
He is always on time

10. God knowed the end from the beginning, therefore He could plan everything, that it would work out just to His glory. And that gives us courage, to know that no matter what comes or goes, God is making everything, the clock is ticking just exactly on time.

11. Sometimes we get weary, upset. We get hastily. We think, "Oh, we must do this, or do that."

12. But, remember, God's clock will be just exactly on time. All these things has to be this way. It has to all be done according to His great knowledge, His foreknowledge, for by foreknowledge He could predestinate; not by His desire, but by His knowledge. God doesn't predestinate by His desire. He is not willing that any should perish, but by His foreknowledge He knew who would accept itand who would not. Therefore He can make everything work according to His big time clock that's ticking away, for He could foretell the end from the beginning. And, therefore, He knew that we would live in this day. He knew that this would be our day. Hehad plans for this day. He has had plans for every day. And never has one of His plans ever failed. He is always on time.

The Super Sign - 63-1129 - William Branham

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