let's not presume anything. Let's just take what the Word says and believe it. Will you do that?

Presuming - 62-0408 - William Branham


I've got a right to believe in the supernatural

I have man, everywhere across the country, sometimes criticizing me about Divine healing. Why, my brother, how could I keep from believing in Divine healing, when it's the very nature of the Holy Spirit. Every man that's born of the Spirit of God will have to believe in the supernatural, because he is a part of God, he's an offspring of God. I say, "You look like your daddy." Say, "You got a nose like..." Tell me I got a nose like dad; I got a mouth like dad. Why? He's my father. I got a right to look like him. Hallelujah. Then if God is my Father, I've got a right to believe in the supernatural, because I'm born of the supernatural Spirit, that makes a supernatural being out of me. Inward, outwardly, I am--I'm a man of clay; you're a man of clay. But inwardly, when you're born of the Spirit of God, you become a supernatural being in there, and that supernatural being hungers and thirsts for its heavenly home, yonder. That's right.

Go Tell My Disciples - 53-0405S - William Branham


Man is character

Man ain't measured by muscles; that's beast. Man's measured by character. I seen men that weighed two hundred pounds and all muscle and didn't have an ounce of man in him. Throw a baby out of a mother's arms and ravish her, that ain't a man; that's a beast. That's brute. Man is character. There never was a man like Jesus Christ. But the Bible said there was no beauty that we should desire Him. Probably a little, bitty Fellow, stooped in the shoulder or something... We all hid as it was our faces from Him. But He... There never was a character like that. That's what real man is. You don't measure a man's muscles, but by the bags of the knees in his pants where he's been praying. That's the way you measure a man, by character. It's true.

Hear Ye Him - 60-0712 - William Branham


You have come with your sheaf

If there would be any holy ritual, it should come forth on the sabbath day, which was the seventh day of the week, which is Saturday. But did you notice in this memorial, to wave it on the first day of the week. The sheaf, which was the first of your seed that you planted, when it comes up and ripens, you cut down this sheaf and take it to the priest, and let him take it and wave it before the Lord for your acception, that you are accepted. You have come with your sheaf, and he's to wave it before the Lord on, not on the sabbath, the seventh day, but on the first day, which we call Sunday.

It Is The Rising Of The Sun - 65-0418M - William Branham