
It is a purpose of God

It is a purpose of God to give us the blessed Holy Spirit. It is a purpose of God to show us signs, and wonders, and miracles. It's a purpose of God and nothing can destroy it. All powers of hell might wager against it, but it will prevail. We have God's eternal promise. There may be teachers; there may be isms rise; there may be great programs rise; there may be things that look like that it would be destroyed; but it can never be destroyed. It is the purpose of God to see that it will prevail. Then it's not up to me, and it's not up to you whether it will be destroyed or not. It's up to God. And we can rest assured on it, that God will never let our heritage be destroyed; for it's His purpose to give it to us.

I Know My Redeemer Liveth - 58-0406S - William Branham

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